01-10-2010, 07:48 PM
(01-10-2010, 06:48 PM)ramseycat Wrote: I can't show the link because the old forum was taken down and there is a new one. Linda the owner of It's Good to be the Queen upgraded to a new forum and made it so you have to be let in after registering. Much like this place but without the newbie hell. That was done BECAUSE of Lisa.
I will try to make a long story short. I joined the Queens in 2004 and Lisa was already there. Nice girl normal. Married with three boys. we all had a blast. We would have threads 25 pages long and laugh our asses off. Lisa seemed pretty normal and seemed like she had a nice life until her hubs cheated on her. We of course all rallied around her and said what a douche he was etc etc. She being the woman scorned wanted to take him for everything he had. Understandable. He wanted 50⁄50 custody and she didn't want him to have shit. Lisa didn't like it when some of us gave her honest advice that even though her ex was a douch, fair is fair and in her state everything is 50/50. She got pissed and left in a huff. In the meantime 6 of us had our own private forum on the side. We were all super close. It was there for us to talk about things we didn't want to share on the big board. Lisa comes back sometime later as smileinggreeneyesofbue. She met a new man and he was great. I can't remember if she was preggs then or not. But the baby came soon after. They get married. She had the baby. We all ooh and ood over the baby. Lisa lives in the same state as one of the girls on the big board and the private board. They got together and had a nice visit. Not two days later Lisa gets on the board and totally attacks me and it got ugly. I tried to keep it civil but then she started attacking my kids. I had enough at that point. This crap went on for days and then she signs on acting like it wasn't her. She blamed Mil, the girl she had just met up with. No one bought that and everyone jumped her shit for the crap she said. Not just to me but to others. She called sobbing and crying saying it wasn't her. It was Mil and why would Mil do that to her. Blah blah blah. After much drama Lisa ends up getting banned for life. Many friendships were destroyed due to her antics. She kept coming back under new names. One time she even pretended to be a mom that was trying to conceive and having problems and they were going to do invitro. It was pathetic. Old forum closed down. New forum started. I was Qeenmom on the old forum and ramseycat on the new one. I have never posted on the new forum. If anyone is so inclined to find the old forum, I think it was on forumco. Their is a private forum that the ones I am close to and I have. I have no idea what Lisa has done since or where she is now. I don't care. I want nothing to do with this psycho. Why she felt the need to seek me out after all this time is beyond me.
Bow to me bitch. I am so powerful I can take down an entire forum all by myself. Bunch of whiny, fragile, whores. Go back over to your sad, loser, flowery board. OMG, do they know the filth you spew over here? Self righteous, blubbering, uppity, tight assed, over-sensitive, no sex, uptight suburbanite, frigid, big boned fat ass, hairy bitch.