I found out over the weekend that my childhood best friend had died. After college I left the area and she got married & started having kids. We lost touch and life moved on, nonetheless it was still sorta shocking to me. I inadvertently found out when I came across her obituary. Her picture accompanied it and I could see the girl she was when I knew her. As I was thinking about her I realized I know a lot of dead people, it feels like an abnormal amount. Do you know many dead people?
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Yes, sadly too many to count.
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!

Always wierd to hear news about someone passing through social media. I seem to have a small handful of dead people on social media too.

The one that I think about most is a friend from college. I had put a message out inviting anyone to come over for Thanksgiving and he did. And sometime in between Thanksgiving and Christmas he had passed away. And I didn't know that i was talking to him on that night. He was just planning to go visit his sister for the holidays and starting a new job after so I didn't think it was wierd when I didn't hear from him.
I didn't find out until his birthday popped up and I went to wish him a happy birthday and found out he had died.

You must have led a really sheltered life.    

I remember playing at the wakes and funerals of dead relatives in my early childhood,  I remember going to services of dead classmates in high school.   Death happens,  it's part of the circle of life. 

Now I understand why you were so freaked out during covid.  

People die, all the time,   did you think that you and your friends are exempt?