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Cars is your phone backed up to anything? I would much rather loose my phone than my wallet. Once upon a time loosing my phone would have been embarresing, but I don't take photos like that anymore, so there is nothing on my phone that would embarres me. My contacts are backed up my photos are backed up.
Last year I jumped in to the water with my phone-and I did loose some content, which was unfortunate, but i easily got a new phone.
I lost my wallet during covid. That was not fun. I had to get replacement cards, stop cards, replacement ID etc etc, I didn't like the feeling of my wallet being in someone else's hands. (it is probably still laying in the bottom of the lake somewhere, but still)


Messages In This Thread
RE: WOULD YOU RATHER LOOSE YOUR . . . . . . . - by MirahM - 05-19-2024, 11:57 PM