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Sinister Wrote:Moose is gonna see that Poophole is a welfare bitch and have ammo on him forever. ::rotfl::::LOL::::lmao::
I was about to type out the SAME THING! He just made it so much easier. haha::lmao::
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I am quite used to using my feet and fists, I have been in quite a few rucks in the past and usually came out on top but I was no hero thats for sure, you do become more accustomed to it the more you do it. You become used to the feeling and vibration of landing blows and used to the pain signals when you are hit with a blow, you get used to the adrenalin rush and learn how to use it to your advantage.

I personally have no qualms about inflicting pain up close and personal on anyone who attacks me, if I get you on the floor you are well and truly fucked because I will kick your head like a soccer ball until you stop moving.
It's nice to know you are confident holding your own against females, but the game changes when you go up against males that know what they are doing.
I have knocked men spark out on many occasions.

You know fuck all about me and my past, if you did you would probably void your bowels in fear.

Yes, I know. Me, my friends, no one close to me has any experience with such manly activity. No one here in New York has ever even heard of knocking someone out before. The fear factor is skyrocketing on my end. The thought of you throwing your cell phone at me is terrifying enough, really.
86 112
Quote:Yes, I know. Me, my friends, no one close to me has any experience with such manly activity. No one here in New York has ever even heard of knocking someone out before. The fear factor is skyrocketing on my end. The thought of you throwing your cell phone at me is terrifying enough, really.
I agree. Those cell phone drive-byes can be a bitch!!!
I sometimes use my nerf bat to beat the fuck outta everyone in the house. They never know what hit-em. Or why. But I know........yes I do......
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Maggot Wrote:I sometimes use my nerf bat to beat the fuck outta everyone in the house. They never know what hit-em. Or why. But I know........yes I do......

86 112
When I go to bed at night, I scope out each room for what would make the best bludgeoning device, just in case there were an intruder.

Tall lamp next to bed
Curling iron in bathroom
Vacuum cleaner in living room
Fold up kid chair in kids room

I am with duchess in that I don't like the THOUGHT of it. But if I had to, I'd whomp an ass to protect my family.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:The bus to the town centre is £1.40 or £2.50 return, I know this because I am on it everyday buying shopping, paying bills etc.
Taxi's are no problem I get disability living allowance because I have social anxiety disorder and a form of agoraphobia, so taxi's to medical appointments, job interviews, welfare interviews etc are all free.
Anything else you want to know you ex-pat motherfucker?

Everyone has anxiety disorder. You don't think everyone in mysquadroncould have been diagnosed with PTSD or GAD? You think Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were fucking fun for us? Why don't you spend three monthsin a MOP suit in 120 degrees weather and then whine about how stressed you are. Life is tough sometimes.Suck it up and live it anyway. Letting anxiety disorder beat you and force you to have alife of dependancy (welfare, etc.) is bullshit. Man up and grow a set. God damn it, OP. What the fuck is your malfunction?
Sinister Wrote:Moose is gonna see that Poophole is a welfare bitch and have ammo on him forever. ::rotfl::::LOL::::lmao::
What a punk ass bitch. Take the god damn SSRI and get on with life. Jeebus fucking Joseph in the back of a cave. Anxiety disorder and agoraphobia. God fucking damn it. Life is too short to spend it hiding under a bed waiting for the welfare check to arrive.
Middle Finger Wrote:Yes, I know. Me, my friends, no one close to me has any experience with such manly activity. No one here in New York has ever even heard of knocking someone out before. The fear factor is skyrocketing on my end. The thought of you throwing your cell phone at me is terrifying enough, really.
He would give himself an anxiety attack from throwing the thing and wind up demanding a free visit to the local hospital on someone else's tax dollars. People that let life beat them are fucking pathetic.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:The bus to the town centre is £1.40 or £2.50 return, I know this because I am on it everyday buying shopping, paying bills etc.
Taxi's are no problem I get disability living allowance because I have social anxiety disorder and a form of agoraphobia, so taxi's to medical appointments, job interviews, welfare interviews etc are all free.
Anything else you want to know you ex-pat motherfucker?
Everyone has anxiety disorder. You don't think everyone in mysquadroncould have been diagnosed with PTSD or GAD? You think Kuwait and Saudi Arabia were fucking fun for us? Why don't you spend three monthsin a MOP suit in 120 degrees weather and then whine about how stressed you are. Life is tough sometimes.Suck it up and live it anyway. Letting anxiety disorder beat you and force you to have alife of dependancy (welfare, etc.) is bullshit. Man up and grow a set. God damn it, OP. What the fuck is your malfunction?

I have also been diagnosed with delusional psychosis and have to take strong anti-psychotic medication to stop the voices in my head telling me to hurt myself and other people and to stop me seeing the "shadow people" and having obsessive compulsive thoughts.
But never mind, continue to go off half cocked judging people without having all the relevant information at hand you dozy kike motherfucker.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:you dozy kike motherfucker.

Ahh....the irony. And Poophole calls me a racist. ::lmao::

Been to any Aryan Brotherhood meetings lately, fuckwit? Been allowed to get the lightning bolts tattooed on your neck yet? Bashed any fags? Got a favorite brand of baseball bat? ::finger::
If somebody pisses me off enough I will use every tool at my disposal to retaliate, race, religion, sexuality, anything.
Calling Moose a kike is a religious slur not a racial one.
Using a religious slur to insult someone who has pissed you off is nothing compared to giving hand jobs to neo nazi's biker bitch.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Calling Moose a kike is a religious slur not a racial one.


And just to know that he pissed you off is all I need to know. That gives me a warm fuzzy. ::lmao:: ::thumbs::

On the distinct chance you'll try to remove your quote

[user=32]Ordinary Peephole[/user] wrote:
Quote:If somebody pisses me off enough I will use every tool at my disposal to retaliate, race, religion, sexuality, anything.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I have also been diagnosed with delusional psychosis and have to take strong anti-psychotic medication to stop the voices in my head telling me to hurt myself and other people and to stop me seeing the "shadow people" and having obsessive compulsive thoughts.

Suck it up and stop whining like a bitch. Take your fucking meds, get a god damned job, and stop being a fucking parasite that leeches from the good taxpayers of Great Britain. I bet even the "shadow people" in your head think you are a punk loser that sucks cash like a fucking hoover vacuum. ::lmao::
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:If somebody pisses me off enough I will use every tool at my disposal to retaliate, race, religion, sexuality, anything.

I guess we could call you the "Handyman of Immaturity & Emotional Retardation" then?
86 112
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:If somebody pisses me off enough I will use every tool at my disposal to retaliate, race, religion, sexuality, anything.
Calling Moose a kike is a religious slur not a racial one.

You are not very bright. It's an attack on Jewish Semites. Semites are a race. Maybe next time you should ask the "shadow people" in your brain to help you with simple logic and the meaning of words.
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Using a religious slur to insult someone who has pissed you off is nothing compared to giving hand jobs to neo nazi's biker bitch.

86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:If somebody pisses me off enough I will use every tool at my disposal to retaliate, race, religion, sexuality, anything.
I guess we could call you the "Handyman of Immaturity & Emotional Retardation" then?

There you go. Insulting handymen everywhere. Handymen do not sit on welfare because voices in their heads and "shadow people" (WTF are those?!?!) tell them to lick food stamps for a living.

OP reminds me of the retarded clone in Multiplicity. No razor in the shaver; shaving his tongue.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:I have also been diagnosed with delusional psychosis and have to take strong anti-psychotic medication to stop the voices in my head telling me to hurt myself and other people and to stop me seeing the "shadow people" and having obsessive compulsive thoughts.
Suck it up and stop whining like a bitch. Take your fucking meds, get a god damned job, and stop being a fucking parasite that leeches from the good taxpayers of Great Britain. I bet even the "shadow people" in your head think you are a punk loser that sucks cash like a fucking hoover vacuum. ::lmao::

I was one of those tax payers for nearly 20 years douchebag, I paid in every month for years knowing I was personally getting nothing back but it was helping people who needed it. Now its my turn to need it and because of other people having the same attitude I get to have something back when I need it, I live in a society of "we" not "me" fuckface.
You are just jealous of our vastly superior healthcare and life expectancy you sad fucking septic hebe.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
Poophole wrote:
Quote:You are just jealous of our vastly superior healthcare and life expectancy you sad fucking septic hebe.
Poopster.......I hope you don't really believe that shit you posted. When is the last time anyone in the US had to wait YEARS, for a simple hip operstion?

Gollw maggots advice, take your meds and get a fuckin job