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Fuck Sea World and Zoos...
I watched a good part of CNN's Blackfisb story last night and it made me sick. I don't have a problem with a few marine biology centers and Zoos for animal studying and breeding but they should be few and far between and HUGE to accommodate the animals. I didn't know that Orcas typically stay together for life. They showed another video of an Orca mother "calling out" to her baby who was miles away on a transport truck.

Fuck those places.
Commando Cunt Queen
I feel the same way about elephants, leave the elephants alone advanced tool making monkeys, leave them be.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Making lots of money can turn people into to monsters!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

(10-26-2013, 09:35 PM)username Wrote: I watched a good part of CNN's Blackfisb story last night

I started watching it but couldn't continue. I didn't want that memory embedded.

I rarely have sympathy for those who are hurt or killed by the animals that they keep in captivity. I don't agree with what they are doing & sometimes think they get what they deserve. I'm always amazed by those who wail, "how could this happen". 78
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Yeah, like those 2 Vegas magic fairies with their white Tigers. Irwin was seriously one of the most hilarious ironies ever. Gimme 20 foot Crocs or Snakes that kill you dead just by being close to them, a fucking .... Sting Ray?? My own favorite is that Grizzly guy. "Hey puppy, come here puppy, Aaaaaaaaarghhhhhhh!"

I'm still trying to figure out how they get all those Tigers stoned in that Thai temple. There must be something called "Stone Buda" which is clearly strong as fuck!

Anybody who does well with wild animals takes them really serious. But thank God for all the others, as they do provide quite the amusement really.

Like that guy who got killed by his Stag. "Hey puppy, come here puppy, Aaaaaaaaarghhhh!!" Fucking brilliant.
In the wild, killer whales rarely (if ever) attack a human.

I will never visit a sea park or zoo again. Not the Monterey Bay Aquarium (amusement park). Nothing. We have a local marine mammal center that cares for sick/injured marine life with the goal of releasing them back in to the wild. That is as it should be .

Commando Cunt Queen
I should probably watch that Blackfish. I've been to some very nice zoos where the animals looked content and comfortable with large habitats, but I'm not the animal so how the fuck would I know.

But yeah, unless it's a rescued or endangered animal used for mating, I don't think they should be taken out of their natural environment.
(10-27-2013, 04:21 PM)sally Wrote: I should probably watch that Blackfish. I've been to some very nice zoos where the animals looked content and comfortable with large habitats, but I'm not the animal so how the fuck would I know.

Killer whales not only live with their families their entire lives together in nature, they often travel upwards of 100 miles in a given day. I can't imagine how stir crazy they get in a stupid swimming pool day after day.
Commando Cunt Queen
(10-27-2013, 04:21 PM)sally Wrote: I should probably watch that Blackfish.

If animals in distress bother you, you are going to be horrified.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(10-27-2013, 11:51 PM)username Wrote: Killer whales not only live with their families their entire lives together in nature, they often travel upwards of 100 miles in a given day. I can't imagine how stir crazy they get in a stupid swimming pool day after day.

During my years in Hong Kong, all of a sudden it became somewhat fashionable for people to drive to Ocean Park wasted as hell after clubbing, and jump the fence to go for a swim with the Dolphins. Was always a bit hilarious when they fished out the poor guy who thought it a good idea to jump into the pool with the 2 Orca's.

For about 2 months a regular weekend happening. But their pools were at least of a somewhat decent size. In Jakarta I managed to find my way into the pool of their Dolphins and it was shocking to see 3 of them going round and round in a basin that was perhaps 8 meters across.

Like Flipper on Speed. Whhhoooossshhhh .... round and round and Whhhhoooosssshhh .... round and round and ......
(10-27-2013, 03:15 PM)username Wrote: In the wild, killer whales rarely (if ever) attack a human.

They generally live in fucking cold water don't they?
not many swimmers where they live.
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

You have no idea dear friend, apparently Antarctica is exceptionally lovely this time of the year. They call it the more chilled out Cote d'Azure. The people are way more cool and so much less pretentious. Only the insulated Bikini's need to get used too.
(10-30-2013, 03:21 AM)Eat Shit And Die Wrote:
(10-27-2013, 03:15 PM)username Wrote: In the wild, killer whales rarely (if ever) attack a human.

They generally live in fucking cold water don't they?
not many swimmers where they live.


[Image: ice-swimmers_1212835i.jpg]

Besides, Wikipedia disagrees...

Killer whales are found in all oceans, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to tropical seas.

Commando Cunt Queen
it was a question not a statement fucker.

(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

I watched too. After hearing many people talking about it. It is awful. We visited Sea World when we vacationed I'm Florida last year. Never again. The mom crying for her baby about killed me. And it pisses me off that they lie to people about the facts. The fallen dorsel fin and the life expectancy of orcas.... they lie and tell guests it's normal when researchers state it is not.
(11-05-2013, 11:28 AM)RaisingAPrince Wrote: The mom crying for her baby about killed me.

It's for reasons like that I didn't want to watch the entire documentary. That kind of thing sticks in my mind.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I too watched the documentary (a bit surprised it was featured on CNN) and a deep sadness of the overall tenor of the film was a bit overwhelming.

I grieved.
I saw it.
I've never had a desire to go to seaworld since I saw Free Willy with my kids 20 some years ago.
I'll never understand why this shit is allowed.
I Won't go to the Circus either.6
(08-08-2010, 06:37 PM)The Immortal Maggot Wrote: May your ears turn into arseholes and shit on your shoulders......Smiley_emoticons_smile

Pandas piss me off they've had more than enough time in safety and captivity, breed you stupid furry black and white motherfuckers! Natural selection says you suck as a species.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.