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Liquid Wrote:
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:It's a tough area. Lines need to be drawn and that's a messy deal. I am still thinking on the options to do what I feel is best. I've been very distracted due to house guests and outings, but I will be turning my full attention to the matter soon.

I am fine with lines being drawn. I cannot imagine this site will be a MOCK site after it's done; but you have to do what you think is best. Just put together a list of what is in-scope and out of scope for mocking tactics and mocking subjects and post them. Seems a bit group-hug to me; but you pay to keep the electric going.
I think the easiest solution is what I suggested about 500 posts ago in another thread.
1) Leave THE ENTIRE EXISTING site EXACTLY as it is.
2) Add one new category/section that is "Mock free".
3) Make this new category called: PUSSIES AND WHIMPS.
4) Have the following sub-forums of the new PUSSIES AND WHIMPS category:
- Movies, TV, Music
- News and Current Topics
- Everything Else

This way the current existing site DOES NOT CHANGE

I've been considering that.
86 112
AnonyMoose Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:Moosefuck probably ran her off. She got sick of his repetitive bullshit.
You know something, fuckwit - I was gone for a few days and all you could post was moose this and moose that. I look at your posts today and it's the same shit. You are beyond pathetic and apparently quite the liar. Whether or not your idiot fellow soupies realize what your posts are; who knows. But you need to stop your obsession before it gets unhealthy enough that I have to smack you down to size. And if you are wondering to yourself just what I mean by that - think of the worst things you can imagine and multiply it by some factor.
What the fuck are you talking about??? I have not been posting and posting about you. You are delusional. I hate to break it to you, but the world does not revolve around you.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:I believe that racist slurs are about to be off limits.

PM's are now censored and audited for content by the Owner of the site, apparently.

Wrong on both counts. Racist slurs are not the problem, and PMs were always an invalid vehicle for rule breaking such as real life attacks or harassment.

If someone was truly going to do something in real life; I doubt highly they would be stupid enough to admit to it in PM on a forum. Most people don't like prison and hope to get away with whatever they are gonna do.
ramseycat Wrote:What the fuck are you talking about??? I have not been posting and posting about you. You are delusional. I hate to break it to you, but the world does not revolve around you.
Your world apparently revolves around me, stalker. Do a search and see how many times you either mention the word Moose or talk about me indirectly. Every fucking post you have here has been directed towards me.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
ramseycat Wrote:What the fuck are you talking about??? I have not been posting and posting about you. You are delusional. I hate to break it to you, but the world does not revolve around you.
Your world apparently revolves around me, stalker. Do a search and see how many times you either mention the word Moose or talk about me indirectly. Every fucking post you have here has been directed towards me.
Yep, you got me. I'm stalking you. ::nuts::
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:I believe that racist slurs are about to be off limits.

PM's are now censored and audited for content by the Owner of the site, apparently.
Wrong on both counts. Racist slurs are not the problem, and PMs were always an invalid vehicle for rule breaking such as real life attacks or harassment.
If someone was truly going to do something in real life; I doubt highly they would be stupid enough to admit to it in PM on a forum. Most people don't like prison and hope to get away with whatever they are gonna do.

The odds of something happening in real life are not my concern - my concern is the rule regarding it being respected because I just don't like it on my site. Same for serious harassment. Same for any form of annoying behavior or posts I don't like. I'm just not crazy enough to want to turn this form of enjoyment and entertainment for myself into an ugly job or environment I don't personally like, what can I say.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:The odds of something happening in real life are not my concern - my concern is the rule regarding it being respected because I just don't like it on my site. Same for serious harassment. Same for any form of annoying behavior or posts I don't like. I'm just not crazy enough to want to turn this form of enjoyment and entertainment for myself into an ugly job or environment I don't personally like, what can I say.
I think you should do just the right amount to make sure you don't end up in court via subpoena. As for censorship to make the site entertaining for you; humans are not puppets for your amusement. You have to read the good with the bad.
holy shit this dumb argument is still going on? The title of this thread should be changed from Bullshit to STUPID SHIT
Quote:I think you should do just the right amount to make sure you don't end up in court via subpoena.

I put more weight on my personal level of comfort that that. For example, I don't want pics that disgust or disturb me too much. I don't care if it makes sense to others to be honest. I feel good enough about my judgment to rely upon it for forum rules.

Quote: As for censorship to make the site entertaining for you; humans are not puppets for your amusement. You have to read the good with the bad

I would rather not have the site if it meant it not being entertaining to me, the way I would strongly prefer it to be.

Also, let's get something straight, big shot. You are my puppet for amusement. Every one of you demented mother fuckers that come through and get in the door are here for my amusement, like a puppet. But note that you and I are puppets for ALL Mock Members and a tool for their amusement. You are Sinister's puppet. You are a nasty little puppet. I don't take advice from a puppet regarding how to manage the puppets. Just be a good little puppet and understand Puppet Rule #1.

Puppet Rule #1:

Puppets don't dictate where the lines are drawn on this site. Nasty little Puppets don't get to have their justifications or excuses considered for behavior that I find inexcusable.

It's the cost of being a care-free puppet here with no site-related responsibilities.

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:It's the cost of being a care-free puppet here with no site-related responsibilities.

That's true. And if a care-free puppet thinks you are a douchebag and don't deserve the enjoyment of their humor; they can take their football and head to another sandbox.

I'm thinking this site would blow chunks if all that was left were silly, ramcunt, and momslut. You would spend your days reading about conch recipes or comparisons of vacuums and waffle makers.
AnonyMoose Wrote:You would spend your days reading about conch recipes or comparisons of vacuums and waffle makers.
Someone jam an ice pick through my one good eye, please. ::cuthead::
Quote:That's true. And if a care-free puppet thinks you are a douchebag and don't deserve the enjoyment of their humor; they can take their football and head to another sandbox.

I understand this sounds like I am puffing up or "acting tough" but anyone who knows me as an Admin knows losing people, lots of people, is something I am comfortable with and decided long ago was worth me having the kind of site I like for myself. In other words, threats to leave have no effect on me. Get the fuck out right now if you think I am bluffing or am even slightly considering changing my position because some nasty little puppet on crack is trying to make me concerned about the cost of turning them off. Puppets worry about turning me off, not the other way around.

I truly don't give a fuck if I have to start all over. If I, and the people on the same basic page as me, are happier or enjoying themselves more, it is worth it. Hopefully, my attitude has dividends and translates into a site that I and others find enjoyable and stick with. So far, my track record is fairly good, I think.

You are apparently used to dealing with Admins that care a lot more than I do about losing people over boundaries that they set up. You lose people no matter what over time. The trick is, are you happy during it? I decided long ago to always make that answer be "YES."

In short, I am immune to puppetitis from manipulative bitch-puppets.

Quote:I'm thinking this site would blow chunks if all that was left were silly, ramcunt, and momslut. You would spend your days reading about conch recipes or comparisons of vacuums and waffle makers.

It's charming when a puppet thinks and predicts. This is a good opportunity to review Puppet Rule #2.

Puppet Rule #2:

Puppets don't get to use threats and notifications about who will leave or stay on the site if they don't get their way.

86 112
[user=1]Middle Finger[/user] wrote:
Quote:I am immune to puppetitis
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:That's true. And if a care-free puppet thinks you are a douchebag and don't deserve the enjoyment of their humor; they can take their football and head to another sandbox.

I understand this sounds like I am puffing up or "acting tough" but anyone who knows me as an Admin knows losing people, lots of people, is something I am comfortable with and decided long ago was worth me having the kind of site I like for myself. In other words, threats to leave have no effect on me. Get the fuck out right now if you think I am bluffing or am even slightly considering changing my position because some nasty little puppet on crack is trying to make me concerned about the cost of turning them off. Puppets worry about turning me off, not the other way around.

I truly don't give a fuck if I have to start all over. If I, and the people on the same basic page as me, are happier or enjoying themselves more, it is worth it. Hopefully, my attitude has dividends and translates into a site that I and others find enjoyable and stick with. So far, my track record is fairly good, I think.

You are apparently used to dealing with Admins that care a lot more than I do about losing people over boundaries that they set up. You lose people no matter what over time. The trick is, are you happy during it? I decided long ago to always make that answer be "YES."

In short, I am immune to puppetitis from manipulative bitch-puppets.

Quote:I'm thinking this site would blow chunks if all that was left were silly, ramcunt, and momslut. You would spend your days reading about conch recipes or comparisons of vacuums and waffle makers.

It's charming when a puppet thinks and predicts. This is a good opportunity to review Puppet Rule #2.

Puppet Rule #2:

Puppets don't get to use threats and notifications about who will leave or stay on the site if they don't get their way.
I don't give a fuck what you want or don't want, conchie. I stay as long as it's interesting to do so; and certainly I could give a flying fuck about keeping you entertained. If you think my stuff is funny then that's a bonus for you; but you are deluding yourself if you think I spank the soup chickens for your edification. I do it because I genuinely like ripping their souls out and shitting in the hole it leaves behind. My track record is as good as yours. I have been thrown out of better places than this! ::lmao::
AnonyMoose Wrote:If you think my stuff is funny then that's a bonus for you

That's the bonus I am here for. Trust me, it's not to make soup chicken friends.

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
Quote:That's true. And if a care-free puppet thinks you are a douchebag and don't deserve the enjoyment of their humor; they can take their football and head to another sandbox.

I understand this sounds like I am puffing up or "acting tough" but anyone who knows me as an Admin knows losing people, lots of people, is something I am comfortable with and decided long ago was worth me having the kind of site I like for myself. In other words, threats to leave have no effect on me. Get the fuck out right now if you think I am bluffing or am even slightly considering changing my position because some nasty little puppet on crack is trying to make me concerned about the cost of turning them off. Puppets worry about turning me off, not the other way around.

I truly don't give a fuck if I have to start all over. If I, and the people on the same basic page as me, are happier or enjoying themselves more, it is worth it. Hopefully, my attitude has dividends and translates into a site that I and others find enjoyable and stick with. So far, my track record is fairly good, I think.

You are apparently used to dealing with Admins that care a lot more than I do about losing people over boundaries that they set up. You lose people no matter what over time. The trick is, are you happy during it? I decided long ago to always make that answer be "YES."

In short, I am immune to puppetitis from manipulative bitch-puppets.

Quote:I'm thinking this site would blow chunks if all that was left were silly, ramcunt, and momslut. You would spend your days reading about conch recipes or comparisons of vacuums and waffle makers.

It's charming when a puppet thinks and predicts. This is a good opportunity to review Puppet Rule #2.

Puppet Rule #2:

Puppets don't get to use threats and notifications about who will leave or stay on the site if they don't get their way.

MF runs all his forums like a Stalinist communist state, everyone is equally worthless to him, whether you have made a 5000 brilliant posts, or 50 two word posts is completely irrelevant you will be treated the same. It makes no difference if you are a personal friend or a complete stranger, just like a communist state where the brain surgeon is paid the same as the street sweeper, no contributor is truly valued.

MF does have a penchant for right wing lunatics though, there is a whole cabal of ultra right wing Christian fundamentallists and thiny veiled racists posting at 24 like a Nazi glee club.

Case in point, I recently had problems with Millennium and I am glad Brian solved the problem because he did it fairly instead of MF's arbitary stalinist policy of zero tolerance. Brian recognised that Millennium was clearly goading and antagonising me and warned him for it while letting me know he recognised what Millennium was doing in a nice PM. MF would have treated the situation completely differently, we would both have been warned (I probably would have been banned again) because MF detests complexity of any kind.

As you can see he thinks we are all here for his amusement and he will change things just for the sake of it, thats because MF is a poor admin, period. He has zero neutrality and has no understanding of fairness when disputes arise, Brian is a far better admin and I think deep down MF knows this.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Quote:MF runs all his forums like a Stalinist communist state, everyone is equally worthless to him, whether you have made a 5000 brilliant posts, or 50 two word posts is completely irrelevant you will be treated the same. It makes no difference if you are a personal friend or a complete stranger, just like a communist state where the brain surgeon is paid the same as the street sweeper, no contributor is truly valued.

Translation: I can't get away with enough so I will cry like a little bitch.

If you weren't a morally corrupt, unprincipled lunatic, you'd appreciate how I am as "fair" and working to not engage in cliques and favoritism.

Quote:MF does have a penchant for right wing lunatics though, there is a whole cabal of ultra right wing Christian fundamentallists and thiny veiled racists posting at 24 like a Nazi glee club.

There just happens to be some right wingers on the site - I didn't ask them to join nor do I give them special treatment. You, technically, should have been banned long ago, for example. You know, one of those times you came back, apologizing.

Quote:Case in point, I recently had problems with Millennium and I am glad Brian solved the problem because he did it fairly instead of MF's arbitary stalinist policy of zero tolerance. Brian recognised that Millennium was clearly goading and antagonising me and warned him for it while letting me know he recognised what Millennium was doing in a nice PM. MF would have treated the situation completely differently, we would both have been warned (I probably would have been banned again) because MF detests complexity of any kind.

It's always funny to watch trouble-making crybaby bitches complain about their treatment. You both should have been banned. He got restricted access then banned, you didn't. Yet, you still complain. This is a great example of why I don't work so hard to make trouble-makers like you happy - they aren't happy no matter how or when you decide to enforce the rules.

Quote: As you can see he thinks we are all here for his amusement and he will change things just for the sake of it, thats because MF is a poor admin, period. He has zero neutrality and has no understanding of fairness when disputes arise, Brian is a far better admin and I think deep down MF knows this.
::lmao:: Trying to "get to me" with Brian's greatness? Too late, I already think Brian is great. I know he would make a great Admin, supermod, or mod. That is why I was so thankful he took me up on the supermod position at 24.

Yes, you are here for my amusement. Don't we all post for the amusement of others and ourselves? You must think I am crazy like you if I would spend my time and energy running a site that does not amuse me. Are you used to crazy people or something? I don't quite get this expectation that I should run a site for you to play on, even if it makes me unhappy.

86 112
MF - have you given any thought to adding the section that has been discussed a little bit?
Liquid Wrote:MF - have you given any thought to adding the section that has been discussed a little bit?
Please keep the gay porn discussion forum in secretive pm's please.::gahh::
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Middle Finger Wrote:That's the bonus I am here for. Trust me, it's not to make soup chicken friends.
You sure about that? I sometimes wonder why you bring in all these soup chickens.