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Tales from the Frontline: Online Dating
Ok so jumping in——
Day 1 : 55 mofos. 
Most gross.
A lot of super young ins with MILF fever - oh jeezus I have kids haha
Some interesting ( I’ll give them pretend names)
1. Greg. Wanted to call me right away. Successful. Kids similar age. Back- handed compliment on my pics cause I only post non-posed stuff - not trying to attract that!- made me laugh. Couldn’t stop mansplaining on phone cause quote “he liked me” lol. My take: wound too tight to handle me. Groan. 
2. Alan: Commercial Realtor. Seems real cool until 10 texts in telling me he’s really nice just wants me to wear pantyhose ALL the time and call him Daddy. Ummmmmmmm
3. Neil: now in FL for 2 weeks- ex-Narcc undercover now in diff career field. Interesting but away.
4. Tom.  Trying to set up Fri date
5. Erik.  Met him for drink tonight. Yikes he’s cute. Super dimple on right side - college football coach with swag. So much chemistry but- his ex died! So worried about that-  cannot ever compare to that. Anyway he took me for drinks. And it was easy- chemistry  a ton. But still regardless of being grown ass adult I sent him home after. I mean whoaaaa slow down Trigger lol.
6. Mike: Super cute touring comedian.  But hmmm. Sent me videos of his act and he’s kinda bigger than it seemed- but he’s a really good comedian. Pretty impressive.
7. Evan:ER doc. Mostly cool. A little awkward I think/ but sometimes hard to tell via text.

Who should I keep/explore further vs ditch like right now??? Please help me Mock fam.

Messages In This Thread
Tales from the Frontline: Online Dating - by GirlBoss - 01-03-2023, 09:03 PM