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Angela Allen, teens and internet predators
(02-21-2012, 09:22 AM)IMaDick Wrote: Every parent who has teens on the internet should have a key logger installed on the computer and check it daily.

There is no reason to think that the privacy rights of the juvenile has any place in protecting their child.

If their kid sets their facebook or twitter account or any other account on the net to private they should be banned from using the Internet.

key-logger is really not a bad idea as long as you can control yourself and not punch them in the mouth for looking up porn and other unpleasant (from the eyes of a parent) shit they happen to type.

however, I set my facebook account to private (did w/ myspace too back then) my reason for doing so was so that less random creeps would be able to see my profile and/or contact me. not just to block out a parent and then accept tons of random guys friends requests....if you're implying that's why kids set their accounts to private

Messages In This Thread
RE: Angela Allen, teens and internet predators - by koko - 02-21-2012, 02:41 PM