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(05-02-2023, 07:02 AM)Piglet Wrote: We dont kneel, we dont kneel to the EU or you. There is the older generation, that if the Russian bastard ever got as far as the french coast, they would have me and many others waiting.
What is this music that terrifies?, its the bagpipes.
Oh, Piggy! Do keep whistling while clinging to your sad antiquarian ideology, biscuit tin nostalgia . . . and Rupert, sporting a Bowler. Hopefully it will provide you some degree of solace, as the world eclipses you.
I'm sure Putin and his horde will be absolutely terrified and immediately retreat . . . when confronted by you and a handful of OAPs . . . tossing tins of food . . . and pint glasses, emblazoned with "Crown" stamps . . . all the while shouting nostalgic "patriotic" slogans. You're more "sassy" than SAS.
You might not kneel, but you will bend over . . . to please your conquerors. A British Ned Beatty DELIVERANCE moment . . . without a "purdy" mouth.
Of course the the music of the bagpipes terrifies you. It is the instrument and sound . . . no longer used for battle . . . but now, reserved exclusively for the funeral dirge of a once great empire.
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A cheap fuck Chang?, thats something you will never experience. Virgin, at 50. There is something seriously wrong, even in the normal course of life, effort is not needed, women will ask you for a relationship because, for whatever reason, they are drawn to you. I think ive covered that topic before.
You cant do that either. O dear. Your insults are a joy tiki, well thought out, cutting, exemplary, 5 stars, thats all they are. So what is it about the Grapes of Wrath that is pertinent to today. ?
The oppressive state, grinding the ordinary man into the dirt, literally. The USA is better than Russia, but not by much, you wont get that. You cant answer, the truth is too bad to acknowledge.
The Joads are being played out today. Britain is an old man, or woman, been there done it, with a heart.
The USA is still in its teens.
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(05-03-2023, 06:58 AM)Piglet Wrote: So what is it about the Grapes of Wrath that is pertinent to today ? The Joads are being played out today.
You cant answer, the truth is too bad to acknowledge.
By all means, educate and illuminate us, Piggy. Consider starting a thread: "Piggles On Literature".
I know I'm excited for your insight . . . while you "trample out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored ".
Pins and needles!
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In your imagination, visualise lying on a couch, i am behind you, out of sight, i say " what do you think it is".
As above, you cant answer.
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Like I thought . . . again . . . you've got nothing but bullshit.
In a pathetic way . . . you're really a very sad and dull person . . . unloved . . . without direction or mates . . . trying so desperately to be noticed.
How very lonely.
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There's more to life than love, direction, and mates, Tiki. Fish and chips, and snooker. What more could a man want?
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(05-04-2023, 12:12 PM)rothschild Wrote: There's more to life than love, direction, and mates, Tiki. Fish and chips, and snooker. What more could a man want?
A sweaty rugby scrum? Public recitation, by a commoner, of a loyalty oath to a monarch? LGB T-bagging? Sniffing Camilla's hair? 20⁄20 vision or a jaunty eyepatch?
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Denial tiki, im dissapointed in you. The faults of America...unless you acknowledge them, you re- inforce them. USA RA RA RA. Play the tune, any anti USANESS is verboten. Poodle.
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(05-05-2023, 06:31 AM)Piglet Wrote: The faults of America...unless you acknowledge them, you re- inforce them. Poodle.
Gee, Piggy . . . You could have just said the Grapes of Wrath is a commentary on:
" The Impact of Climate Change and the subsequent negative effects of food production and population migration."
Or were you referring to Steinbeck's warning of "The dangerous reliance of infant formula as a means for nutritional sustenance." ?
As to the "faults of America" . . . the San Andreas, Hayward, Roger's Creek . . . ?
You really need to be more specific as to what more can be done . . . by the USGS . . . and how this relates to Steinbeck's classic.
Do give my thanks to the Village for allowing you time away from your usual idiot duties . . . to post your piddle.
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I thought grapes of wrath was a metaphor for hemorrhoids.
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Growing pains.
How you can tolerate your citizens being slaughtered by gun maniacs, and then blame the homeless for their plight is beyond me.
And remain unmoved.
Primitive. To use a biblical scene, you are walking along a road near Bethlehem, you come across a beggar, hungry, dehydrated, dying.
Walk on by, walk on by, wasnt that Diana Ross or someone of that era, great song. This abomination, on a nationwide scale. Shame on all of you, If it was Britain, earthquakes would erupt.
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Is that piddle Tiki, US citizens dying in the streets?
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Golly, Piggy . . . all this rumination about America’s “urban campers” and one of our alternative methods of population reduction (to assist in saving our planet) is the type of angry thinking and feelings that spikes your Cortisol levels. Is it really worth the potential of you developing cancer?
How all of your rambling ties into The Grapes of Wrath, still remains a mystery, to me.
However, the only things that cause me to ponder, these days, is the proper pairing of a side-dish, with my evening meal, or if there will be a Season 2, of Rabbit Hole.
Oh, yeah . . . one other . . . if my Prime, next-day, delivery will arrive in the morning or late afternoon, too. That's about it.
I do hope that when you grip Rupert, trying to allay your fears or reduce your anger, the grip is not too tight.
That type of strenuous exercise, for you, also raises your Cortisol levels.
Hold on loosely, Piggles . . . but don’t let go!
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Tiki is a stoic when it comes to keeping up appearances.
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You dont get it Tiki. Walk on by......... I pick up worms in the road, put them in a safe place, rescue birds, adopt unwanted dogs, donate to charity. And i will be kind.
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(05-09-2023, 07:03 AM)Piglet Wrote: You dont get it Tiki. Walk on by......... I pick up worms in the road, put them in a safe place, rescue birds, adopt unwanted dogs . . .
Oooh, Piggles . . . that is . . . that is . . . I mean to say . . . knowing you and your proclivity for posting violent, gay and bi-sexual fantasies . . . that is as creepy and cringe as if was said by Jeffery Dahmer.
Eww, Eww, Eww!
Sorry, Dionne . . . not walking . . . running . . . from this twisted pervert and his "pretend" animal "rescues"!
(BTW . . . Warwick . . . not Ross.)
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God knows what year it was 1988 or something like that. I was driving along and a pigeon was in the road, it failed to dodge my car, i stopped, chased it, it didnt fly away, i knew there was something wrong with it.
I couldnt take it to a vet, i had a three hour clinic to do. I left it in the car for that time. Eventually i took it to a vet having rung them up, he examined it, spread its wings, then just threw it into the air, and it flew away. He said its crop was full, it was too full to take off, nowt wrong. Can you guess how i was punished for this deed?, yes, my car was covered in pigeon shit.
Like here, im trying to expose how your society doesnt work, and all i get is shit. Thanks.
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You are the savior that America has been waiting for Piglet! Amazing! Wow! We are so lucky! Thank you for rescueing us!
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Piglet's almost as amazing as Tom Cruise.