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(04-16-2023, 06:23 PM)aussiefriend Wrote: That girl deserves to get her head bashed in. Karma will get her. The reason when you visit these places are moving and emotional, there is something there. It's like the spirits of the people scream out about the atrocities that took place. That stupid bitch will get hers. Something will happen to her. What a grotesque entitled generation we have raised. Both my grandfathers served in World War II fight the bloody gerrys. My mother was in an orphanage.

I was just reading about some Auchwitz victims looking at some of the pictures of the darling little children that died. They are so sweet and precious. Those people were good people, who could have made a far more productive contribution to the human race than that dumb bitch. I wish I knew who she was, I would troll her.
That girl is fucking Jewish, zoom in on her nose and ears. You have no idea the reason she decided to pose for a picture like that, but minding your own goddamn business is what you should do. People that can't manage to mind their own business sometimes get their heads bashed in.

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RE: THE 2023 THREAD NO ONE WANTED TO MAKE - by sally - 04-21-2023, 09:14 PM