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I'm just posting this dribble to see where it goes but here ya go.
I remember going to a tutor in the year 1968 or 69 to learn why I was failing in math. I went to this lady that my Mom got a number for that did tutoring. I went to a Catholic school so she was related to some French person that went to church all the time. She was great! We did stuff that improved my mastery over math and one morning I heard that she was going to win a prize on the radio if she answered the call. I told her excitedly that they were going to call when I got there in the morning, it must have been early because the sun was just creeping up her kitchen window. She got the call and the look on her face..........I still remember it!
Well...... They called, she won a toaster and all was good with the world. At the end of Summer she passed me and everyone was happy, it was August and she said she was on her way to a 3 day concert in N.Y.
She was a really cool Quebec half french/American it took a few years to figure out that she was Nichols older sister who secretly watched me ride around in the gym on my unicycle shooting baskets three years later.
Anyone want to hear another hippy dippy story? Or have one?
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(12-07-2020, 10:22 PM)Maggot Wrote: I'm just posting this dribble to see where it goes but here ya go.
I remember going to a tutor in the year 1968 or 69
Anyone want to hear another hippy dippy story? Or have one? Damn, you're a lot older than I thought, but I love hippie stories, o please continue
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O.K. When I was a kid we would trade all kinds of stuff. Baseball cards, bikes all kinds of stuff. One day I traded a frog in a cube of acrylic for a baby raccoon. It was cute as hell and me and my brothers loved him. We named him "Bandit" He did everything with us, climbed trees, rode on our bikes, took walks.
My Dad was a Truck driver and was gone for weeks at a time. One time when he came back we had a surprise for him. Yup, Bandit. He was in the living room eating ice cream and me and my 3 brothers walked in with this thing and reluctantly let us put it on his lap. He got used to it and I guess it wasn't so bad because we were all laughing and having a good ole time playing with him.
My Dad had grown a beard and bandit scurried up his belly and started playing with it, running his fingers through it and did you know their hands look almost human! Anyways Bandit got his fingers and hands all tied up in his beard and eye to eye with my dad got pissed and started growling and baring his teeth all kinds of weird stuff.
My Dad was starting to freak out because I guess he had never been face to face with a growling teeth baring Raccoon before.
He starts saying and yelling GET THIS THING OFF ME!!! and my Mother comes in and says "You kids get that thing off your Dad!!! So we did and ran out with bandit.
The next day he took it and went for a drive and dropped it off in the local state park, I guess Bandit was starting to go wild.
I still miss that little critter.
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You put the abandon in bandit.
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I love that story Maggot!
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I wanted a Spider Monkey.
There they were in the back of comic books 18.79 your very own spider monkey. I asked my Mom and she just looked at me weird. I took that as a no and didn't have the 18.79 anyways so I moved on to the Capitol music club, where I promptly ordered 8 8-tracks mostly Steve Miller, Sweet, Elton John, Quicksilver messenger service and a few others. Never bought anymore but kept the one they sent every month. You would tape a nickel on the add to prove your trustworthiness.
Anyways my cousin Cathy had the money for the spider monkey and got one. It was great when it first came in and for almost a year we frolicked with the monkey everywhere, to the park, swing-sets, 5&dime. It was great, she had a basket on her bike and he just sat there being a monkey.
But it got weird one day, he started chirping and jumping on the curtains and the last time I saw it, it was in the kitchen cabinet growling at me and eating the cereal. I think my Uncle Leon whacked it with a tennis racket and stuck it in a pillow case and tossed it in the pool.
Today if given the chance I would still get a spider monkey.
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When I was younger, I was petrified to fly in an Airplane. (Older now, grew up, and fly in Airplanes )
So when I had to go Florida I left NYC in an Amtrak train that took between 26 to 32 hours "one way" to get there!
It depended on problems they had alone the way. And the same going home.
One time we hit a car that was crossing over a "train track crossing"! The car misjudged the train speed!
One time the train hit some metal debris on the train tracks and it bounced up under the bottom of the train and cut the hydraulic brake lines between the coupling of the train cars! We were stuck 4 hours, for them to send
out to get the hoses, and then they had to replace the cut brake lines.
At least I had a Sleeper Cabin! And the Dining car had good food! So that made it somewhat easier for me.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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I'm glad that you are a true connoisseur of train travel. It's a great way to get from one place to another. At least that's what is promoted with all the new rail lines promised. A great way to spend money. Never mind a great way to wash money. But I'm sure you knew that, my fabulous friend from the Florida orange grove.
I miss your N.E. perspective.
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So when I first started to fly in Airplanes I was scared shitless! So I decided to drink!
I sat at the Bar in the Airport, sipping straight Vodka, I had 4 additional shots lined up on the bar.
When they called "last call" over the loud speakers for passengers on my flight, I gulped down the waiting 4 shots as fast as I could.
And I proceeded to walk to my boarding gate. By the time I got there, I was the last one to stumble on board.
By the time I stumbled into my seat, (on the Isle) I had a buzz on so high, that I was high as a kite.
I slumped in my seat and never felt the plane takeoff. I myself was flying higher than the plane!
I was out of it for most of the 3-1/2 hour flight. By the time I got to Florida, I only had a Buzz, not the full Buzzed!
After getting my luggage, I found my car service, (it wasn't called Uber then) and went to my destination.
I Have many more flying stories similar to this one if anyone interested.
(PS: Today I don't have to get buzzed any more to fly)
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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I remember about 4-5 yrs ago I decided to paint my pool. I worked on it for a week or two and was finally ready to paint it. There i was painting away and the Professor came out and was watching me. I was just about to say "Grab a roller" and saw she was bawling her eyes out. I climbed outta the pool and said "WTF is the matter?" She says " I thought you were dead, I never thought you would make it! Here you are painting a Goddamn pool" I had just gone through chemo, radiation, 10 hr surgery and a godawful colostomy bag for 3 months, but here I was painting the goddamn pool. A part of my life I would like to forget but never will. I love that bitch.
No problems yet though.  8 yrs so far.
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Here's another blast.
Back when I was 12 I had been playing guitar for a couple years, my brother went to lessons but soon gave it up so I inherited the guitar and all the books. I was doing OK but wanted to step it up a bit. So I hooked it up to an old radio. This was a radio from the 50's it had a record player and a radio so I went to the needle of the record player and hooked up a microphone to the 2 wires and stuck it in the hole of the guitar. It was electrifying because now I had an amplifier.
I could only turn it up when no one else was around and I took an 8-track player and recorded my noise.
Today I went to a yard sale and picked up an 8-track player so now I can finally listen to that tape from 48 yrs ago. I still have it for some crazy reason and as soon as I get a chance and clean off the capstans and the head with some alcohol will give it a try.
I've been dying to hear that thing for years.
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I remember I was out around San Diego back in 77 it was weird my friend Soria was hanging with me, he was on the Karate team and everyone stayed away from him. I treated him like anyone else and I think he saw that. We went out to Disco's. I know and I hate to admit it but that's where the Pussy was at the time. I remember "Funky Town" was really big.
Anyways I remember Soria waking up to this guy from the Bronx about American Asians. He took him out with one whack because the Bronx guy was fucking with my pal Willard.We hung out for a bit and later I found out Soria blinded a guy in Boston and got tossed in jail. Not sure what happened to him but I bet the guy he blinded was a big Mo-Fo. Soria was good and on his game.
Soria was alright in my book. That's how I remember him.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.