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No Newbies in over 4 days??
Did anyone besides me notice that there hasn't been a newbie in DAYS??? Did you mean fuckers scare everyone away??? There is always a bunch of guests on here lurking. But no one signs up. It's Poophole isn't it? His stinky assed bullshit lameness has scared off any potential new members.

Fucking Fucker!!! :;beat::
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
Don't give that Poophole fuck so much credit, Cat. He's about as terrifying as the Easter Bunny.

It takes a strong will and some brains to get in, so most that lurk realize they won't measure up and run off, screaming into the night.
Next someone should go post the link on a midget training forum. That would stir some up.
I invited all the noobs over to my house for a sleep over. We cast a circle got nakey-nakey brewed up some really nasty vexin' then had cakes and ale to ground ourselves and get back to the forums. I think they might be still here [lemme check under the bed, one sec...
...sorry ::gigg::
ramseycat Wrote:Did anyone besides me notice that there hasn't been a newbie in DAYS??? Did you mean fuckers scare everyone away??? There is always a bunch of guests on here lurking. But no one signs up. It's Poophole isn't it? His stinky assed bullshit lameness has scared off any potential new members.

Fucking Fucker!!! :;beat::
Its reading witless shit like this that is probably putting off any potential new members, they might think that the recent newbietard invasion is demonstrative of the kind of people we actually want in here.
I think we need a cull of some kind, trim off the fat like ramsey cat and the other soup chickens to keep this place fighting fit.
I think we should give new members a month after graduating from newbie hell, if they haven't given us any reason to think that their contribution will be anything more than retarded and lame then they should get banned and be told to try again from the start.
There are a lot of masochists out there who would come back again and again like a punchdrunk boxer.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.