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![[Image: d6a1c555-c452-4d00-a368-5bbdbfeb5397.jpg]](
Ursula Ward ^ is the mother of murder victim Odin Lloyd. She was at the courthouse early this morning for opening statements, as were Odin's girlfriend Shaneah Jenkins and Aaron Hernandez's mom, brother, and fiancee Shayanna Jenkins.
BUT, one juror didn't show, reportedly due to weather-related issues. The trial start was delayed and Judge Garsh is said to be seeking another juror.
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I can't recall where I heard this, it must have been on CNN last night as I was falling asleep - it was said that they were trying to work out a deal for Aaron's girlfriend for immunity. They think she got rid of the gun and they want that info.
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(01-29-2015, 12:02 PM)Duchess Wrote: I can't recall where I heard this, it must have been on CNN last night as I was falling asleep - it was said that they were trying to work out a deal for Aaron's girlfriend for immunity. They think she got rid of the gun and they want that info.
The prosecution would be foolish not to offer Shayanna immunity for information, in my opinion. I don't think she's ready to give up Hernandez though. She might still be too in love, or too afraid of repercussions, or both. She can't claim spousal privilege, as far as I know, because she wasn't legally married to Hernandez. She's already been charged with perjury for her pre-trial testimony. If she's called to testify and lies at trial (and LE has proof that she's lying), Shayanna could be in some trouble. She probably wouldn't do a lot of time in that case, but she and Herbandez have a toddler and I'd be surprised if prosecutors weren't reminding her that they could push for jail time and separate her from her child. She's in a tough spot.
So the opening statements took place this afternoon. I was relieved to hear about some incriminating evidence that hadn't been publicly released prior to court today. Meanwhile, the defense is acting like no evidence exists and Hernandez is a victim of his own celebrity. Pffft.
THE STATE: Prosecutor Bomberg said police found tire tracks and shoe prints near Lloyd's body that connect Hernandez to the crime as well as a joint that had both Hernandez and Lloyd's DNA on it. Bomberg also said authorities found five shell casings near Lloyd's body and another shell casing in a car rented by Hernandez. All of the shell casings were determined to have been fired by the same firearm, according to Bomberg.
THE DEFENSE: Defense attorney and former federal prosecutor Michael Fee took the courtroom by storm. "Aaron Hernandez is an innocent man. The evidence will show Aaron Hernandez did not murder his friend Odin Lloyd, nor did he orchestrate or order anyone else to murder him. Aaron Hernandez is not guilty," Fee told the jury.
Fee said police and prosecutors "targeted" Hernandez from the beginning of their investigation. "As soon as they found out the celebrity, the New England Patriot, was a friend of Odin Lloyd -- Aaron never had a chance. It was over," Fee said. "They locked-in on Aaron and they targeted him even when they discovered two other men, who were not friends with Odin, were with him that night."
Fee was seemingly referring to Ortiz and Wallace, Hernandez's associates. Both Ortiz and Wallace have pleaded not guilty in the case and will be tried separately.
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Day 1 -- Prosecution Case In Chief
Shaneah Jenkins testified for the prosecution today.
It was Shaneah Jenkins, 23, who introduced Lloyd, 27, to Hernandez, she said. Hernandez, who dated Jenkins' sister with whom Hernandez shares a child, is charged with orchestrating Llyod's murder.
Today's testimony from Jenkins, now a second-year criminal law student at New England Law School, contradicts the defense team's assertion during opening statements that the two men were good friends.
Lloyd and Hernandez were only just becoming friends and "would hang out and smoke" marijuana in the basement of Hernandez's Massachusetts home, Jenkins said. In opening statements, prosecutors said Hernandez's DNA is on a joint he shared with Lloyd.
Police and emergency responders also took the stand today. They described finding Lloyd face up dead in the industrial park near Herandez's home. He'd been shot 6 times. When photos of his dead body were shown, some of Lloyd's family exited the courtroom. The judge advised the jury not to let emotions or sympathy take away from their focus.
Next week, jurors are scheduled to see Hernandez's house, Lloyd's house and other locations relevant to the case.
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More Prosecution Evidence
Along with shoe prints, tire tracks, shell casings and DNA from a joint -- all tied to Hernandez and found at the crime scene -- prosecutors have told the jury that they have a text from Hernandez to Lloyd stating that Hernandez and company were on their way to pick up Lloyd the night of the murder.
Plus, prosecutors have surveillance video of Hernandez and company picking up Lloyd at his house and pulling into the industrial park the night Lloyd was murdered. Shortly thereafter, surveillance video retrieved from Hernandez's home (he didn't destroy it all completely) shows Hernandez holding a Glock, the same gun type that was used to kill Lloyd but has not been found.
Superbowl Admonition
Judge Garsh told the jury today that she would not prohibit them from watching the Superbowl. But, if the name "Hernandez" is mentioned by any of the broadcasters, the jurors need to leave the room.
Hernandez played with the Patriots the last time they made the Superbowl, in 2012. He caught Tom Brady's last pass of the day.
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Testimony was delayed early this week because Judge Garsh had to address a rogue juror. The female juror lied during jury screening about the number of Patriots games she had attended. She also told people shortly after Hernandez was arrested that she wanted to be on the jury. She got booted.
^ Shaneah Jenkins........................................................................^Shayanna Jenkins
So, Shaneah Jenkins is back on the stand. She seems genuinely torn up about the murder of her boyfriend Odin Lloyd. She testified that she and her sister Shayanna had been very close. I don't know if they still are -- doubt it.
Shaneah testified that she got a call from police telling her that Odin was dead. She went to his home to be with his family. Then she went to be with her sister Shayanna at the home she shares with Aaron Hernandez.
Shaneah didn't see Hernandez at first, but an hour or so later saw him in the dining room where Hernandez, she testified, put his arm around her and said, "I've been through this death thing before. It gets easier." At some point Hernandez left, she testified.
Shayanna was then fielding phone calls and responding with one-word answers, Shaneah Jenkins testified. At one point, Shaneah testified, Shayanna slipped down to the basement with a black plastic bag in her hand.
Moments later, Shaneah looked out a window and saw her sister in the backyard walking toward the house. Shortly thereafter, Shayanna came up the stairs, returned to the living room and asked to borrow Shaneah's car, something she'd never done before, because she needed to go to the bank. Thirty minutes later, Shayanna returned.
In compelling yet circumstantial testimony Tuesday, the prosecution attempted to paint the jury a picture of a cover-up. No murder weapon has been discovered since Odin Lloyd was found dead of multiple gunshot wounds the morning of June 17, 2013. The prosecution's theory is that the murder weapon was discarded by Shayanna Jenkins.
The state presented video footage of Hernandez holding a gun inside his home minutes after Lloyd was murdered, but when police inspected the home a day later no gun was found.
The inference in Tuesday's testimony is that Shayanna Jenkins retrieved the gun from the basement, walked it outside without her sister seeing her do so, then used her sister's car to dispose of it.
Shayanna Jenkins has been charged with perjury, with prosecutors alleging that she destroyed evidence. According to court documents, Shayanna Jenkins received on June 18 a cryptic text message from Hernandez that read: "Go back in back of the screen in movie room when u get home an there is a box…jus in case u were looking for it!!! Member how you ruined the big tv Imao WAS JUST THINKIN bout that lol wink wink love u TTYL….K”
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(01-29-2015, 12:02 PM)Duchess Wrote: I can't recall where I heard this, it must have been on CNN last night as I was falling asleep - it was said that they were trying to work out a deal for Aaron's girlfriend for immunity. They think she got rid of the gun and they want that info.
The trial was on hold for a couple of days due to weather. They're back now and the judge did in fact grant Shayanna Jenkins immunity yesterday.
![[Image: shayanna-jenkins_2.jpg?itok=Ba9opMeF]](
Shayanna is often seen with Herandez's mother ^. She sits on the defense side of the court room. She's the mother of Hernandez's child. And, it sure does look a lot like she got rid of the murder weapon for Hernandez. I think prosecutors are gonna really have to put the screws to her to get her to incriminate Hernandez, even with immunity.
It's not clear what the sealed immunity agreement entails, but legal experts believe it might be a move to compel Jenkins to testify at Hernandez's trial, or else face jail.
“She now has one of two choices, testify or go to jail for contempt," Martin G. Weinberg, a prominent Boston defense lawyer, told the Globe.
Under immunity, Jenkins can neither be prosecuted for anything she describes should she be called to testify, nor can her testimony be used against her.
Jenkins initially pleaded the fifth when she was called before a grand jury that convened around the case in 2013. Prosecutors later accused the young mother of lying to the grand jury 29 times, for which she was charged with perjury. She has pleaded not guilty to that charge.
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Wow! Do you know if she's still living in their home? If she stands to lose access to any of his money if she testifies against him I can totally see her risking jail time by keeping her mouth shut.
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...I say, like I know something.
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I don't have any inside scoop either Duchess, but I think you're right.
If Shayanna tossed the murder weapon that was used to kill her sister's boyfriend and lied about it over and over in court, stands to reason she's willing to go to great lengths -- even illegal ones -- to help Hernandez avoid being convicted.
I don't know if her motivation is money, love, fear, sincere lack of knowledge/participation, or some combination. But, she seems highly vested in Aaron Hernandez's future freedom.
(I believe Shayanna and the couple's daughter still live in Hernandez's home.)
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Another Witness Granted Immunity
Back on January 7 th, Herandez's cousin Jennifer Mercado was also granted immunity.
It is not clear what Mercado might testify about.
Mercado and Singleton at a previous hearing
Mercado's sister, Tanya Singleton, was earlier convicted of contempt for refusing to testify before the grand jury and was sentenced to home confinement (she has developed cancer). Singleton also faces an unresolved charge of accessory after the fact to murder, accused of helping Hernandez's co-defendant Ernest Wallace flee to Florida after Lloyd's murder.
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I must have heard of people being granted immunity before but more than one person for the same case seems...oh, I don't know...weird, for sure, and like the prosecutor is very determined to get exactly what he needs.
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Today, a second juror was booted -- no reason given publicly as of yet.
Also, Aaron Hernandez was working his magic on his now criminally-immune fiancee. CBS news reports: Jenkins appeared in court Wednesday in her usual spot, sitting behind Hernandez. The two smiled at each other, and Hernandez complimented Jenkins on her new hairstyle, then winked at her. She laughed in response. As Hernandez left court at the end of the session, he whispered, "I love you" to Jenkins.
Hey, why let a little murder trial stand in the way of true romance?
I really don't believe Shayanna will say anything to incriminate her man. She can't plead the 5th with immunity. I think she'll lie and face jail time for perjury or refuse to answer some questions and face jail time for obstruction. I hope she instead just tells the truth, but not holding my breath.
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Trial Update -- The Prosecution Case Continues
The trial schedule has been disjointed due to weather, but it's rolling along.
Although the murder weapon has not been found, jurors saw home surveillance cam of Hernandez holding a Glock after the murder of Odin Lloyd.
They also heard testimony by the car rental agent that Hernandez had offered her a piece of Bubblicious gum when he returned the banged up car. That type of gum was found in the rental car, along with a shell casing that matched up to bullets found at the crime scene, which state experts believe were fired from a Glock. When the rental agent saw the news of the killing and link to Hernandez, she called police who were able to retrieve the gum and casing from the rental agency dumpster.
In addition, jurors saw this video of Hernandez dancing at the gas pump and buying the gum, just before Hernandez and company picked up Lloyd.
Today at trial, a bar manager testified that Hernandez had spent the earlier part of the night of June 16, 2013 drinking with a group at a bar in Rhode Island and smoking marijuana outside the bar with one of his friends.
The bar manager, Kelly Rose Belanger, said Hernandez paid the $243 bill and left a $30 tip (effin cheapskate) at around 12:15 a.m. Lloyd was dead around three hours later.
Last week, jurors saw video of Hernandez picking up Lloyd at Lloyd's house that night and they also visitied Hernandez's home and the industrial park nearby where Lloyd was found lying face up dead in the early hours of June 17, 2013.
Hernandez is so guilty and seems not to give a shit about anything. I really hope he's convicted and sentenced to life for Lloyd's murder. After which, he'll go on trial for the double murder he's accused of carrying out in the 2012 drive-by shootings of two club-goers who had the misfortune of bumping into Hernandez and setting him off earlier in the evening.
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The Prosecution Wraps Up with Shayanna Jenkins?
All of the compelling state's evidence posted upthread has been presented in court.
Two of Hernandez's female cousins testified, one of whom (Tanya Singleton) he allegedly promised to pay off for her silence. I don't think they helped the prosecution case much, but didn't hurt it either IMO.
![[Image: 17363679-mmmain.jpg]](
So, it's being reported that prosecutors are going to call ^Shayanna Jenkins, Hernandez's fiancee, to the stand tomorrow. Whether or not she would be called has been a big question for trial watchers.
Shayanna has been in court during some of the trial days, sitting with Hernandez's mom and whispering "I love yous" to her man. She has been granted immunity and is being compelled to testify. It should be very interesting. I hope prosecutors aren't making a mistake by calling her and they don't get blindsided by any surprises she might throw out in favor of Hernandez during cross-examination. She seems very loyal to the father of her child.
I think the prosecution has done a very good job proving their case against Hernandez. Of course, we haven't heard the defense side yet though.
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Final Prosecution Witnesses
Shayanna Jenkins' testimony wrapped up yesterday.
I didn't think it was very helpful to the prosecution, but hopefully the jury found it useful.
-She testified about how she knew Hernandez was frequently unfaithful but she'd learned to accept it, and about how she and her sister Shaneah (the murder victim's girlfriend) are now estranged.
-She testified that she'd seen a gun in a junk drawer prior to the murder; description of which could match a Glock (the missing murder weapon).
-She testified that she remembers Hernandez telling her it was important for her to get rid of a box the day after the murder, but she doesn't remember where she took the box or where she dumped it. She says she didn't know what was in the box and didn't look in the box. (Yeah, it's bullshit, but that's what the woman testified to under oath.)
Robert Kraft ^, Patriots' owner, was called to the stand by the prosecution today.
-He testified that he pulled Hernandez from out of the weight room on June 19, 2013 (2 days after the murder) to ask him privately about the incident which was hitting the media.
-He says Hernandez told him he was not involved in the crime and that he was at a club at the time.
(The prosecution has already shown video evidence of Hernandez's movement that night which proves that Hernandez lied about that to Kraft.)
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^ Prosecutor William McCauley
Prosecutors called more than 100 witnesses since testimony began Jan. 29.
They also submitted hundreds of pieces of evidence, including surveillance videos of Hernandez picking up Lloyd the night of the murder, video from inside Hernandez's home that showed him holding a black object that prosecutors contend was a gun less than 10 minutes after Lloyd's killing, a marijuana joint found near Lloyd's body had DNA from both men on it, Hernandez's shoes with dirt consistent with the crime scene on them, etc..
Hernandez's lawyer James Sultan told Garsh this week that the defense team expects to call witnesses Monday and to wrap up their questioning that same day.
![[Image: Aaron-Hernandez-Murder-Trial-Trophies-2-...551%2C9999]](
Hernandez's legal team has challenged the evidence during cross-examinations, calling into question the testimony of an employee of weapons manufacturer Glock who had identified the black object as a gun and arguing instead that it was a piece of electronics such as an iPad or a TV remote. They also have gone after the police investigation, painting it as bumbling and inept and saying Hernandez was targeted as a suspect because he is a celebrity. (<-- HOTD: essentially, the OJ defense)
Once the defense rests, each side will deliver a closing argument. Then the jury will be given instructions, and three alternates will be randomly selected from among the 15 jurors immediately before deliberating. A jury of 12 members will decide Hernandez's fate.
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I think he'll be found guilty.
I wonder how much money he has left, if any. Defense attorneys are very expensive.
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(04-02-2015, 05:08 PM)Duchess Wrote:
I think he'll be found guilty.
I wonder how much money he has left, if any. Defense attorneys are very expensive.
The first of only a couple of planned defense witnesses testified this morning. It was a doctor who confirmed that he could not tell from the video of Hernandez, Ortiz and Wallace whether or not Ortiz and Wallace were high on PCP the night of the murder.
Hernandez's defense is to create reasonable doubt as to his guilt by suggesting that his friends were high on PCP and killed Lloyd on their own. I don't think the jury is gonna swallow that and agree with you that Hernandez will be found guilty.
Hernandez had several millions of dollars in assets when he was arrested. I wouldn't imagine he's broke at this point. But, he's going to have to defend himself against the drive-by double murder charges once this trial wraps up (unless he agrees to instead take a plea deal on those charges if he's found guilty of Lloyd's murder).
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FALL RIVER — Aaron Hernandez “witnessed” the murder of the man he is accused of killing, his defense attorney said today in bombshell closing arguments to the jury that will decide the fate of the former New England Patriot star.
“He was a 23-year-old kid who witnessed something. A shocking killing. Committed by someone he knew. He didn’t know what to do,” said defense attorney James Sultan, during his 90-minute closing argument. “He just put one foot in front of the other.”
Sultan indicated that it was either co-defendants Ernest Wallace or Carlos Ortiz - but not Hernandez - who killed 27-year-old Odin Lloyd in a North Attleboro industrial park during the early morning hours of June 17, 2013.
“I want you to focus on what you know about Wallace and Ortiz and the fact that they took PCP,” Sultan said, “did one of them murder Odin Lloyd without Aaron Hernandez knowing about it?”
The acknowledgement that Hernandez saw the murder was the first admission by the defense in the nine-week trial that the former tight end was at the murder scene.
The case — which lacks a murder weapon, eyewitness or clear-cut motive — has hinged heavily on testimony, photos and video surveillance showing Hernandez with Wallace and Ortiz in the hours around the murder, as well as photos of sneaker prints that appear to match his at the site where Lloyd’s body was found.
Lead prosecutor William McCauley told the jury Hernandez was the mastermind behind the brutal killing. He said Hernandez controlled Ortiz and Wallace before the crime and then wielded his power over his fiancee, Shayanna Jenkins, after the fact.
“We could ask for nothing more from a jury, but we expect nothing less” than first-degree murder, McCauley said after his passionate, 90-minute closing.
Full story: