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SyberBitch Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:Blowhound Bushtard fucked up royally, and Obama Bin Biden could not do worse if he dropped acid daily and used a Magic 8 Ball to make decisions.
Still, it scares the hell out of me how close the actual votes were between Obama and McCain. That means nearly half the country actually VOTED for 'more the same'.

Mind boggling.
There is a clear deliniationwith regard tothe perception of Executive Branch success between the classes. Poorand lower middle class people ALWAYS prefer the Democrat Party platform because of the perception of being pro social program. Put all minorities in that group. The upper middle class gravitates more towards the Republican Party platform, which (prior to Blowhound Bushtard) was more a proponent of smaller Government. I think that McSame and Juggs was a horrible choice, and apparently so did a lot of other Americans. I would rather have seen someone other than Biden as VP; but I do think Obama is Centrist. I base that on him being a professor teaching Constitution Law at University of Chicago for a decade. If he thought the USC was irrelevant, he would not have spent a decade teaching it.
AnonyMoose Wrote:There is a clear deliniationwith regard tothe perception of Executive Branch success between the classes. Poorand lower middle class people ALWAYS prefer the Democrat Party platform because of the perception of being pro social program. Put all minorities in that group. The upper middle class gravitates more towards the Republican Party platform, which (prior to Blowhound Bushtard) was more a proponent of smaller Government. I think that McSame and Juggs was a horrible choice, and apparently so did a lot of other Americans. I would rather have seen someone other than Biden as VP; but I do think Obama is Centrist. I base that on him being a professor teaching Constitution Law at University of Chicago for a decade. If he thought the USC was irrelevant, he would not have spent a decade teaching it.
I'm a small business owner and a liberal democrat (more or less... I don't agree with ALL of the 'party lines'). I like Biden as VP, and would almost rather see him as the nominee, but I have to agree that Obama's teaching background is impressive. He's an intelligent man (for a change) and hopefully will be able to carry that intelligence into making smart decisions for our country.
SyberBitch Wrote:I like Biden as VP, and would almost rather see him as the nominee
You like that tool? He resigned from the Presidential race in 1988 after lying about his college grades (said top quarter, was in bottom tenth)and his college degree (said he had 3 degrees, had only one) and plagiarizing speeches from a UK politician.


AnonyMoose Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:I like Biden as VP, and would almost rather see him as the nominee
You like that tool? He resigned from the Presidential race in 1988 after lying about his college grades (said top quarter, was in bottom tenth)and his college degree (said he had 3 degrees, had only one) and plagiarizing speeches from a UK politician.
That's a shame, he's a smart guy, I'm sure he's wised up since then. Pretty naive to pull those kinds of stunts though.
SyberBitch Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:I like Biden as VP, and would almost rather see him as the nominee
You like that tool? He resigned from the Presidential race in 1988 after lying about his college grades (said top quarter, was in bottom tenth)and his college degree (said he had 3 degrees, had only one) and plagiarizing speeches from a UK politician.
That's a shame, he's a smart guy, I'm sure he's wised up since then. Pretty naive to pull those kinds of stunts though.

I am quite sure he woke up and smelled the coffee. But he got spanked hard enough for those lies to drop out of the Presidential race. At least he wasn't blowing Gary Hart on the deck of The Monkey Business.

SyberBitch Wrote:And stfu about Hillary.

hillary has hairy balls!
ihatefucktards Wrote:hillary has hairy balls!
Can you describe what they taste like, while you are at it?
ihatefucktards Wrote:
SyberBitch Wrote:And stfu about Hillary.

hillary has hairy balls!
And after that dalliance in the White House, you can bet she keeps them locked down too. Smiley_emoticons_wink