02-26-2023, 12:38 AM
(02-25-2023, 07:14 PM)sally Wrote: One time I drove up to the convenience store parking space where this crack head cunt was getting out of her piece of shit car. I parked nowhere near her, got out of my car and she said "watch it bitch". I'm a nice person until someone fucks with me for no reason and if I had a gun I'd have no problem shooting her stupid brains out other than going to jail for life. So yeah, I don't need a gun. Or a baseball bat.
I hear you, sister!
In no behavioral order . . . stupidity, disrespect, entitlement, arrogance, cluelessness, and bullying, are triggers to get my dander up. Do I dare say "I see red", in a non-native sort of way . . . or is that considered cultural misappropriation?
Anyway, unless my or someone else’s life is in imminent danger AND without any other options to intelligently escape the threat, I would not brandish or threaten the use of my firearm.
My anger is not a viable reason to take a life . . . no matter how big of a douchebag you are.
Even though you probably deserve it and I would be doing all of mankind a favor.
Yeah, asshole . . . count your blessings. You just dodged a bullet.
But not my mouth or my middle finger . . . bitch!