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The National Intelligence Council wants the report kept under wraps to avoid inflaming anti-US passions abroad. hah

That's so funny to me. They don't want it to get out that the techniques used were far more brutal than previously understood. hah

Like it's a big fuckin' secret.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Oh My GOD No We cannot possibly upset the muslims or the fucking frogs, or the democrats.
Fuckem, do what ya got to get whatever info out of the assholes you need. Its not like pissing them off is a problem as long as you know thats what your doing.
Yep, we are living in wonderful times where terrorists get manicures and pedicures and make sure that pedophiles have comfortable cells and further their education to perhaps become decent citizens after all. Here they just took 14 soldiers off a bus that was supposed to take them home for their Eid holidays and cut their throats Al Qaeda style with proper social media and all. Funny, the soldier saying "But don't kill me, I'm a muslim." Yeah, whatever, bye bye.

I believe human rights are for humans and we need to define what makes a human. You are not, no rights. Just because you look like one is far from qualifying. We, the West, have become way to soft.
(08-10-2014, 05:00 AM)Mohammed Wrote: I believe human rights are for humans and we need to define what makes a human. You are not, no rights. Just because you look like one is far from qualifying. We, the West, have become way to soft.

I agree with this.

I don't necessarily agree that torture gets results or that whatever is gleaned is fact and I don't like that those who have tortured refuse to own it. They lie & deny or straight up call it something else, anything but torture. If you're going to do this to people at least have the fuckin' balls to own it. The whole world knows the United States tortured people yet here they are still trying to keep it quiet and hidden. Retards.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
I love how it was put out there in an informal using minimizing language way by saying.....
"ahhhh we tortured some folks".
There should be movies on youtube titled "Don't Fuck with US" and it should be beamed into every house in the middle east. Put the fear into THEM.
But that would be very un-Christian, right? Turn the other cheek and all right? Live in a world of make believe and ignore the cold hard truth maybe? Lets go Unicorn hunting. hah
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Now I wonder what you would have done in the diner, Maggot..
“Two billion people will perish globally due to being vaccinated against Corona virus” - rothschild, August 2021
(08-11-2014, 08:47 PM)Maggot Wrote: But that would be very un-Christian, right? Turn the other cheek and all right? Live in a world of make believe and ignore the cold hard truth maybe? Lets go Unicorn hunting. hah

I'm not saying that Maggot. They don't care, they are prepared to die, they are brainwashed. There has been an increase in this religion and power not a decrease.

As for the youtube movie.....there are already US movies that portray that, and it is not acting as a deterrent. I am not trying to be a 'glass half empty' person, just a realist.
That's because many are very uneducated and fairly numb. Not all, but a steady increasing dumbing down of the population. There is rarely free thought. Like ants.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
(08-11-2014, 10:21 PM)Maggot Wrote: There is rarely free thought.

...and people follow like sheep.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
(08-11-2014, 09:19 PM)crash Wrote: Now I wonder what you would have done in the diner, Maggot..

I hate injustice. Even if it is against a Muslim. People that can carry themselves and pull their own weight are worth getting involved with when they are threatened.
Then again if I see a store clerk getting yelled at by a customer for something stupid I wouldn't hesitate to call the idiot yelling a dumb ass. My mouth gets me in trouble sometimes and my in-laws cringe saying no, no not here in public. But right is right ya know. I couldn't sleep knowing I saw something stupid and failed to even say anything, good that I stay out of the city I guess.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.