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[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Quote:Attached Image (viewed 16 times):

Hey... isn't that a shot of him during that fucked up time when he was making some sort of retarded school appearance while 911 was going on? And he was all 'wha? huh?' The whole breakdown of that incident is nuts.

I'm not a conspiracy theory whacko or anything, and I don't believe that GW actually had a direct hand in what happened (he's not that clever), but some of the details of what happened are pretty weird.
AnonyMoose Wrote:She is a non-issue. She won't even be asked to be a VP candidate in 2012. She was nothing more than a mere Geraldine Ferraro. McSame just wanted to steal some Clinton votes - a desparation act by an old and addled man. Expect to see the same basicbig guns in 2012 - Romney, Pawlenty, Huckabee, Thompson, and Guiliani.
I disagree.

I do think the 'big guns' will make a play in 2012, but I have a strong feeling that she will be on the card too, and will have a good chance of getting the nomination.

By that time, she will be strutting around, crowing about her 4 years of experience lobbing snowballs at Russian Meese who wandered too close to the oil rigs she had recently purchased.
they took a shot withpalin and it was a mistake. I think pretty much everyone, including the Republicans, agree with that at this point. she hurt the campaign and became a joke. there is no denying that.
SyberBitch Wrote:[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Quote:Attached Image (viewed 16 times):

Hey... isn't that a shot of him during that fucked up time when he was making some sort of retarded school appearance while 911 was going on? And he was all 'wha? huh?' The whole breakdown of that incident is nuts.

I'm not a conspiracy theory whacko or anything, and I don't believe that GW actually had a direct hand in what happened (he's not that clever), but some of the details of what happened are pretty weird.
Yes that shot was taken seconds after an aide whispered "America is under attack" in his right ear, the reaction was one of a man who had absolutely no idea what to do. He then went from there onto Airforce one where he flew around aimlessly for a few hours having no idea what to do or say next.

I don't believe the US government was complicit in 911 in anyway, complicit?, no, completely incompotent?, yes.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I don't believe the US government was complicit in 911 in anyway, complicit?, no, completely incompotent?, yes.
That's what I would refer to as one giant, embarrassing clusterfuck. You're damn straight, OP.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I don't believe the US government was complicit in 911 in anyway, complicit?, no, completely incompotent?, yes.
Incompetent is an understatement.

I don't know that I believe all of the supposed 'facts' that occurred leading up to 911, but if even part of them are true, it's more like criminal negligence.
Anyone watch his press conference a few days back? One reporter asked what some of his "mistakes" were. He said, "Well, the speech in front of the Mission Accomplished sign was probably not one of my better moments". All I know is that when I left the room a few minutes later, he was still answering the question.
QueenBee Wrote:Anyone watch his press conference a few days back? One reporter asked what some of his "mistakes" were. He said, "Well, the speech in front of the Mission Accomplished sign was probably not one of my better moments". All I know is that when I left the room a few minutes later, he was still answering the question.

I didn't see it, but hey, any opportunity to laugh at the slime-ball before he flaps his monkey-wings and flies for the hills, is ok with me.
Liquid Wrote:I expect you will see a retooled Guilani with a much better strategy then just campaigning in one state (which would have gone down as one of the worst political moves in recent memory if it was not completely forgotten by the real worst political move in all of history - Palin as the VP candidate)
Never happen. Too many good choices to waste it on that twit again. A
Pawlenty/Lieberman ticket might have a shot. If Obama does the job I believe he will, it will be very hard to unseat him.
[user=74]AnonyMoose[/user] wrote:
Liquid Wrote:I expect you will see a retooled Guilani with a much better strategy then just campaigning in one state (which would have gone down as one of the worst political moves in recent memory if it was not completely forgotten by the real worst political move in all of history - Palin as the VP candidate)
Never happen.  Too many good choices to waste it on that twit again.  A
Pawlenty/Lieberman ticket might have a shot.  If Obama does the job I believe he will,  it will be very hard to unseat him.
If Obama does a decent job + I think it'll beimpossible to beat him. No one on the Republican ticket will have a chance.

((Moose... it's good to see you back...))
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I don't believe the US government was complicit in 911 in anyway, complicit?, no, completely incompotent?, yes.
You idiots can't even stop drunk Irishmen from bombing subways. Stick to being a Hamas meat puppet. At least there you don't need a brain.
AnonyMoose Wrote:He better pardon those border patrol agents that were imprisoned for shooting the scumbag cocaine dealer that was smuggling and shooting at US agents.
How'd I miss this post??? Fuckin'-A, gets my vote. ::thumbs::
OnBendedKnee Wrote:If Obama does a decent job + I think it'll beimpossible to beat him. No one on the Republican ticket will have a chance.

((Moose... it's good to see you back...))
The last 8 years have been brutal for most Americans. Job losses have not been worse since 1945. There is even talk about deflation and a shrinking GDP. Nobody can afford to retire, and Social Security is circling the drain. Anything Obama does over the nextfour or eightyears will be considered a vast improvement over 2000 - 2008.

As much as I have nothing good to say about the two major parties; I remain cautiously optimistic that Obama will do some good things for America and for humanity.
AnonyMoose Wrote:As much as I have nothing good to say about the two major parties; I remain cautiously optimistic that Obama will do some good things for America and for humanity.
Written proof that Moose is delusional. 116
Sinister Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:As much as I have nothing good to say about the two major parties; I remain cautiously optimistic that Obama will do some good things for America and for humanity.
Written proof that Moose is delusional. 116

He can't lose. In the eyes of Americans, Blowhound Bushtard fucked up America. So if Obama makes positive strides, he is a hero. If he does not, then he just says Bushtard fucked it up too severely to fix, and he is still a hero for trying. Under Obama's tenure, we will get out of Iraq and possibly Afghanistan, will make a push into new technologies to offset our dependence on Middle East oil, and will probably see the stabilizing of the economy after a year or two of deflation. Blowhound Bushtard made it EASY for Obama to succeed. He just has to suck less than the most incapable President in US history.
Everyone is sky high right now with all the excitement of the Inauguration. But the next 4 years will be long and hard. And there will be TONS of unforeseen things that WILL pop up. Scary things.
No matter what anyone says, or how much people support him right now, there is JUST as much chance Obama will not be popular in 4 years as there is he will still be on the current high. NO ONE can predict what will happen. We can hope for the best, but one attack, or war, or economic situation that does not get better and the approval ratings will/could drop.
Liquid Wrote:Everyone is sky high right now with all the excitement of the Inauguration. But the next 4 years will be long and hard. And there will be TONS of unforeseen things that WILL pop up. Scary things.
No matter what anyone says, or how much people support him right now, there is JUST as much chance Obama will not be popular in 4 years as there is he will still be on the current high. NO ONE can predict what will happen. We can hope for the best, but one attack, or war, or economic situation that does not get better and the approval ratings will/could drop.

Lots of times my company has become Prime on Government contracts where the original Prime failed to implement correctly. The second pass at implementing an ERP is always more successful than the first. Same here - Blowhound Bushtard fucked up royally, and Obama Bin Biden could not do worse if he dropped acid daily and used a Magic 8 Ball to make decisions.

AnonyMoose Wrote:Blowhound Bushtard fucked up royally, and Obama Bin Biden could not do worse if he dropped acid daily and used a Magic 8 Ball to make decisions.
Still, it scares the hell out of me how close the actual votes were between Obama and McCain. That means nearly half the country actually VOTED for 'more the same'.

Mind boggling.
The powers that be in the states are just like the powers that be in the UK, they are trying to create a populace who fear change more than anything else. That's why so many fuckwits voted for "more of the same" in the recent US election, they fear change so much they would rather vote for the continued incompotence of the disasterous last administration, a sort of bullshit "better the devil you know" outlook.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:The powers that be in the states are just like the powers that be in the UK, they are trying to create a populace who fear change more than anything else.
Unless the status quo is a democrat in office...