Legal first: no warrant needed to raid Sydney Hells Angels
Police will no longer need a warrant to raid the Sydney headquarters of the Hell's Angels outlaw bikie gang, in a legal first for NSW.
In the Supreme Court today, Registrar Chris Bradford found the Restricted Premises Act 1943 applied to the clubhouse in Guildford, with the exception of a shed on the western side of the Broughton Street property.
Gangs Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Mal Lanyon said it was the first time in NSW that such a judgment had been obtained for an outlaw motorcycle gang clubhouse.
"To put the impact of this declaration at its most basic level, it allows police to enter the clubhouse 24⁄ 7 without a warrant to ensure compliance with the Restricted Premises Act," he said in a statement issued after the court ruling.
An address can be declared to be restricted premises on various grounds, including if drunken, disorderly or indecent conduct is occurring, or if drugs or liquor has been unlawfully sold or supplied.
It can also be classified as restricted if criminals and/or their associates attend the address.
Det Supt Lanyon said the declaration would help police monitor the activities of the Sydney-based Hell's Angels.
He said that since May 2007, police had arrested 877 people and laid 1,961 charges as a part of Operation Ranmore, targeting criminal activities by motorcycle gangs.
The offences ranged from assault and affray to participation in a criminal group.
To go even further with this, it is now considered acrime to associate with any MC members or known affiliates in Australia. Your average Joe can get arrested just for keeping company with a MC member.
So the question is... all biker loyalty aside, is this group really so nasty that they deserve that kind of treatment? If so, why are they not in jail instead of being allowed to run around and make trouble? Are they beating up and/or killing innocent people? Selling drugs to children? Worse??
Civil liberties are very important to me, but I also can understand trying to 'take down' truly evil people. On the other hand, it's hard to imagine what type of behavior would warrant an action that extreme. Either way, it's disturbing. :(
Those are some excellent questions, Syber. Have you ever had any interaction with any MC; 81 or otherwise? Regardless, there is more good done by Clubs - outlaw or otherwise - than any LEO group known to man.
My ol' mans Club does charity runs, takes on Toys for Tots, rides for breast cancer research, feeds the homeless, volunteers for soup kitchens and there is, in fact a story in my own Biker forum about a 1% group that heard of a family who was destitute and had no way to give the children of that family presents for Christmas at which point several officers from the Club went shopping, with the children on the back of their sleds to bring home what the children needed to have a decent Christmas.
MC's are like pit bulls and guns; you only hear about the bad things that happen in those groups. You never hear about the good these people do.
If you are a member at 24, read this thread. This will give you a clue as to what the "hardcore, criminal, law-breaking" Bikers are about. A little look into a MC's house
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That is truly disturbing. I never really knew much about bikers except the negative crap in movies or on tv. I learned a bit over at 24 and some here from you Sin. What impressed me most was the dedication and loyalty the bikers exibit. I checked out this other guys site about his experience with the law that a "member" recommended (Sin) and that man is obviously extremely intelligent, hard working, a loyal friend and family man. Not a criminal. I think what is happening is so disturbing. The police spend so much time targeting a specific group of people based on incorrect assumption while letting the real criminals run free.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt
ramseycat Wrote:That is truly disturbing. I never really knew much about bikers except the negative crap in movies or on tv. I learned a bit over at 24 and some here from you Sin. What impressed me most was the dedication and loyalty the bikers exibit. I checked out this other guys site about his experience with the law that a "member" recommended (Sin) and that man is obviously extremely intelligent, hard working, a loyal friend and family man. Not a criminal. I think what is happening is so disturbing. The police spend so much time targeting a specific group of people based on incorrect assumption while letting the real criminals run free. And all the info you've received here and at 24 is completely unbiased. ::rollseyes::
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Sinister Wrote:Legal first: no warrant needed to raid Sydney Hells Angels
Police will no longer need a warrant to raid the Sydney headquarters of the Hell's Angels outlaw bikie gang, in a legal first for NSW.
In the Supreme Court today, Registrar Chris Bradford found the Restricted Premises Act 1943 applied to the clubhouse in Guildford, with the exception of a shed on the western side of the Broughton Street property.
Gangs Squad Commander Detective Superintendent Mal Lanyon said it was the first time in NSW that such a judgment had been obtained for an outlaw motorcycle gang clubhouse.
"To put the impact of this declaration at its most basic level, it allows police to enter the clubhouse 24⁄7 without a warrant to ensure compliance with the Restricted Premises Act," he said in a statement issued after the court ruling.
An address can be declared to be restricted premises on various grounds, including if drunken, disorderly or indecent conduct is occurring, or if drugs or liquor has been unlawfully sold or supplied.
It can also be classified as restricted if criminals and/or their associates attend the address.
Det Supt Lanyon said the declaration would help police monitor the activities of the Sydney-based Hell's Angels.
He said that since May 2007, police had arrested 877 people and laid 1,961 charges as a part of Operation Ranmore, targeting criminal activities by motorcycle gangs.
The offences ranged from assault and affray to participation in a criminal group.
To go even further with this, it is now considered acrime to associate with any MC members or known affiliates in Australia. Your average Joe can get arrested just for keeping company with a MC member.
Chipping away the rights of organised gangs is something I and every other decent human being with half a brain supports.
I think all bikers should be tagged.
Maybe you should discuss this "sleight against the freedom to bully, beat, intimidate and shoot anyone you see fit" with Robo the conspiracy retard over at 24.
There are only four types of people who would willingly associate with bikers:-
A - Fellow criminals
B - Ass licking cheerleaders
C - The intellectually challenged
D - Deluded patriot retards who think roaming gangs of scumbags is one of the things that makes America great.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Sinister Wrote:Those are some excellent questions, Syber. Have you ever had any interaction with any MC; 81 or otherwise? Regardless, there is more good done by Clubs - outlaw or otherwise - than any LEO group known to man.
My ol' mans Club does charity runs, takes on Toys for Tots, rides for breast cancer research, feeds the homeless, volunteers for soup kitchens and there is, in fact a story in my own Biker forum about a 1% group that heard of a family who was destitute and had no way to give the children of that family presents for Christmas at which point several officers from the Club went shopping, with the children on the back of their sleds to bring home what the children needed to have a decent Christmas.
MC's are like pit bulls and guns; you only hear about the bad things that happen in those groups. You never hear about the good these people do.
If you are a member at 24, read this thread. This will give you a clue as to what the "hardcore, criminal, law-breaking" Bikers are about. [color="#0000ff"]A little look into a MC's house [/color] I have to guess that MC = Motocycle Club? I've had interaction with a few motorcycle folks in the past.. as I've said before, I've found them to be decent people though, up to this point at least. Of course I also recognize, that just as with any group of people, there are going to be groups who are not 'good people'. I've even met some of the 'infamous' "Hells Angels" members, and they seemed like perfectly nice people, but I know that there are factions who are into 'bad things'. I have it on good authority, for example, that at least one group in the San Jose area, deals cocaine and sometimes does even worse things for money. That in no way makes ALL biker groups bad, but no doubt some are. But hell... there are evil Girl Scouts.
I can understand certain circumstances where the civil rights of certain groups WOULD be taken away, and maybe that group in question is one of those, but I would just HOPE that they truly do deserve the scrutiny they are being given.
Australia has a bit of a history for being less tolerant of certain groups anyway... I don't know if it was ever overturned, but Scientology was kicked out of Oz a long time ago. In the US, I would hope that groups like the KKK and Skinheads would be among the first to have their 'civil liberties' trimmed, if any.
As for Opie's comment
Quote:Chipping away the rights of organised gangs is something I and every other decent human being with half a brain supports.
Aside from my first thought that this is simply a troll statement, I definitely disagree with it. There are many groups which could easily fall under the label 'gangs', but are harmless and simply seeking that tribal, family-like connection within a group of like-minded souls. That doesn't make them any less deserving of 'rights'. I say, let the groups' actions speak for themselves. If a group proves itself to be overwhelmingly 'bad', fine... they SHOULD be monitored closely and action should be taken against them. Otherwise, leave them the hell alone.
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[user=116]SyberBitch[/user] wrote:
Quote:As for Opie's comment
Quote:Quote:Chipping away the rights of organised gangs is something I and every other decent human being with half a brain supports.
Aside from my first thought that this is simply a troll statement, I definitely disagree with it. There are many groups which could easily fall under the label 'gangs', but are harmless and simply seeking that tribal, family-like connection within a group of like-minded souls. That doesn't make them any less deserving of 'rights'. I say, let the groups' actions speak for themselves. If a group proves itself to be overwhelmingly 'bad', fine... they SHOULD be monitored closely and action should be taken against them. Otherwise, leave them the hell alone.
Well in this case, the groups actions do speak for themselves. The report said that the police will no longer need a warrant to raid them, which means they have been raided before. They are obviously doing more than collecting toys for tots.
sally Wrote:Well in this case, the groups actions do speak for themselves. The report said that the police will no longer need a warrant to raid them, which means they have been raided before. They are obviously doing more than collecting toys for tots. While that might SEEM obvious, I would have to say that it's doesn't necessarily follow that they are 'bad people' simply because they have been raided in the past. It IS possible that the local law enforcement simply do not like them, or they are getting multiple complaints from locals who don't like them. One would have to see the actual charges and findings resulting from the raids to make that decision.
As I said though, I can't help but HOPE that the group in question deserves the scrutiny. Otherwise, it really IS a scary thing.
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The Hell's angels are known as a criminal gang the same way pitbulls are known as vicious dogs. They didn't get the bad rap for nothing. I have a pitbull and I have no problems with anyone because she doesn't cause any problems. I doubt anyone can say the same for this group.
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sally Wrote:I doubt anyone can say the same for this group. I feel like you are painting an entire group of people with the same broad brush...I don't associate with Bikers but, I do have occasion to spend time with them a couple timesa year & I hold this group of people in VERY high regard...It's high enough that they would be invited into my home & not just anyone gets that invite...It's wrong for people to give such a blanket judgement, I truly believe that.
sally Wrote:The Hell's angels are known as a criminal gang the same way pitbulls are known as vicious dogs. They didn't get the bad rap for nothing. I have a pitbull and I have no problems with anyone because she doesn't cause any problems. I doubt anyone can say the same for this group.
You doubt anyone can say the same for this group? How many Hell's Angels do you know?
I have never said that criminal activity does not take place among MC's. I've never claimed that members of Clubs are saints. You post an exception to the "rule" that pitbulls are vicious. Why can't the same theory apply to 81? How much do you know about the Hell's Angels or any other MC? Did you know that when Vietnam was happening, Sonny Barger offered up his entire crew to go there to fight? If you don't know who Sonny Barger is, Google him; he's all over the place.
Did you also know that an operation, called Black Biscuit, took place some years ago where a chapter of this Club was infiltrated by a rat cop, 2 years and over 1.5 million dollars was spent to bring them down and while 56 arrests were made, they ended up convicting 5 members of minor things like drug posession? No murders, no rapes, no drug trafficking, just a couple guys pled to drug posession.
Learn about what you judge before you open your ignorant mouth.
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One has to ask if, objectively, these groups are frequently/consistently protecting, through secrecy, lots of seriously illegal acts and operations. If the cops knew that to be true, would their actions still be so problematic? Otherwise, yeah, it seems to be a threat to the principles of freedom.
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Quote:Have you ever had any interaction with any MC; 81 or otherwise? Regardless, there is more good done by Clubs - outlaw or otherwise - than any LEO group known to man.
I've had interaction with both, and I know lots of LEO groups that do the same sort of charity work that some M/C's do.
And this is something in Sydney, Australia or is this place somewhere in America? I don't know what rights they have in Australia so I can't comment on whether the courts are wrong or not. Before this thread, I didn't know if they did or didn't need to have a search warrant to enter or search premises
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DPD Chick Wrote:Quote:I didn't know if they did or didn't need to have a search warrant to enter or search premises Holy Hell, Woman !...You don't ever, ever, did I say ever, let LEO's onto your property without a warrant...Jesus Christ...Fuck them, if they really think it is necessary to be in your home they will come prepared...I can hardly believe you said that.
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the police are at my house everyday bwahahaha
anyway, I was talking about Australia. I don't know what civil rights they have there.
Middle Finger Wrote:One has to ask if, objectively, these groups are frequently/consistently protecting, through secrecy, lots of seriously illegal acts and operations. If the cops knew that to be true, would their actions still be so problematic? Otherwise, yeah, it seems to be a threat to the principles of freedom. Each Club is different, Frank, and I cannot speak for the business that goes on among them. Club business is not shared with women, even if we do find out about it in other ways.
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DPD Chick Wrote:the police are at my house everyday bwahahaha Hahahaha...You're the one married to the cop, right ?...Oops.
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Duchess Wrote:DPD Chick Wrote:the police are at my house everyday bwahahaha Hahahaha...You're the one married to the cop, right ?...Oops. yep
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Sinister Wrote:sally Wrote:The Hell's angels are known as a criminal gang the same way pitbulls are known as vicious dogs. They didn't get the bad rap for nothing. I have a pitbull and I have no problems with anyone because she doesn't cause any problems. I doubt anyone can say the same for this group.
You doubt anyone can say the same for this group? How many Hell's Angels do you know?
I have never said that criminal activity does not take place among MC's. I've never claimed that members of Clubs are saints. You post an exception to the "rule" that pitbulls are vicious. Why can't the same theory apply to 81? How much do you know about the Hell's Angels or any other MC? Did you know that when Vietnam was happening, Sonny Barger offered up his entire crew to go there to fight? If you don't know who Sonny Barger is, Google him; he's all over the place.
Did you also know that an operation, called Black Biscuit, took place some years ago where a chapter of this Club was infiltrated by a rat cop, 2 years and over 1.5 million dollars was spent to bring them down and while 56 arrests were made, they ended up convicting 5 members of minor things like drug posession? No murders, no rapes, no drug trafficking, just a couple guys pled to drug posession.
Learn about what you judge before you open your ignorant mouth. I never judged anyone or painted all bikers with the same brush. I said that the Hell's angels are known for criminal activity which is true,and they must have done something for the court to make the ruling. Thepolice don't just go in and raid law abiding citizens.It may have been something as petty as minor drug posession which is bullshit, or something worse. Do you have a link to it? If not then shut your ignorant fucking mouth.