I'm so awkward
I think I have a personality disorder.
Like one of the cluster ones, but I'm not a narcissist. I hate myself too much to be that.
Just kidding I don't hate myself. 
But I was researching personality disorders and saw the histrionic one and that could be me.

Okay maybe not so much now, but at one time it could have.

I sort of feel this way after a large social gathering.

I sit and analyze myself and interactions. I hate those things. I do better with small group of people. Or just 1 person.

(06-06-2024, 01:01 AM)MirahM Wrote: I do better with small group of people. Or just 1 person.

Yeah me too. I'm ok in a large crowd usually until I feel trapped in and/or I have to get through the crowd to use the bathroom and my social anxiety kicks in and doesn't want me to say Excuse Me 100 times so I hold my pee until the crowd disperses.
I will use any excuse to get out of a large social gatherings and cooking.
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]