How can I gain your approval today?
Just caught up with this. Unfortunately you are all only seeing a small picture of yourselves, its much bigger. Rothschild says its about the cards you are dealtt in regards to external stuff, family, etc, but its much more than that.

Recent research has shown that memories from previous lives can be expressed here and now.

To use Mirahs example, that she gives and others take, classic stuff, its not about failings on her part at all, its about your default setting.

There are default settings on my car, it cant function beyond its capacity can it? Mirahs default setting is that she gives, her love of other people kicks in at some point and she forgets herself, and when its not reciprocated she has a problem. She loves her cat unconditionally.

So where does that come from, ? its her genes, uncountable previous lifetimes where she has learnt to love so much its become part of her, and is automatic. If she was a car she would have been built in Dresden or wherever. My partners daughter lives in the moment, thinking about consequences and the future does not exist.

I dont function on logic, numbers, facts or anything concrete, i lead my life on feeling, on how it makes me feel. My type teeters on psychosis, living in our heads more than the outside world. Tiki got it right when he said i need a feeling room.

My partner lives concretely, she senses, abstract stuff is not understood in any way, and because i understand that no problem exists. Mirah would not get frustrated if she understood her self and others. Some cannot reciprocate, choose not to, or in the best way they can which can go unnoticed because its so shallow. The depth of her feeling can only be matched by someone like her.

Think of it like this, that in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. And your opened eye is the Myers briggs site, Carl Jung who developed it did something amazing, he described our inner functions.

Its helped me a lot because my type only begins to bloom in advanced years, we grow younger, not older, you dont want to know what were like young. It is complex stuff but well worth the time you invest in studying and understanding it. Think how you can short circuit all that pain and frustration you feel over others behaviour.

Think of it like this, they cant help it. And you will be one up because you get it, and wont be drained by rage, anger and depression because of who they are. And because we are so different problems are bound to exist.

My partners daughter is an ESTP, look that up on you tube, ESTP in ten minutes etc, it describes them in how they live their lives, and its got my partners daughter off to a tee, and in great detail.

If you can identify your own type you too can have insight into yourself and begin managing yourself much better. And your relatives, understanding your self, like i understand my cars acceleration rate, boot capacity, etc CAN ONLY BE A GOOD THING. Your type will be on Youtube.

And existetial suffering can be minimised.

Messages In This Thread
How can I gain your approval today? - by MirahM - 02-15-2023, 02:06 AM
RE: How can I gain your approval today? - by Piglet - 02-17-2023, 08:53 AM