08-02-2008, 02:28 PM
Tommy Tourette Wrote:Rel fuke, itz no differnt inside. Take my word.
This forum is like Ralphie's Ovaltine ring.
A real disappointment.
And....worst of all.... engineered to be so.
Like a bad kid. So much potential; so little application.
But.... if lame shit turns ya on.... go for it.
Instead of being a crying little bitch wrapped up with negativity, how about you lead the way with that big fat mouth of yours and role model the greatness that could be.
Let's see what you are talking about. Show me. Show me since you imply you could deliver. If you can't or don't, then how about kissing my ass instead since it will then be YOU that is the disappointment.
The ball is in your court, asshole. I'm right here.