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Where does your King and Queen live?
It is true our armed forces are at an all time low. About a decade ago the navy had a spat with an Iranian frigate, we had a small boat out, and while there was a confrontation, one of our female sailors was on her tablet. Our boat ran. Made the national headlines, the navys shame was unbearable. This is what your young people are like too.

We dont kneel, we dont kneel to the EU or you. The SAS is by far the best specialised killing machine thare ever has been, you wont agree but your wrong. The conservatives have become light red, money goes on nonsense rather than defence. There is the older generation, that if the Russian bastard ever got as far as the french coast, they would have me and many others waiting.

We may be small but we have teeth, nuclaer ones. At least Britain has a heart.

I watched the grapes of wrath last night, surely one of the greatest films ever.


The Hollywood screen writers are on strike, i think they should stay on strike for the pap they produce now.

When we rebuild our forces, we will now, the world is a different place, our enemies will be up against the celts. When wars were about hand to hand fighting, the enemy, when hearing music fled many times, before an axe was thrown, this is recorded by historians who were there.

The scots welsh and irish are a fearsome enemy, fearless. The english provide the brains. What is this music that terrifies?, its the bagpipes. The SAS is full of celts, geordies, Mancunians, Liverpudlians, Britain will never fall, its gods own country.

Messages In This Thread
Where does your King and Queen live? - by Piglet - 04-30-2023, 06:20 AM
RE: Where does your King and Queen live? - by Piglet - 05-02-2023, 07:02 AM