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For those that are still counting, it was in the news this morning . . . . . . .
Casey Anthony will be a free woman this week after completing the one year of probation she was ordered to serve on a check fraud conviction.
Barring some unforeseen legal entanglement, Anthony's probation will come to an end early Friday. After that she will no longer be required to report to a probation officer and will not be subjected to unannounced visits by state officials. Anthony will also be allowed to leave the state of Florida without permission.
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Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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God i hate giving her a moment's thought. hearing today.
the good news, Jeff Ashton won race for orange county State's Attny.
news 13
A judge in Casey Anthony’s upcoming civil trial has ruled Anthony must turn over proof of her finances.
Zenaida Gonzalez is suing Anthony over a 2008 claim that Anthony's daughter, Caylee, was kidnapped by a woman with the same name as Gonzalez.
On Tuesday, Gonzalez's attorneys told a judge they needed to know about Anthony's finances and whether she is receiving money from her parents through a trust fund. BLOOD MONEY
The judge ruled in their favor, but said Gonzalez's attorneys may not reveal the information to the public until the trial.
The trial is currently scheduled to begin in January.
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The arrest of Zenaida Gonzalez ^ the woman suing Casey Anthony, was part of an underage alcohol sting.
Gonzalez is accused of selling a can of Four Loko to an 18-year-old at the Circle K gas station at Semoran Boulevard and Stonewall Jackson Road.
The 41-year-old spent Friday night locked up in the Orange County Jail.
After posting $250 bond, Gonzalez was released around 8 a.m. Saturday.
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When does this stupid whore start doing porn?
That's about all she has left at this point. And it's about all she's worth...catching cum for a living.
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A local Florida TV station has what it claims is a "bombshell" that never made it into the case against Casey Anthony.
WKMG reports that at the time of Anthony's trial, prosecutors were unaware of a Google search for "foolproof suffocation" made from the Anthony family's computer on the day Caylee, Casey's daughter, died.
The search was initially revealed in Anthony's lawyer's book, "Presumed Guilty," but WKMG has uncovered what it said is a damning set of circumstances that show that the person who Googled the phrase was Casey Anthony, not her father, as defense attorney Jose Baez claimed.
From WKMG:
At 2:49 p.m., after George Anthony said he had left for work and while Casey Anthony’s cellphone is pinging a tower nearest the home, the Anthony family's desktop computer is activated by someone using a password-protected account Casey Anthony used;
At 2:51 p.m., on a browser primarily Casey Anthony used, a Google search for the term "fool-proof suffocation," misspelling the last word as "suffication";
Five seconds later, the user clicks on an article that criticizes pro-suicide websites that include advice on "foolproof" ways to die. "Poison yourself and then follow it up with suffocation" by placing "a plastic bag over the head," the writer quotes others as advising;
At 2:52 p.m., the browser records activity on MySpace, a website Casey Anthony used frequently and George Anthony did not.
Prosecutors never learned about the search because the Orange County Sheriff’s Office didn't know the search existed, even though the department had possession of the family's computer. Instead, the sheriff's office gave prosecutors a spreadsheet with less than 2 percent of the computer’s Internet activity that day.
"There was an oversight,” sheriff’s Capt. Angelo Nieves told the station. “This has been a learning experience for investigators as well.”
Read the rest of the station's report here.
For its investigation, WKMG relied on the evidence gathered by Phoenix attorney Isabel Humphrey and Connecticut computer expert John Goetz, according to the Orlando Sentinel. A spokesperson for Baez told the Sentinel that WKMG's report relies on someone who had never testified or been admitted as an expert in the court of law.
Linda Drane Burdick, a prosecutor in the case, reiterated to WFTV that her office had no knowledge of the search at the time of the trial.
When asked if she would have used the evidence at trial, Burdick told WFTV "I'm certain we would have used it."
Anthony was found not guilty of the most serious charges against her in July 2011, including first-degree murder.
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I'm afraid LC is doing somersaults over this:
A panel of Florida judges heard arguments today regarding Casey Anthony's four convictions for lying to authorities during the search for her daughter Caylee Anthony in 2008. Her defense attorneys are appealing the convictions.
Anthony, 26, was acquited of murdering her 2-year-old daughter in 2011, but she was convicted on four counts of providing false information to law enforcement, stemming from her initial statements to detectives.
Anthony falsely told police that her daughter had been kidnapped by a nanny named Zenaida Gonzalez.
Anthony, who has been dubbed the most hated woman in America and has been in hiding since her release from jail, was not at the hearing at the Fifth District Court of Appeal in Daytona Beach, Fla.
No ruling was made today and the court has as long as needed to make a decision.
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This is interesting. I stumbled on it (and don't know if it has any validity) but I signed the petition anyway. The link to the site follows.
On July 5, 2011, in Orange County, Florida, Casey Marie Anthony was acquitted of the murder of her 3-year-old daughter, Caylee Marie Anthony. The vast majority of the American people firmly believe that this was a miscarriage of justice in that the jury trial failed both the interests of Caylee Marie Anthony and the American people at large.
The Petite Policy (USAM 9-2.031) of the United States Department of Justice states: "This policy establishes guidelines for the exercise of discretion by appropriate officers of the Department of Justice in determining whether to bring a federal prosecution based on substantially the same act(s) or transactions involved in a prior state or federal proceeding.
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LMN is showing a movie about her trial. It premiers next weekend. Rob Lowe is playing the prosecuted.
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(01-13-2013, 11:13 AM)ramseycat Wrote: LMN is showing a movie about her trial. It premiers next weekend. Rob Lowe is playing the prosecuted.
Row Lowe's a pretty good actor and a little feminine looking, but it's kinda weird that LMN would cast him to play Casey Anthony.
Regarding her current appeal of misdemeanor convictions, I think it's a tactic in relation to the civil suit filed against her by Zenaida Gonzales. The civil trial has been delayed until after the misdemeanor appellate decision is rendered; stalling.
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Sometimes I hate this iphone. It makes my typos worse than normal. LOL
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Casey Anthony Convictions Set Aside: Court Throws Out 2 Of 4 Convictions For Lying to Cops By MIKE SCHNEIDER AP
ORLANDO, Fla. — A Florida appellate court on Friday set aside two of the four convictions Casey Anthony faced for lying to detectives during the investigation into her missing 2-year-old daughter.
Judges on the 5 th District Court of Appeals agreed with Anthony's attorneys that two of the charges constituted double jeopardy, or being convicted or punished more than once for the same crime.
"We cannot conclude that the Legislature intended to authorize separate punishment for each false statement made during a single interview," the judges said in their ruling.
Anthony was acquitted of killing Caylee in 2011. Jurors convicted her of four counts of lying to detectives, and her attorneys appealed those convictions. Anthony was sentenced to time served for the misdemeanors.
She was sentenced to a year of probation after her release from jail for an unrelated case. Her whereabouts have been kept secret since she was released from state supervision last year.
Jeff Ashton, one of the prosecutors who tried Anthony and who was recently elected State Attorney in the Orlando area, said in a statement that he expected the case would be considered closed once the trial court drops the two counts.
Jurors determined that Anthony lied when she told detectives that she worked at Universal Studios, that she had left Caylee with a babysitter who kidnapped the girl, that she had told two friends about her daughter's disappearance and that she had received a phone call from Caylee.
The appeals judges ruled that the trial court was correct to allow Anthony's statements to detectives to be used during her murder trial. Anthony's attorneys had argued that she was in police custody at the time and hadn't been read her Miranda rights. They also had argued that Anthony should have been convicted of only a single count of lying because of the double jeopardy concern.
But the judges said there was a break in time between two interviews Anthony had with detectives.
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Well isn't that just lovely.
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(01-25-2013, 06:28 PM)Duchess Wrote:
Well isn't that just lovely. 
It's your Friday feel good story....
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Bitch should suffer. At least she will never be able to escape her notoriety. She will always be hated.
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I'm relieved that two of the four convictions were upheld. I believe that means that she will still be required to answer questions about the criminal case when she testifies in the civil suit filed against her by Zenaida Gonzales; hope so anyway.
I don't think the repeal of two of the misdemeanor convictions benefits Casey Anthony or her lawyers in any meaningful way and doubt that they expected all four convictions to be dropped (though, she and her lawyers have accomplished more insane feats, so who knows). But, appealing her convictions did succeed in delaying the civil trial by several months (now August. possibly).
I want to see Casey Anthony in the same position as OJ Simpson after the Goldmans/Browns won the civil suit against him. I'd like to see a huge judgment in favor of Ms. Gonzales with every cent that Casey Anthony might ever try to make off of her notoriety and the death of Caylee being earmarked to go elsewhere. That's what I'd like to see because the possibility of that lying child-killing psycho ever making a living or getting rich off of murdering her daughter appalls me.
Unfortunately, I don't think Ms. Gonzales has anywhere near as strong a case as the Goldmans/Browns had against OJ, plus being found guilty of defamation would likely render a much lower $$ restitution judgment upon Casey Anthony than being found guilty of wrongful death did upon OJ. Still, I'd like to see some barrier in place to deter Casey Anthony. I don't trust such a narcissist to remain mum for too long; I could see her trying to profit from a kinda "IF I DID IT" thing without actually confessing like OJ attempted.
Just seeing her face in the news pages makes me sad again for Caylee. I despise the woman (obviously).
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The only place I'd like to see Casey Anthony is is behind bars. Absent that, I hope she always remains America's most hated woman and has to live the rest of her life in hiding, in fear of revenge.
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Casey Anthony filed for bankruptcy in Florida on Friday, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities.
Court records show that Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee in 2011, sought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection in federal court in Tampa.
Her listed debts include $500,000 for attorney fees and costs for her criminal defense lawyer during the trial, Jose Baez; $145,660 for the Orange County Sheriff's office for a judgment covering investigative fees and costs related to the case; $68,540 for the Internal Revenue Service for taxes, interest and penalties; and $61,505 for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement for court costs.
Read more:
If she is awarded Chapter 7 bankruptcy, she will essentially be "forgiven" of all debt except for taxes (if she had child support, alimony or student loans, those typically wouldn't be forgiven under Chapter 7 either). Her paltry $1,100 in assets would be sold off and go towards that $792,000 debt she's accumulated.
I won't be surprised if she pulls it off.
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Trustee wants to sell Casey Anthony's life story
Story here . . .
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(03-19-2013, 02:32 PM)BlueTiki Wrote: Trustee wants to sell Casey Anthony's life story
Story here . . .
Not like we didn't see it coming, but it still pisses me off.
"If she had the goods, and she was really going to spill the beans of what happened, particularly if she's not guilty, that's pretty big," said Eric Kampmann, the owner of Beaufort Books. "If she knew who the murderer was for example, that would be huge. That would be the biggest news story of the year."
Yeah, wouldn't it be something if Casey Anthony actually told the truth and revealed the real killer! Mirror, mirror...
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"If We Did It"
By Casey Anthony and OJ Simpson
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Judge Belvin Perry did an interview about his experience on the Casey Anthony case this morning.
Perry described his "surprise," "shock" and "disbelief" at reading the verdict.
"There was sufficient evidence to sustain a verdict of murder in the first degree in this case," he said.
"I thought they had proved a great case, but you’ve got to realize this was a circumstantial evidence case. All the defense had to do was create that reasonable doubt, and that’s what they did."
Perry credits Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, for his effect on the jury.
"The state had better lawyers, but Mr. Baez was very personable,'' Perry said. "He came across as someone that you would like. It’s like someone trying to sell a used car. Who are you going to buy it from? The most likable salesperson."
Hoping that the Jodi Arias jury doesn't consider "which lawyer do I like best?" a valid deliberation question.