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Ordinary peephole - British and Proud?

OK. I don't want to call him pig ignorant, smug, condescending, unwashed, Pommy retard. What is unfortunate then, is that as much as I don't want to do this,his behaviour makes it too easy to do just that.
He seems to have in his mind a "British is better than Australian" thing going on. How he figures this is anyone's guess?

I have to say that my understanding of Britain is not comprehensive but what I understand is that native Britains were belted by the Celts (who originated in modern Austria) who were in turn belted by and large conquered by the Romans (Italians) and then by the Angles, Jutes and Saxons (Germans) who were then belted by the Vikings (Nowegians and Danes) and then conquered by the Normans (French).

Now define Bastard. Still struggling? Look as far as the third in line to the throne - Prince Harry. Harry is no more related to Prince Charles than I am. The King to be, Prince Charles, wants to be a tampon and the Queen is holding onto the throne in hope she outlives him. This way she can pass the throne to William who confesses to not wanting it anyhow.

Brits. Why so many of them think that they are somehow superior is beyond me?


Crash would probably agree with you.
OP likes to pretend England is OK.
86 112
you should not have to bump your own thread. if there are no responses you should just let it die and try to piss OP off again another day.
Liquid Wrote:you should not have to bump your own thread. if there are no responses you should just let it die and try to piss OP off again another day.
He does this frequently. I see I am not the only one who noticed that this mongoloid gets very few replies to his blabbering.
Yes you are the only one.
I bumped two threads as an experiment to see if bumping them got condemned and who by. This is the first time I have done it.
Well done Sinister Liar AND Idiot. Congrats.

Duchess for Mod!!!