09-30-2022, 06:35 AM
(09-30-2022, 05:47 AM)Piglet Wrote:(09-29-2022, 10:47 PM)Clang McFly Wrote:(09-29-2022, 05:56 PM)Piglet Wrote:My sense of humor is fine. Ok maybe a little weird,lame,immature and if I let loose a little, sometimes dark.....(09-29-2022, 05:05 PM)Clang McFly Wrote: Superchangafragilisticexpialidocious
What happened to your sense of humour? At least your communicating chang, even if i dont understand what your saying. Humour is a way of keeping people away. Deeply sensitive old chum. As for not being trusted i dont know what that means, i think your saying im dodgy, that you wouldnt leave your daughter with me, or ask me too look after money.
How wrong is that. As for biting duchess, you must have spent a lot of time with chang to know he doesnt bite.
If i was trussed up in a straight jacket, id be trying to bite something, and be frothing at the mouth. With wild eyes, cursing like a glasgow sailor.
Do you work at the airfield chang. ? Can you be sure im not behind you? Only joking.
Noone ever knows what I'm saying. Imagine that! The quiet, socially awkward, virgin,late bloomer, crossdressing weirdo has trouble communicating. My mom loved to talk. Rarely let me get a word in edgewise then wondered why I'm so quiet.
If you insist I bite, might as well bite you. *Chomp* Ewwww....sour, bitter, rotten deep fried pig nuts and asshole.
Excellent, you are communicating very effectively, and a temper too. You sound like an INFJ type. Type infj type into youtube and compare that to yourself, or infp. Those types are late bloomers, but when they do they become god like. You might be an intj.
The problem with introverted types, is that you come to a conclusion early on in life wrongly, about yourself, and stick to it. Being an introvert means that early on in life its hard to be more extrovert, it takes time, and development is slow.
But when you do, watch out world. When you realise who you really are its enormously liberating, like getting out of Lompoc jail.
There, i may have changed your life. If i havent, it will change in time, once youve read this you cant unread it. Or not look into what im saying. Its not about your mother.
Your welcome.
You haven't really changed my life. I've been working on myself for the last few years. I'm alot less anxious than I used to be. I don't let the bad things affect me as much as much as they used to. And my occasional temper? Side effect of being a white knight, people pleasing nice guy most of the time and my wish to be more like the asshole bad boy the ladies like.
My friend Mike and my brother changed my life, they got me to go out more instead of watching TV and playing on my phone/computer.