03-17-2023, 06:28 PM
(03-17-2023, 06:12 PM)BlueTiki Wrote:While I do appreciate you illustrating for us that men do NOT corner the market on myopic stupidity and missing the point, I have to disagree with your assessment of my original post. I'm not making any sort of statement on the rightness or wrongness of historic exclusionary practices. I'm simply stating that the concept of playing with gender/cross dressing has been ingrained in multiple cultures FAR longer than any ofnus has been alive, and the notion that it's suddenly somehow corrupting our civilization is (as you say) ridiculous drivel. Perpetrated by your heroes on the extreme right.(03-17-2023, 03:29 PM)rothschild Wrote:(03-17-2023, 10:11 AM)Donovan Wrote: Drag shows have been a part of culture for hundreds of years. Monty Python did drag and sexual misdirection as a staple. Bugs Bunny frequently did crossdressing gags and kissed Elmer in sexually suggestive fashion while doing so (for you morons making the "but the KIIIIIIIIIDS" argument) So did Shakespeare. Literally every female character in his plays was played by a man, and most of his comedies had some version of gender bending/romantic misdirection as a comedic trick. The indignant response is basically just from the hyper-repressed knuckleheads who are experiencing some odd sensations looking at drag queens and are conflicted because their republican Jesus said it was bad.
You don't think there's a difference between a Shakespeare and the American Library Association, National School Boards Association, or state education departments?
you seem to see everything relating to socio-economics through a dichotomous prism. I'd love to see the look on your face if it was removed, and the whole world was there for you to see.
What a bunch of shit. Two men . . . MANSPLANING and justifying . . . men dressing and pretending to be women . . . as merely a comic misdirection or an insidious and calculated temptress to deceive and corrupt . . . as only women can and do so well. The fille or femme fatale.
Yeah . . . assholes. Thanks for perpetrating the female stereotype as the ultimate deceivers and and comedic relief.
Fuck-off . . . both of you.
It's obvious neither of you have any literate grasp of the historical (mis)costuming of genders. You both offer nothing but misogynistic and sophomoric opinions . . . absolute ridiculous drivel . . . a distorted and myopic male view . . . ruled by both your own personal political leanings and hatred.
And yet, here you are . . . lecturing on shit you know absolutely nothing about. Fucking pompous male gasbags!
Jeez, Tiki. Take a Midol.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.