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Do Liberals/Rightys promote racism?
Do they pull the race card as an easy scapegoat? Do they promote it? And does the right do it more often or does the left just say that they do. I really would like to know. Is a persons inner convictions a blind spot for some people when a skin is applied?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Sometimes when people or groups are more concerned about their "side" winning than about the truth or negotiation, all kinds of scapegoat cards get pulled from the societal deck, imo.

But, sometimes cards get laid on the table because they should be; racism does exist and should be passionately addressed when it prohibits fairness and equal rights, imo.

Both extreme Liberals and Rightys know how to play the same card game and all the same tricks.

Racism is like the Ace or the Joker, can be the high card or the low card.

Sometimes it gets laid on the table only because it exacts a lot of emotionalism and keeps the dealers shuffling and the players in the game when there is no clear winner yet and the stakes are high.

Other cards that I see frequently pulled from the societal deck for the same purpose: bullying, misogyny. They exist in a lot of cases and that's a serious problem, not to be swept under the table. But, they also get inserted into arguments/issues under false pretexts; like cheating for the win.

That's my cheezy analogy for the day and how I really feel about it.

You asked:
Is a persons inner convictions a blind spot for some people when a skin is applied?
Lots of racists out there still - for them the honest answer would be a resounding "you betchya". IMO.
Who is "they" Maggot? I am concerned that you are racist against Liberals/Rightys. Also do you mean Liberals/Leftys?
Don't know if it's the same Down Under, but some Rightys here are always sitting on the "reverse discrimination!!!" card, aussie.
I am always amused by how much affirmative action gets under the skin of conservatives and those on the right. They always seem to be clenching their teeth when they are talking about it.

I think both sides of the political spectrum play the old race card sometimes its an emotive and controversial way to try and put your point across I suppose.

Like the Trayvon Martin case, some people say it is definitely a racially motivated case while other people say it definitely isn't.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Racism exists still whether either side would like to admit it, and as long as it is effective it will always exist in some fashion. The challenge is in finding a way to keep it from becoming state mandated policy. Once a government tacitly or implicitly condones legal action and penalty tar getting a specific race, then it becomes a slippery slope toward wholesale discrimination. People are not inherently good toward others unless motivated by an empathetic key: similarities in appearance, experience, belief etc.
Thank god I am oblivious to the opinions of others while caught in the blinding splendor of my own cleverness.
(06-16-2013, 08:52 PM)Maggot Wrote: Do they pull the race card as an easy scapegoat? Do they promote it? And does the right do it more often or does the left just say that they do. I really would like to know. Is a persons inner convictions a blind spot for some people when a skin is applied?

I don't know how to answer this but I do know racist people and most, if not all are Republicans. One even went so far recently as to say she would no longer be eating Cheerios, her favorite cereal because of a commercial for them featuring a white mom, black dad and a mixed kid. Not kidding.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(06-17-2013, 11:40 AM)Duchess Wrote:
(06-16-2013, 08:52 PM)Maggot Wrote: Do they pull the race card as an easy scapegoat? Do they promote it? And does the right do it more often or does the left just say that they do. I really would like to know. Is a persons inner convictions a blind spot for some people when a skin is applied?

I don't know how to answer this but I do know racist people and most, if not all are Republicans. One even went so far recently as to say she would no longer be eating Cheerios, her favorite cereal because of a commercial for them featuring a white mom, black dad and a mixed kid. Not kidding.

I don't know Duch. I think there are as many Dem racists as there are repubs. I think they [dems] are refusing to admit it to the world as well as themselves. I feel that is one reason Obummer got into office. White people voting for a black man just to prove they aren't racist. You know the old, I am not racist, I even have a black friend, kinda thing.
Repubs are just much more out in the open about it.
(06-17-2013, 11:46 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: I don't know Duch. I think there are as many Dem racists as there are repubs. I think they [dems] are refusing to admit it to the world as well as themselves. I feel that is one reason Obummer got into office. White people voting for a black man just to prove they aren't racist. You know the old, I am not racist, I even have a black friend, kinda thing.
Repubs are just much more out in the open about it.

I didn't have a choice between Republicans & Democrats in my personal example. I'm surrounded by Republicans.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Racism certainly exists on all sides. However, I'm pretty damn tired of people who exploit it to explain away their own failures. The victim mentality thrives.
Commando Cunt Queen
(06-17-2013, 11:46 AM)F.U. Dont ask again Wrote: I feel that is one reason Obummer got into office. White people voting for a black man just to prove they aren't racist.

Hmmmm I don't know, I think it might have been more the case that because the two Republican candidates Obama stood against were so fucking hopeless some racists might have voted for Obama INSPITE of the fact he is black.

“I'm voting for the nigger, I think he will do a better job than the old fart with the retarded running mate and the mormon in his magic underpants”
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Magic underpants hah
(06-17-2013, 11:40 AM)Duchess Wrote: I don't know how to answer this but I do know racist people and most, if not all are Republicans. One even went so far recently as to say she would no longer be eating Cheerios, her favorite cereal because of a commercial for them featuring a white mom, black dad and a mixed kid. Not kidding.[/i][/size]

That is fucking demented.

He would love it here there are commercials over here featuring all races and creeds.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
(06-17-2013, 02:24 PM)Cynical Ninja Wrote: That is fucking demented.

I think so too. This person damn near went into cardiac arrest when Obama was elected.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I get sick of people saying that because a person does not like the President that they must be racist. Its his policy that infuriates people. I gave him 8 months to prove himself and he failed. I trust Bush more than him nowadays.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Racism isn't a political issue; politicians turn it into one for their own gain. Racism is an evil that would fade in time if the government weren't promoting it by issuing laws to favor one race over another.
[Image: egypt_5.gif]
(06-17-2013, 04:52 PM)cladking Wrote: Racism isn't a political issue; politicians turn it into one for their own gain. Racism is an evil that would fade in time if the government weren't promoting it by issuing laws to favor one race over another.

And in the end they don't do anything worth a damn because the people they are really aimed at pleasing are the elite, not your black or white ass. Elected officials are well aware of what the public wants and puts on a show to convince the public that they are working for them and after all that noise they produce something that only Corporate America and the generous industries in their pockets are happy with.
There is racism but not half as much as it used to be. Racist people are looked down on around here its character that counts more than anything.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
For people that said they're moving out of the country if Obama is elected, what has changed for you? Personally nothing has changed for me, I'm taxed out of the ass as always, my bullshit insurance premiums are the same as always, my business hasn't been affected, black folks aren't getting all uppity on me and I can still buy a gun if I want to. Despite what he said, not a damn thing has changed for me, so I'm curious as how he's ruining the rest of your lives.
(06-17-2013, 06:09 PM)sally Wrote: For people that said they're moving out of the country if Obama is elected, what has changed for you? Personally nothing has changed for me, I'm taxed out of the ass as always, my bullshit insurance premiums are the same as always, my business hasn't been affected, black folks aren't getting all uppity on me and I can still buy a gun if I want to. Despite what he said, not a damn thing has changed for me, so I'm curious as how he's ruining the rest of your lives.

I think he had a tremendous mess to clean up & he's doing it. I also think the economy is turning around but I never really saw it bad in my area. I haven't got the kind of complaints that some others do & I don't care a wit that a black man is my President. I wouldn't do the wild thing with a black man, does that make me a racist?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]