03-15-2009, 06:40 PM
So the Detroit Wayne County crime lab has become one giant clusterfuck. At the "tip of the iceberg" are 147 cases where evidence from the lab has been mishandled and presented in error or just flat-out falsely.
The State boys in blue now have to reassess all the past evidence handling for 3 fucking years. Shit, I could have toldthem a long time ago that the idiots down there dont know how to do their fucking jobs.
Gotta love how Kym Worthy (head prosecutor) is "concerned" about how many innocent people might be in prison and how many guilty ones could be on the streets. ::doh::::bang::
Click HERE.
The State boys in blue now have to reassess all the past evidence handling for 3 fucking years. Shit, I could have toldthem a long time ago that the idiots down there dont know how to do their fucking jobs.
Gotta love how Kym Worthy (head prosecutor) is "concerned" about how many innocent people might be in prison and how many guilty ones could be on the streets. ::doh::::bang::
Click HERE.