01-10-2010, 08:52 PM
Frank's intro thread:
He was rather... enthusiastic, wasn't he?
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: NY
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Posts: 460
What's Up BabyCakes & SweetiePies!
There are several here that I know from my site but there is one in particular I have to smooch publicly because she is the one I put down as "referred by" when signing up - and that is:
I want to list the others because I love them so much (Aussie, Twilla, etc.) but then I would be clearly stepping into a sticky area. Anyway, shaddap about that. Let's move on.
There are 4000 forums here so do me a favor - tell me the coolest few. I don't want to spread my Italian goodness around too thin. I want to stay sort of compact - I can handle the flames better. Is this place OK to debate and spice things up a little, or do I have to pretend I like everyone all the time? Do I take on the role of Polyanna? Is this Lolipop land or a Down & Dirty Nasty Filthy WhoreHouse kind of place? Just tell me the truth, I can adapt. Watch:
If it's all artificial and lolipopped out, I can say stuff just like I was on meds:
That was so kind of you to respond, and while I don't agree, we can certainly agree to disagree.
Or, if it's real and cool, I can say:
Are you high?
Just give me the deal, I can adapt. My name is Frank, Flexi-Frank to be honest. AussiePam will spank me if I get to be too much, and Lady Cop will cuff me and ... wait, that's not exactly a deterrent.
Heh heh. That's right, I said heh heh, I'm from NY. So you want to know a pet peeve of mine? People who act like they don't know NY rules! Just for our pizza alone. If you live outside of the U.S. please don't insult me and pretend you know what good pizza is. The closest you get to it is that leaning tower of pizza.
Two final, important questions:
Is there a place here were sexy girlie pics are posted?
Are the Admins here cool, uptight, weird, what? I'm an Admin on my forum site so don't worry - I know how to handle these people (lots of love letters, compliments, etc.).
Where do I start!!!?
Thanks for having me!
- Frank
He was rather... enthusiastic, wasn't he?