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So is everyone here a satan worshiper or what?
Any religious affiliations? I'm curious to know what kind of assholes you people really are.

I dont follow any organized religion myself. The bible is bullshit, the koran is a lie, the bhagavad gita didnt fall from the sky.Oh look, I can rhyme too.

I do believe in God however, but on purely rational grounds, similar to deism. So what do you believe in if anything?
I believe in God and the Bible.
Devil Money Stealing Aunt Smiley_emoticons_fies
sally Wrote:Any religious affiliations? I'm curious to know what kind of assholes you people really are.

I dont follow any organized religion myself. The bible is bullshit, the koran is a lie, the bhagavad gita didnt fall from the sky.Oh look, I can rhyme too.

I do believe in God however, but on purely rational grounds, similar to deism. So what do you believe in if anything?

I'm an Agnostic.
86 112
ramseycat Wrote:I believe in God and the Bible.

Right, because God writes books, or needs to. ::nuts::
86 112

Quote:So is everyone here a satan worshiper or what?
No, they don't worship me, they just fear me. Some have offered their souls to mefor shit they want, but I have all the souls I need for now. Besides, I don't like granting materialistic bullshit wishes. I will get my vengeance on whom I choose to, when I choose to. So all you newbies who your ass. :Diablo: Forewarning; most of you suck.

Solitary witch with an eclectic path. I really don't talk much about it (unless someone asks).
Zenith Wrote:Solitary witch with an eclectic path.


Crazy but interesting person willing to go down on warlocks.
86 112
Sinister Wrote:
Quote:So is everyone here a satan worshiper or what?
No, they don't worship me, they just fear me. Some have offered their souls to mefor shit they want, but I have all the souls I need for now. Besides, I don't like granting materialistic bullshit wishes. I will get my vengeance on whom I choose to, when I choose to. So all you newbies who your ass. :Diablo: Forewarning; most of you suck.
Well damn, you fooled me! I would have sworn you were a biker for Jesus.
Middle Finger Wrote:
Zenith Wrote:Solitary witch with an eclectic path.


Crazy but interesting person willing to go down on warlocks.
I hope you dont plan on going to her house for dinner anytime soon. You do know that she can put a touch of menses in your marsala and fuck you up good.
sally Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:
Zenith Wrote:Solitary witch with an eclectic path.


Crazy but interesting person willing to go down on warlocks.
I hope you dont plan on going to her house for dinner anytime soon. You do know that she can put a touch of menses in your marsala and fuck you up good.

Shit, if I visit that bitch we're smoking weed and doing some funky seances, bay bay!
86 112
ramseycat Wrote:I believe in God and the Bible.
Do you believe that God created everything in 6 days and then rested for 1 day? Do you believe Eve came from Adam's rib?
Middle Finger Wrote:I'm an Agnostic.
You are on the fence about everything; especially your homosexuality.
Sinister Wrote:So all you newbies who your ass. :Diablo: Forewarning; most of you suck.
Most? Name one newbie that doesn't suck.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:So all you newbies who your ass. :Diablo: Forewarning; most of you suck.
Most? Name one newbie that doesn't suck.
Gimme a minute, I'm still thinking.
Sinister Wrote:Gimme a minute, I'm still thinking.
We all smell the wood burning.
Middle Finger Wrote:
sally Wrote:Any religious affiliations? I'm curious to know what kind of assholes you people really are.

I dont follow any organized religion myself. The bible is bullshit, the koran is a lie, the bhagavad gita didnt fall from the sky.Oh look, I can rhyme too.

I do believe in God however, but on purely rational grounds, similar to deism. So what do you believe in if anything?

I'm an Agnostic.
I always considered myself an agnostic but Diesm makes sense to me too. I feel like there must be a higher power , but no devine revalation. I think God created us and this is what we evolved into. God doesnt interfere with it.
sally Wrote:Diesm makes sense to me
I'm surprised any word over 2 syllables makes sense to you.

Sinister Wrote:
sally Wrote:Diesm makes sense to me
I'm surprised any word over 2 syllables makes sense to you.
Shut your fucking trap Rosemary's baby.
Sinister Wrote:
sally Wrote:Diesm makes sense to me
I'm surprised any word over 2 syllables makes sense to you.

And did you notice she spelled it incorrectly? It only has five fucking letters in it.
AnonyMoose Wrote:
Sinister Wrote:
sally Wrote:Diesm makes sense to me
I'm surprised any word over 2 syllables makes sense to you.
And did you notice she spelled it incorrectly? It only has five fucking letters in it.
I wasn't going to pour salt in the wound. I was saving that one, so thanks, dickhead.