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After exhausting many avenues of inquiry, I have yet to find Flynn's actual "lie".  The quotation marks are for the purpose of indicating it was a plea bargain.  Perhaps there was no lie . . . just a plea to a lesser offense.

You know . . . like dropping multiple traffic offenses (reckless driving, suspended license, no insurance, no current registration) into a speeding ticket and failure to renew license.  Plead guilty to murder and we'll take the death penalty off the table and you'll be eligible for parole in 30 years.

It happens all the time.  People plead to crimes they didn't commit to avoid being prosecuted for crimes they did commit.

However, without the actual "lie", I have no idea what crime Flynn committed (or if he really did commit a crime).

It's very strange that NO reporter from ANY network has pressed for this information.  That to me is disturbing.  Not one.  Why? 

And to my knowledge, the judge was not requiring Flynn to allocute the specific misdeed (the "lie").

I'm surprised DOJ prosecutors didn't state, with specificity, "This is the factual event and here is the supporting documentation.  Here is what Flynn stated which is contrary to the factual event and supporting documentation. Ergo: this is the lie to the FBI that Flynn has plead guilty."

Pretty simple.  Unless there was no lie . . . there was something else.

I would then expect the DOJ prosecutors to state: "Flynn committed this/these act(s) and the government has irrefutable evidence to support these charges.  However, in the interest of justice, we have offered a plea of a lesser crime to defendant Flynn.  It is our position that this is a fair and just resolve to Flynn's behavior."  

If there was a crime concerning the phone call with Kislyak, the FBI has transcripts and it would be a simple matter to illuminate Flynn's lie(s) or at worst, treason.

If he lied to Mueller investigators, that, too, would be a very simple matter to publicly disclose.

I know that Mock members are diligent in fact-finding (often with a healthy dose of snark and opinion).  There is no doubt Flynn agreed to a plea bargain.  And the plea bargain was for a lie . . . or perhaps multiple lies.

I am asking if any member has concrete information, not speculation, of the lie or lies, by Flynn, to which he has pleaded guilty.

And yes . . . it's curious that Flynn's defense team hasn't released this information.

However, it is possible that there really never was a lie . . . just a plea to a lesser charge of a far greater unknown and undisclosed crime.

If that's the case, then shame on the FBI, the DOJ and Mueller for not crucifying him.  Where's the justice in that?

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