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6 ragheads from Birmingham were each sentenced to between 18 and 19 and a half years each for planning and almost executing the terrorist bombing of an English Defence League rally in London.
But they turned up two hours AFTER the rally had taken place, on their way back to Birmingham their vehicle was stopped for having no insurance. When the vehicle was searched a crude 18 inch nailbomb was found in the boot along with sawn off shotguns and knives.
As they were sent down the leader and deputy leader of the far right EDL sitting in the public gallery shouted “God save the queen!” To which the guilty ragheads responded by shouting “Allah hu akbar!” Like kids watching a fucking pantomime.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Islam the religion of peace. Boy 15 selling coffee executed for saying this............
"Even if [Prophet] Mohammed comes back to life, I won't," the boy said, who was known by his nickname "Salmo."
Extremist rebels driving past in a black car overheard the comment, the opposition Aleppo Media Center said. Qatta was taken away by the fighters and later brought back, his head wrapped with his shirt and his body covered with marks from whipping.
The rebels then read out the boy's sentence - not in a Syrian accent, but in classical Arabic. They accused the boy of blasphemy and told the crowd - which included the boy's parents - that anyone who insulted the Prophet would suffer a similar fate.
Qatta was then shot in the mouth and neck. A graphic photo was released late Sunday of the dead boy clearly showing wounds that matched the reports.
Syrian rebels linc
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And the U.S. might arm them.............
WASHINGTON, June 10 — The United States could make a decision as early as this week on whether to arm Syrian rebels, US officials said today, as US Secretary of State John Kerry put off a Middle East trip to attend meetings on the subject.
However, the US government has debated for months whether to provide weaponry to the rebels in their civil war against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and has so far decided against.
US Secretary of State John Kerry. — Reuters picOne US official who spoke on condition of anonymity stressed that while a decision on whether to start arming the rebels is possible as soon as this week, deliberations on the issue could easily take longer.
Kerry put off a planned trip to Israel and the Palestinian territories to attend the White House meetings, an Obama administration source said.
What has changed in recent weeks is the tilting of the battlefield against the rebels as Lebanese Hezbollah has entered the fray on the side of Assad’s forces, helping them to retake the strategic town of Qusair. .
That shift has made it less likely that a US and Russian planned peace conference to bring the rebels and the government to the table would succeed in US President Barack Obama’s aim of a negotiated political transition to remove Assad from power.
mad,mad,mad world linc
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And the funny thing.......Russia wants to give Assad weapons.....
(Reuters) - Syria has received the first shipment of a sophisticated air defense system from Russia, President Bashar al-Assad was quoted as saying, sending a signal of military strength days before an EU arms embargo on the country lapses.
Russia had promised delivery of the S-300 missile system to the Syrian government despite Western objections, saying the move would help stabilize the regional balance at a time of insurgency in Syria waged by Western-backed rebels.
Russian provocation
Isreal is NOT pleased.
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Civil war in the Middle East is a dream and breeding ground for fundamentalist terrorists.
"Hey, we'll help you gain power against that oppressive regime (and then we'll work towards taking away the multi-religious society and freedoms that are already in place). Let freedom ring! The sincere rebels are making a deal with the devil, imo.
I hate to see the loss of human life; it's heartbreaking. But, also don't think we should be taking a side on this one. The rebel forces are comprised of, at least in part, the very terrorist groups and offshoots that we spilled our blood fighting against for a decade.
May not be a popular opinion, but I really wish we'd stay the hell out of arming, occupation, or anything of the sort in Syria. Continuing to provide food and blankets is a good thing, but beyond that, don't think we belong there.
Add: China and Russia are strong supporters of Assad; they won't back down. They've also voiced desires to broker negotiations, like the US, but I bet they'll kick in arms for the governmental militia if the US and European countries begin to provide military support to the rebels. Snowball.
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Yeah, this will all end well.
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The coalition government in the UK have decided to end the arms embargo against Syria with a view to arming the rebels.
The rebels have members of Al Nusra in their numbers and Al Nusra recently pledged they were committed allies of Al Qaeda.
Stay the fuck out of Syria and let them get on with it. They haven't even got any oil fuck em.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Most of the people in the urban areas these days are the fighters, everyone else has escaped to the mountains where they are living in caves.
I don't want our country to get involved. The US has got to be one of the nosiest bitches around, always sticking her nose in the business of others.
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(06-11-2013, 05:34 AM)Duchess Wrote:
..always sticking her nose in the business of others.
Except for Rwanda. Nothing to gain in Rwanda.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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Nothing to gain in Sudan or Burma either it seems.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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I can't stand a nosy, buttinski fucker.
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Great! Now Putin says Iran has peacefull nuclear ambitions.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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Yeah sure about as peaceful and innocent as a fox covered in blood in an empty henhouse.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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(06-11-2013, 06:25 AM)crash Wrote: Except for Rwanda. Nothing to gain in Rwanda.
(06-11-2013, 07:19 AM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: Nothing to gain in Sudan or Burma either it seems.
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If your country is acting like the world police it shouldn't get to pick and choose which shit it poke its nose in.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.