11-23-2022, 01:50 PM
(11-23-2022, 08:42 AM)Piglet Wrote: It may have skipped your notice, but i got a volley of vulgarity from Mr Fly for trying to help. And yes, he does need help, and if he followed any of the assertiveness concepts, or just read them, then i will take the credit. We all need help at various times.
As for change, it will happen, regardless, it is better to change for the better, life is ever changing. As for vulgarity, i am taken aback by the Duchess, not aptly named. I know now how diffucult it must have been for the royal family to integrate the slag, Meghan Markle.
If you were surprised by my post, you should have written " goodness me", or " thats interesting". If you had difficulty understanding such, then a response such as " well well well, " or " crikey".
To assimilate you into polite British society would have been a challenge, apart from your clothes, which would be trainers and jeans. Thank god it never came to that.
As for Chang, the here and now is always a choice, he can spend it as he sees fit, and it wont be spent well. I notice that there has been yet more shootings over there, i take it Chang still lives, as the shooters seem to be dead. If Chang ever gets to post a video, it wont be of him sitting an exam, or with a cracking girl on his arm, unless its some sort of farm animal.
A lobotomy wont help Sally, as a search party for a brain will be needed first. I am glad Chang is happier, at least some trajectory is upward, and am aware this note may have the opposite effect. Still, hey ho, easy come easy go. Knowledge is everything. As for your foul mouthed rant, cursed be your mothers anus, and i will shit on your fathers nose.
There, i feel better. Assertion technique no 1, get your own back. Duchess, get a book on english manners, WOW, waiting for the explosion, but do it in an english way. The word fuck is not english.