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Do you remember losing your innocence?
I lost my innocence at 12 years old when an out of town motorcycle gang bombed our local motorcycle gang killing my cousin. I heard the explosions while playing on my upper class front lawn. For years we heard gun shots police running around. Everyone told our kids it was farmers blowing out fence stumps. Yea right!!! Who here grew up with an interesting childhood?
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So you're saying that you lost your virginity to a gang of bikers out on your front lawn at the age of 12?
I don't have nothing on that.
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When I was just about 14 I saw a guy take a 44mag round to the chest from about 12 feet. He was opening the door to the store with a gun in his hand intending to rob the place. I was about 15 feet away coming around the corner of the building.
He hit the ground dead as a mackerel, not a twitch. I walked up and looked at the dead guy, he was way fucking dead. I looked back in the door and the clerk still had his weapon on target, I said "You got him". He pretty much fell apart. I remember the blast from the gun, the windows of the store bulged out and then rebounded, I didn't know glass could do that. Was pretty cool, but I am weird like that
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I saw a kid pulled out of the dam after being in it for 3 months. he was like a transparent jelly blob. It was winter when he fell in and spring when they found him. He was looking for old bottles with my friend Randy Russell along a steep bank of the river and slid right in, they were 13 yrs. old and when they pulled out Jerry Vezina in the spring I just stood there and stared at him getting pulled out in a net. His Mother and Father were standing there crying.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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I remember things pretty clearly from 4 years old up, but don't ever recall feeling innocent.
Where we lived there was a lot of violent crime, theft, and the adults in my world (though not criminals) were far from conformists - especially my 'party til you pass-out' grandma, with whom we lived.
We had to be tough, especially as minorities, but my sisters and I didn't know any different then. A lot of bad things happened around us and some really fucked-up shit happened to me and my sister who's a year younger, but overall we had a pretty interesting and good childhood.
Then we moved out of L.A. to Orange County which was much more conservative, materialistic, and safe. My parents and sisters loved it, but I always missed L.A. Sometimes I still do a little.
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I think I was around 7 and my mom cheated on my dad with the guy he got pot from. So my dad ordered a few pounds or whatever pretending he didn't know about it and when the guy got there my dad broke both of he knee caps with a hammer as soon as he walked through the door.
Meh, I've seen other stuff too. But I think that's my first remembrance of seeing some really crazy shit.
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My mom said "that's not ketchup on the chair." and then proceeded to explain about periods in graphic detail. Right before elementary school. I was so numb and dazed, I didn't learn anything in school that day.
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LOL, poor guy. Still, you didn't walk in on them having sex so thats one thing I guess.