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CNN obtains autopsy results
Few details had been released about the deaths of Christina and Ethan Anderson. But the autopsy reports obtained by CNN give shocking details.
Christina Anderson's ankles were bound by a plastic cable tie, and duct tape was wrapped around her neck and mouth, her autopsy report said. Her right arm and both legs were fractured, and there was a cut on her neck. She was bashed in the head at least 12 times. Her body was found in the garage of the burning home, alongside a family dog that had been shot.
Ethan was found in another part of the home, burned beyond recognition. It was believed, according to the autopsy, that the boy died because of the fire. Ethan also had skeletal fractures that could have been caused by events that day.
San Diego County deputies searching DiMaggio's charred home found a handwritten note, handcuff box, camping equipment, a DNA swab kit, two used condoms and letters from Hannah, according to an affidavit.
Contents of the letters and the handwritten note were not revealed in the affidavit.
Full story:
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There's something very diabolical about this case, and, to me, it centers on Hannah.
I've having a hard time believing those 13 calls/texts between Hannah and DiMaggio were simply about getting directions.
I hate to go overboard with my disbelief of her story, but something is not making sense.
There's more to this.
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I agree with MS. Surprise!
I'm having trouble with someone just snapping out of the blue. I think something led up to this.
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I believe I've heard a rumor that suggests Hannah got DiMaggio to fall in love with her so that Hannah could have him kill his mother and brother.
The motive you ask?
Her moms life insurance money, and obviously with her little brother alive she'd have to share it with him.
If she was truly smart enough to plan something like that, and have the foresight to know that DiMaggio would then be killed by police, thereby never being able to tell his story, then she's a true evil genius.
Again, that's all pure speculation, but it sure makes you wonder.
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(09-24-2013, 11:48 AM)Duchess Wrote:
I agree with MS. Surprise!
I'm having trouble with someone just snapping out of the blue. I think something led up to this.
It's hard to understand why Hannah's mom was killed so brutally (looks like a lot of anger involved, to me) if the only intent was to get away with Hannah. Much less how DiMaggio could have burned to death a little boy who was reportedly like a nephew to him since the boy's birth.
It's too bad that Hannah's dad / DiMaggio's best friend was in another state - nobody except Hannah left to tell what was going on between all the parties involved at the time the planning for the murders began.
DiMaggio did have a history of emotional/psychological trouble though, according to his long-time friend and shrink - tracing back to when he was a kid and his meth-head father abused him and his sister and then assaulted and tried to abduct a teen girl who was the daughter of an ex-girlfriend.
I can see DiMaggio cultivating some scenario in his mind whereby he was saving Hannah (like he reportedly did his sister) from an abusive family life, if Hannah led him to believe that's what was going on in her house (whether she had any idea DiMaggio would slaughter her family or not).
I also think there's more to the story than DiMaggio had a crush on Hannah and took off with her to keep her to himself and/or to kill her and himself. Hope we find out what it was at some point.
In the meantime, if police really do suspect that Hannah was involved despite their insistence otherwise publicly, they'd better be watching her closely. If she was the mastermind, there's a psychotic killer running around free - hiding behind that little angel face.
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In the beginning I was willing to believe that he had fallen for this young girl & in some demented way he believed she felt the same but after she was rescued my feelings began to change. I thought her demeanor was skewed in a sense, she got her nails done almost immediately upon returning home, she was posting smiling pix and being chatty about her experience. I understand that grief & horror are dealt with in different ways by different people but this just seemed...I don't even know a word for it. I can only go by what I would feel and to find out my Mom & brother had been murdered in such a brutal fashion would have crushed me, I wouldn't have been capable of much conversation let alone making an appt. at the nail salon.
Meh. I don't know, it's just odd to say the least & it doesn't help that I believe the sister who said that Hannah is trouble.
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Yeah, the nails and the smiling chat photo right after finding out about her family's murder bothers me a lot too.
Also her interview statement that her father was gonna have to earn her trust back bothered me.
Strange story with a lot of layers, I suspect.
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Thanks for the update HairOfTheDog.
How does poor Christina Anderson end up with a fractured arm and two fractured legs? how was that done? I'm stunned by how this poor soul was tortured, I thought she was hit by a blunt tool but, my goodness 12 times.
Ethan what about little Ethan? they are not certain if he was bashed to bits or if the heat from the fire caused his bone breaks. It's a absolutely terrible deal far worse than what we knew earlier.
The Anderson family should be demanding answers, I read earlier on Christina's two uncles were really distraught - they need to persist on and DiMaggio's sister. Why all the messages 13 was it, where are fingerprints? what about the spent condoms? what the hell are they all about? Too many loose ends, too many unanswered questions.
Something is really twisted here, Hannah stated on her Instagram page "Goodbye Hollywood - hello river" about 2 weeks before the murders, I wondered if she was a Marilyn Monroe fan also. It was all planned in advance to go to Idaho IMO. What was the motive here to kill Christina, Ethan and the dog? The dog was killed more humanely but, Christina and Ethan suffer a brutal cruel death why? Maybe MS has the right idea and it's all about the "MONEY" the money Jim DiMaggio, left Hannah's grandma. The $112,000 was intended for both the children.
"A man is rich in proportion to the number of things he can afford to let alone."
Henry David Thoreau
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This is definitely a really weird case. If they did somehow plot the murder together I would think (hope?) that LE would be able to find evidence to support that.
I'm just waiting for all the questions to get answered.
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Hannah Anderson's kidnapper, James DiMaggio, taunted the teenager by suggesting she join him in playing Russian roulette, she says in her first lengthy interview.
"When it was my turn, I started crying and was freaking out," Anderson, 16, tells the Today show in an interview airing Thursday. "And he said, 'Do you want to play?' And I said, 'No.' And I started crying and then he's, like, 'Okay.' And he stopped."
Russian roulette? She's just coming out with this now? I guess her 15 minutes of fame wasn't enough for her.
She says that DiMaggio told her "that he was going to kidnap me and take me to Idaho, where my intention was just to carry his backpacks to the river. And that he was gonna live there. And then he'd get me home afterwards."
Her intention (not his) was to carry his backpacks to the river. Sounds like Hannah had a lot of "say" in what was going down. After helping to get DiMaggio set up in Montana, he was going to return her to her home after murdering her mother and brother? This girl's stories are unbelievable even for a attention whore teenager.
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I thought her behavior was strange before but now I'm starting to think she's a sociopath.
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The crush (and drugs?)
In an interview airing on the "Today" show, 16-year-old Anderson said that James Lee DiMaggio would act strange when she tried to bring a male friend to his home.
“He’d get really upset that it was a boy. And he told me, he said, ‘It's not that I don't want your friends up here. It's that I don't want to see you kissing your friends or anything like that, because I have a crush on you. Not a crush that, like, feeling a crush as in, like family. Like I care about you,’” Anderson said. “And it kind of seemed really weird.”
Anderson said that after that incident, she tried to keep her distance from the family friend, but on Aug. 3, DiMaggio lured her to his California home and kidnapped her.
In the interview, Anderson also said that she believes DiMaggio drugged her with Ambien so that she would be out cold until they arrived in the Idaho wilderness.
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What stood out in this interview is the body language between her and her father. She was extremely distant from him, it seemed.
She mentions that she was brought back to the house and handcuffed, in the middle of this story she seems to slip up a little. I find her story to be even more shady NOW then I did before. The more she talks the more it seems like a "story". She stated several times in this story of hers of how caring he was of her, and how he wanted to make sure she was okay and eating. WHAT HORRIBLE KIDNAPPER is going to worry about that shit? The FEAR in her eyes when the horseback riders found them, was an OH SHIT I AM CAUGHT FEAR. Not fearful of her life.
Also her attitude to the people who "saved" her from this monster of a man, she showed no emotion whatsoever.
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She was in on it. The police probable know that and at letting her hang herself.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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Please look at the video of Hannah meeting with the horseback riders who were instrumental in her rescue. (Scroll 2⁄ 3 of the way down the page, it's only 1:09 long.)
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Watch her facial expression at 4 & 5 seconds into the video. Savannah has surprized Hannah with the news that the riders are in the studio and want to meet with her. Then at 9-10 seconds Hannah has a weird expression on her face, she wasn't expecting this (so she wasn't prepared how to act).
Remember that these four people were her rescuers. The FBI doesn't know the Idaho back country-these horseback riding people are the reason Hannah is safe and at home. Watch how she "hugs" them. Then watch a second time only concentrating on Hannah's dad hugging them. I see more emotion from Hannah's dad than Hannah. IMO she looks uncomfortable to be there with them.
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(10-13-2013, 08:32 PM)Cheyne Wrote: Please look at the video of Hannah meeting with the horseback riders who were instrumental in her rescue. (Scroll 2⁄3 of the way down the page, it's only 1:09 long.)
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Watch her facial expression at 4 & 5 seconds into the video. Savannah has surprized Hannah with the news that the riders are in the studio and want to meet with her. Then at 9-10 seconds Hannah has a weird expression on her face, she wasn't expecting this (so she wasn't prepared how to act).
Remember that these four people were her rescuers. The FBI doesn't know the Idaho back country-these horseback riding people are the reason Hannah is safe and at home. Watch how she "hugs" them. Then watch a second time only concentrating on Hannah's dad hugging them. I see more emotion from Hannah's dad than Hannah. IMO she looks uncomfortable to be there with them.
THIS IS exactly what I am trying to say, her acting is horrible. I would be holding onto those people until they let go....they "saved" her. Its funny how they story of her rescue seems like a camping trip gone bad. She said he fired 3 shots in the air for rescue? WTF seriously? Why would they try to be rescued? haha
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NBC to pay Hannah Anderson $100,000
The Washington Post is reporting that NBC is drawing up a deal to pay Hannah Anderson and her father $100k for their cooperation in producing a documentary about her ordeal.
ABC paid Casey Anthony $200k for her cooperation and that of her family in producing a documentary a couple of years back. The network claimed that some of the money was for exclusive licensing of photos and images, rather than for interviews and information. (ABC claims it has since discontinued such practices.)
The major broadcasting/news networks in the US (in contrast with England) typically have policies against paying news/crime subjects for interviews to avoid creating an incentive for subjects to create or exaggerate or change their stories in order to increase the perceived monetary value.
NBC's rationale seems very similar to that of ABC's in its dealings with the Anthonys. Details/story here:
If I were Mr. Anderson, I'd turn down the deal and keep my daughter out of the limelight for the time being. Unless he's oblivious, he's gotta know that Hannah's account and demeanor are highly suspect to many (rightly or wrongly) and profiting from the situation won't help. Even if he doesn't care about that, Hannah's already put herself in the public eye a great deal since the incident, the Andersons have been active in plenty of donation-raising efforts, and I just don't see how more media exposure could be therapeutic to his daughter in any way.
I won't be surprised at all if they take the money anyhow.
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I'll probably watch the documentary just to see which of Hannah's stories they'll use for it.
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The family, the book, the suspicion lingers...
A few weeks ago, I saw a story about how Hannah's great aunt (like a sister to Hannah's mom Christina) finds Hannah's post-rescue behavior very disturbing.
Those claims reportedly came from Chelsea Hoffman, a criminal profiler and the author of the book, The River of No Return - On the Trail of Hannah Anderson and Jim DiMaggio. Hoffman apparently interviewed the aunt, Jennifer Willis.
The book was released on Amazon last week, but the chapter regarding Willis's alleged concerns was edited out for whatever reason.
Anyway, when I read the article, I just kept wondering where in the hell is Hannah's dad and who's supervising this kid? Seems Hannah's the one in charge.
She lives with her grandma now and boasted on social media that her grandma lets her boyfriend spend the night. Hannah then posted this message and pic of her boyfriend:
In the book, Hoffman claims there was a lot of conflict between Hannah's mom's side of the family and her dad's, and, before she was killed, Christina Anderson was hoping to get back together with her separated husband and have her family re-united.
The family, now short two members, is reportedly still at odds.
Suspicion of Hannah lingers as she continues to provide a view into her life and mindset via social media.
Here's the message she's posted to her critics:
The original article:
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Unsurprisingly, Lifetime has made a movie about Hannah Anderson's abduction back in August of 2013.
Hannah was 16 when her mom and brother were killed by a very close family friend. Hannah was reportedly abducted by him and taken to the wilderness where she was ultimately rescued by law enforcement (her alleged abductor was killed in the process).
Much of the public and some family members of the victims and the alleged killer/kidnapper questioned Hannah's social media postings, the true nature of her relationship with "Uncle Jim", and her apparent lack of grief following the incident. The Lifetime movie apparently raises those questions as well.
![[Image: 28FB723300000578-3092918-Hannah_Anderson...943196.jpg]](
Hannah is reportedly furious that she was not consulted and claims the movie is a pack of lies. She says she'll tell her story when she's ready.
The Lifetime movie is set to air Saturday night.