07-31-2015, 01:24 PM
It's good to see you crash, but what the fuck are you banging on about? 
Humans are interesting that way. Amusingly enough, we don't have unlimited capacity to focus upon and discuss everything in the world at one time.
While I find the processes by some raisers to be very sad and deplorable, I don't feel that eating food raised for consumption makes me someone who cowardly preys on animals. However, I know there are many people who disagree with me and hold me and others who don't choose a vegetarian or vegan diet in contempt.
You, and they, could consider me a hypocrite or an animal racist/supremicist for eating chicken without guilt or concern last night while simultaneously caring about what happened to Cecil the lion and holding his killers in contempt. That's fine.
Personally, I've never had a problem with humans who hunt for food or survival or self-defense. But, I do have a problem with people who illegally and/or cruelly hunt and poach animals for perceived glory, photo opportunities, and ego. They're very unattractive human beings and at the bottom of the food chain, in my book.
I don't care that Cecil was reportedly famous to some; I think I posted that upthread. And, I don't get the sense that most anyone commenting even knew of Cecil before he was killed. Now that we've heard the story, some of us care enough to comment. The response to his killing is not related to his "fame", IMO. None of the animals and their cowardly abusers/killers who are featured in this thread were known to us before their stories were published, and still some of us care enough to comment and express disgust.
I think it's presumptuous and off-base of you to assert that people who are silly enough (in your mind) to give a shit about specific lives and deaths other than our own -- in and outside of our own races and species -- would care less if this story, for example, pertained to an unknown leopard named Beanie that was illegally and cruelly killed by an Australian chiropractor who'd been found guilty of poaching before and was now in hiding from law enforcement authorities. I think people would care equally and respond similarly to that scenario as they are to the true story of Cecil and Palmer.
In my experience, it's pretty normal for people to fantasize about turning the tables on offenders who prey upon the vulnerable. Anyway, nobody here has threatened any of the poachers or their families with physical violence. But, I don't doubt that some people on social media have done so - which I agree is wrong and ignorant.
Though I don't share it, I understand your internal conflict.
So, if you ever make it back to San Francisco, I won't talk about my contempt for animal abusers and glory-poachers over breakfast (unless we're having pancakes or waffles or something like that).

(07-31-2015, 09:42 AM)crash Wrote: I find it amusing that humans bang on about racism and equality but we don't afford the same things to animals, which ironically another thing we like to bang on about...when it suits us.
Humans are interesting that way. Amusingly enough, we don't have unlimited capacity to focus upon and discuss everything in the world at one time.
(07-31-2015, 09:42 AM)crash Wrote: Why do we make one animal more valuable than another? More than half of us drank the milk of a cow today who had her calf taken away from her and knocked on the head because it's a by-product of the milk trade. A couple of thousand kangaroos will be shot in the head over here this weekend for pet food all around the world blah blah blahdy fucking blah..
While I find the processes by some raisers to be very sad and deplorable, I don't feel that eating food raised for consumption makes me someone who cowardly preys on animals. However, I know there are many people who disagree with me and hold me and others who don't choose a vegetarian or vegan diet in contempt.
You, and they, could consider me a hypocrite or an animal racist/supremicist for eating chicken without guilt or concern last night while simultaneously caring about what happened to Cecil the lion and holding his killers in contempt. That's fine.
Personally, I've never had a problem with humans who hunt for food or survival or self-defense. But, I do have a problem with people who illegally and/or cruelly hunt and poach animals for perceived glory, photo opportunities, and ego. They're very unattractive human beings and at the bottom of the food chain, in my book.
(07-31-2015, 09:42 AM)crash Wrote: But Cecil was famous..
I don't care that Cecil was reportedly famous to some; I think I posted that upthread. And, I don't get the sense that most anyone commenting even knew of Cecil before he was killed. Now that we've heard the story, some of us care enough to comment. The response to his killing is not related to his "fame", IMO. None of the animals and their cowardly abusers/killers who are featured in this thread were known to us before their stories were published, and still some of us care enough to comment and express disgust.
I think it's presumptuous and off-base of you to assert that people who are silly enough (in your mind) to give a shit about specific lives and deaths other than our own -- in and outside of our own races and species -- would care less if this story, for example, pertained to an unknown leopard named Beanie that was illegally and cruelly killed by an Australian chiropractor who'd been found guilty of poaching before and was now in hiding from law enforcement authorities. I think people would care equally and respond similarly to that scenario as they are to the true story of Cecil and Palmer.
(07-31-2015, 09:42 AM)crash Wrote: Therefore we should have a social media shitstorm and threaten a family with physical violence, death even over a lion. If we ate lions for food, would the shitstorm be so fierce? Probably not, because if we ate lions, there'd be plenty of them about, like cows (Thanks Karl Pilkington haha)
In my experience, it's pretty normal for people to fantasize about turning the tables on offenders who prey upon the vulnerable. Anyway, nobody here has threatened any of the poachers or their families with physical violence. But, I don't doubt that some people on social media have done so - which I agree is wrong and ignorant.
(07-31-2015, 09:42 AM)crash Wrote: I dunno, I think that Dentist is an asshole for the way he killed the lion. I don't understand his need to do it in the first place; it's not like it's a fair fight. But I think if I get all pissy and threatening about him doing it, I probably should get upset about the cow farmers too, and the chicken people who squash fifty chickens into a square foot and the pig farmers who do the same. But then there goes my bacon and eggs and glass of milk for breakfast...and I like bacon and eggs
I can't help but feel unless we're vegan, we're all preying on animals a bit.
Though I don't share it, I understand your internal conflict.
So, if you ever make it back to San Francisco, I won't talk about my contempt for animal abusers and glory-poachers over breakfast (unless we're having pancakes or waffles or something like that).