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Butthurt faggots
Locking threads, tool of butthurt faggots when faced with a superior mocker.

Suck my matza balls, thin-skinned cunts!
You probably have less than a minute to load a respectable avatar and put up a bitch name with your custom title in your Account > Profile.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:You probably have less than a minute to load a respectable avatar and put up a bitch name with your custom title in your Account > Profile.
If that long. The clock is ticking.
[user=7]Sinister[/user] wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:You probably have less than a minute to load a respectable avatar and put up a bitch name with your custom title in your Account > Profile.
If that long.  The clock is ticking.

You need to find a new mantra, cunt.
Sinister Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:You probably have less than a minute to load a respectable avatar and put up a bitch name with your custom title in your Account > Profile.
If that long. The clock is ticking.
[user=129]johnnywankerstein[/user] wrote:
Quote:Locking threads, tool of butthurt faggots when faced with a superior mocker. 

Suck my matza balls, thin-skinned cunts!
I take it the near silent sobbing and hiccuping answer to my earlier question regarding your 'intimacy" and 'special moments' spent between you and your uncle (aunt?) earlier in the day was a "yes"?
If so, we forgive your need to recklessly strike out at a forum of strangers as you struggle and battle the inter demons of rage and guilt.
Godspeed Wanker! Godspeed.
johnnywankerstein Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:You probably have less than a minute to load a respectable avatar and put up a bitch name with your custom title in your Account > Profile.
If that long. The clock is ticking.
Nope. Try again.