05-29-2023, 02:44 PM
(05-29-2023, 11:27 AM)sally Wrote: They turn mine off if I don't pay.
Over 30 years ago, some of Scottsdale's wells were contaminated with a toxic chemical (from Motorola's manufacturing process). Traditional water filtering and treatment could not remove the chemical.
The affected residents had no recourse against the City, because they were providing water that met all filtration and treatment guidelines. According to standards, the water was both "clean and potable". These residents, too, were required to pay their water bill or force shut-off. I'm sure they thought their water was both "clean" and safe.
So . . . the City sued Motorola for both cleanup, decontamination and monetary damages.
The water customers got nothing . . . except a new assurance of water that was now "clean" and potable.
"Clean" is legal bullshit masquerading as an assurance of safety and quality. IMO.
And that's how water suppliers and government can massage the definition to their advantage and without consequences.