01-13-2010, 08:28 AM
(01-13-2010, 07:07 AM)LuMPyPussy Wrote: I STILL don't give a shit if it's the kid, what I object to and which is apparently too subtle for most of this forum to comprehend without me shouting about it in every fucking thread, is the amount of bullshit Syber and useless filled this forum with in their weak attempt to show their disapproval. And now I'm supposedly the one that can't shut up about this? Let's review this again... breast feeding, pacifiers and chicken soup... nope, none of those were my threads. And if anyone here thinks those were 'interesting' threads, then they really need to review what they're looking for in a mock forum.
And does anyone else notice Frank skipping from thread to thread, first telling Syber to shut up about this, now telling ME to shut up about this? Does this moron have anything of value to contribute to his own forum? No he does not.
some of us understand that it only takes one pissed off parent of a kid that got in and your beloved forum and your dumb assed admin will be all but history.
now maybe mock doesn't mean as much to you as being some kind of psuedo fucking mock elder, who knows for sure ? but you really need to chill out your power is a fantasy and not a real aspect of the real world.
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.
John Adams
John Adams