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I've been thinking about this a while. I'm a greedy motherfucker..
You're all greedy motherfuckers too, I'd care to wager..
Spare me your sharp intake of breath and faux-outrage protestations; you know it too.
We, I say we as in the collective human we, are on a one way track to destroying this planet. We are a parasite on it. We dig shit out of it, pollute the fuck out of it and generally unbalance the equilibrium of nature that is key to it's survival.
I live in a house that is probably 10 times bigger than what I probably need to live in for shelter and survival comfortably. I drive a car that can seat 8 people when it's usually just me, two at the most. It's probably in the worst economy bracket with shithouse aerodynamics blah blah.. I don't really do much to contribute to extending our existence on this planet other than recycling the plastic cartons that my over processed milk came in.
We use an insane amount of energy heating and cooling massive spaces for minimum people. Buying shit we don't really need and creating ways to entertain ourselves into isolation. Getting to places we didn't really need to go to faster than we probably needed to get there.
I buy food with ridiculous packaging that I don't even think about, The manufacturer packed it that way because they were a greedy motherfucker too. We throw out so much food at the end of the week that was not consumed. More waste..
We know that if we continue that fossil fuels will be depleted. All that carbon has to go somewhere. More imbalance. As the population grows, we need more water. Water cannot be made, it can only be changed in form. More deficit.
We put so much shit in our food to maximise the profit made from it that it is obviously affecting the health of the population across the globe.
Sure, it wont come to a head in my time. Maybe not even in my great grandchildren's lives, if I have any, but it will eventually..
Where comes the point when we are forced to put survival in front of greed?
Personally I don't think it'll happen. Greed will win out. I don't think the average human can put it aside. I think greed will continue and see one country/race/religion/group try and obliterate the rest so they can have what's left and wipe the whole lot of human existence out.
I think we are approaching our finite existence on an exponential scale.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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I'm materialistic too.
I don't feel greedy but I know I can be about some things.
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People in general all over the world could benifit from a way out idea like this. It would not be easy, (it really is thinking outside the box) but guess it would/could be a start to saving the planet.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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I know my home is too big, my vehicles are too big, I only get 8 miles to a gallon in one of them. I generate a massive amount of trash. My list of greediness might be massive too.
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My home is too big. However, when I bought it I thought there eitkd be more of us living here. I drive a Honda Accord so I don't drive a gas guzzler. I recycle everything I can. I am bad about drinking bottled water though. I am very conscious about not wasting electricity. But that more about keeping the electric bill down than energy conservation.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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(05-30-2014, 08:19 PM)Carsman Wrote: People in general all over the world could benifit from a way out idea like this. It would not be easy, (it really is thinking outside the box) but guess it would/could be a start to saving the planet.
I like that, cars, that's very cool. Unfortunately greed will probably keep it from taking flight. Too many greedy sons of bitches with money invested in fossil fuels will bribe, pressure and corrupt too many greedy politicians and spin doctors to bury it..
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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My house isn't too big. My truck gets good gas mileage, it's 10 years old, and I'll drive it til it dies on me (mandatory smog checks here, so it's not over-emitting). I recycle and re-purpose most things.
None of which is a result of me being less of a motherfucker or more committed than anyone else -- I'm not greedy because greed isn't one of the sins required for me to meet my selfish needs/wants. I don't like the bother or cost of accumulating new stuff is all.
One thing that I need to be better about is water. I drink tap water, not bottled -- I don't know which is more literally conservative, but that's a drop in the bucket anyhow. And, I don't have a dishwasher -- we wash by hand which is probably more conservative. Short showers, too. BUT, it takes a lot of water to wash a load of laundry and I rarely have a full barrel when I start one up.
So, I could buy more towels to reduce the need for washing. But, then, is it greedy to have more than a few towels for just 2 people and an occasional overnight visitor? Probably, to some.
Another thing -- this more complacent motherfucker isn't helping the economy as much as you more greedy motherfuckers. The economy matters a whole lot, right now, always. The environment does too, though its slower erosion is less noticeable and has a lesser impact on quality of life (or perceived quality of life) in the right here and right now as compared to the immediate impacts of an erosion in commerce, trade, consumerism...
IDK. There are pros and cons to the kind of greedy laid out in the OP, IMO. Capitalism wouldn't exist without it -- of that I'm sure.
One related topic that's been on my mind lately is the latest scientific report on climate change -- and why the hell the subject is so political and partisan (here in the US, at least). It's shouldn't be a political hotbed, it should be a bi-partisan social concern, IMO. But, that's another thread, I think.
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I do wait until I have full loads to do laundry. I don't use my dishwashers unless I'm entertaining. I'm mindful to turn the lights off when I leave a room. I don't have a commute so I'm not using a shit ton of gas.
We looked into green energy to run the farm and while it would eventually pay for itself the start up costs were obscene, downright shocking.
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...and I'd just like to add, to all those who don't believe in global warming - I think it's a crying shame you won't be here to suffer the effects.
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(05-31-2014, 05:35 AM)Duchess Wrote: I do wait until I have full loads to do laundry. I don't use my dishwashers unless I'm entertaining. I'm mindful to turn the lights off when I leave a room. I don't have a commute so I'm not using a shit ton of gas.
We looked into green energy to run the farm and while it would eventually pay for itself the start up costs were obscene, downright shocking.
I'm bad about the lights; my niece is worse.
Crash made good points in his OP. I understand his concerns.
It's gonna take governmental regulation, across the globe, for people and businesses to begin operating in a manner that helps to preserve the environment in a meaningful way, IMO. It's gonna require policy. I don't like regulation and policies generally, but I agree with crash that as individuals left to our own natures and devices, the commitment won't be there consistently enough unless there is a driving force behind it.
The latest climate change reports are interesting and concerning. Amazing to me that scientific research and reports from non-partisan experts can be written off as bullshit by some because it's embraced as imperative by "the other side". There shouldn't be any sides when it comes to this issue, as far as I'm concerned. Obama hasn't been able to get a clean air bill through Congress, so I understand that he is now using his executive authority under the 1970 Clean Air Act to issue an E.P.A. regulation --taking aim at coal-fired power plants, the nation’s largest source of carbon pollution--to put wheels in motion.
China and the US are the worst polluters of the environment according to all reports. China is slightly ahead of us now, but we led the pack for years and years. For years there's therefore been some back and forth going on between Chinese and American leaders in terms of which country has the responsibility to bite the bullet and lead (fund) some of the global environmental initiatives now being proposed through UN and other channels. One thing China's done is invest a lot of brain power and research into climate change. I get the sense that the Chinese view environment erosion as an immediate crisis, though, as you said, the worst impacts of not changing course wouldn't likely be recognized in the short term.
Obama's strategy / US-China positions - ref:
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Thing 2 goes out and leaves every light on in his room including his closet and bathroom. TV on also. I stopped bitching at him about it and just go in and turn everything off. It's easier that way and saves my sanity.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
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I like the way the lights brighten the rooms so I turn them on even when I don't need them, I run the dishwasher and washing machine even when there isn't a full load, we waste tons of bottles of water because everyone just leaves them sitting around so I throw them away half full, all of my vehicles are gas guzzlers, I don't recycle, I fill two dumpsters up with trash twice a week, my house is probably too big but I would like an even bigger one.
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I try to be conservative with everything, light off when leaving a room, I try to get all things done when I'm out so its not a wasted trip I keep my heat down low and waste nothing from the supper table. Its not because of the environment or because of the good green earth, its the money and what I can save by doing these things.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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(05-31-2014, 10:33 AM)ramseycat Wrote: Thing 2 goes out and leaves every light on in his room including his closet and bathroom. TV on also. I stopped bitching at him about it and just go in and turn everything off. It's easier that way and saves my sanity.
Put timers on to replace the light switches, problem solved.
Lights piss me off, WTF do we need a big ass double light pole every 100 feet up and down I95? My first car, a 69 Chevelle SS had headlights and they worked fine. Cars these days have automatic lights that are even brighter and more efficient than ever so WHy?
Concrete factory just south of here, lit up like a fucking christmas tree 24/7, Why? Buildings all lit up over the weekend and all night, why.
I never thought I was all that green, but I am a little at least. We buy fresh food here, GF has serious problems with MSG and all kinds of chemicals so we cook fresh unmolested foor for the most part. We have a water distiller to clean out the chlorine and other stuff they put in there, I don't buy bottled water at all. It takes 2 weeks to partially fill the trash can enough to make it worth while to run it out to the street. I drive a bigass dodge 3500 dually diesel that I can get near 20mpg from, the house is big but not very well designed so it feels cramped to me, maybe its just the low ceilings. I reinsulated the attic and put on a new roof so its pretty efficient, that cut the electric bill down to 1⁄ 3 of what it was.
If you have not blown insulation in the attic, I highly recommend it, $300 investment paid for itself in 6 weeks, literally.
I am experimenting with LED lighting and planning a solar build for at least part of the house, problem is the panels are exposed to high winds if they are on the roof and can cause roof damage.
Laundry is almost always a full load
So I am a little green at least
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(05-30-2014, 08:19 PM)Carsman Wrote: People in general all over the world could benifit from a way out idea like this. It would not be easy, (it really is thinking outside the box) but guess it would/could be a start to saving the planet. I saw that the other day, it's a cool invention, but it would NOT start on highways. Driving a tractor slowly across it does not prove it can take the stress and strain mechanics of highway driving. Either way the normal costs of a highway are so expensive, quadrupling that cost would hardly seem feasible to me, despite longterm gain. Idunno, maybe if Google decided they wanted to build a highway.
My gf doesn't really care about saving the planet and recycling and such, but she is one of those people that thinks the government is going to make the people slaves to food and power and such, so she's researched geothermal energy and all that jazz... I think solar panels turned out to be the cheapest option, but yeah, the installation costs are still high. It's worth it tho over time. And to get off the grid, if you think the gov't is out to getchya.
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(05-31-2014, 10:49 AM)sally Wrote: I like the way the lights brighten the rooms so I turn them on even when I don't need them, I run the dishwasher and washing machine even when there isn't a full load, we waste tons of bottles of water because everyone just leaves them sitting around so I throw them away half full, all of my vehicles are gas guzzlers, I don't recycle, I fill two dumpsters up with trash twice a week, my house is probably too big but I would like an even bigger one.
I love that about you, Sal. You can own your shit. No pretentiousness.
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
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I'm good at owning my own shit and making fun of myself. IRL too.
If you can't do that then you can't fuck with anyone else.
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Currently I have about 250 employees and I made damn sure that we implemented training programs that focus on recycling and the environment, so that I can live in my 4 story fucking mansion and drive a Chevy tank. I think 250:1 is fair enough and that number will ensure that I will go straight to heaven.
I also just did our order for a container of booze that will arrive here in 3 months time, so I'm also doing my part there, somehow trying to take care of all those alcohol related problems the West seems to be having. Surely doesn't get better than that. I'm such a fucking Saint!
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(05-31-2014, 10:33 AM)ramseycat Wrote: Thing 2 goes out and leaves every light on in his room including his closet and bathroom. TV on also. I stopped bitching at him about it and just go in and turn everything off. It's easier that way and saves my sanity. could do what I would have done if I ever had that problem...take all his fucking light bulbs and his TV and tell him he can have them back when he learns to shut them off or when he decides he wants to pay the electric bill.
Yeah...I'm a bitch like that.
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 he already lost his TV for a different reason. His face was priceless when he came home and it was gone from his room.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt