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pbfloyd Wrote:The problem with guns...they give a false sense of security. It is rare when a homeowner successfully defends his family by gunfire. More
often are tragic accidents, or incredible acts of stupidity like this one. They are also the 1'st things taken in burglaries.
All facts.
Gun nuts lack ego's and self confidence, they need guns to fill this void.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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my gun a tool of my trade. i'm no gun nut. but i did discover in many instances that a gun was a penis substitute.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Exactly, the rabid, bile spitting gun nut morons will continue to bark at the moon while another 10,000+ people are killed in the US with firearms every year.
Of course lipless, limey fucknuts are anti-gun. We used muskets and boot pistols to kick your microscopic dicks into the dirt in the late 1700's. You cock gobbling pus nuggets must have night sweats when you think about rifles. It wasn't gumption and bravery that won the war of independence for you, you deluded septic tossbag, it was the fucking French that won the day.
Without there significant support I would currently be stomping all over your shitty country with a musket in one hand and an american bitch in a fucking dog collar in the other.
Pucker up and kiss some french ass, without them the red coats would still be gang raping your bitches.
You got your ass kicked twice for one chief reason - armed citizens willing to take responsibility for their own freedom and defend it, saying fuck you to tyranny.
Please, at least first get rid of your medieval Queen before you say any more. You are embarrassing yourself tremendously. Your Country is born out of a tyrannical desire to own the world and screw freedom. America was born out of the opposite - the balance of power being with the People, and armed with the tools to be responsible for that freedom, to help protect long-term freedom.
You don't appreciate that because of our differences in history regarding freedom and tyranny. You still have a Queen to remind you of it.
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Middle Finger Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Exactly, the rabid, bile spitting gun nut morons will continue to bark at the moon while another 10,000+ people are killed in the US with firearms every year.
Of course lipless, limey fucknuts are anti-gun. We used muskets and boot pistols to kick your microscopic dicks into the dirt in the late 1700's. You cock gobbling pus nuggets must have night sweats when you think about rifles. It wasn't gumption and bravery that won the war of independence for you, you deluded septic tossbag, it was the fucking French that won the day.
Without there significant support I would currently be stomping all over your shitty country with a musket in one hand and an american bitch in a fucking dog collar in the other.
Pucker up and kiss some french ass, without them the red coats would still be gang raping your bitches.
You got your ass kicked twice for one chief reason - armed citizens willing to take responsibility for their own freedom and defend it, saying fuck you to tyranny.
Please, at least first get rid of your medieval Queen before you say any more. You are embarrassing yourself tremendously. Your Country is born out of a tyrannical desire to own the world and screw freedom. America was born out of the opposite - the balance of power being with the People, and armed with the tools to be responsible for that freedom, to help protect long-term freedom.
You don't appreciate that because of our differences in history regarding freedom and tyranny. You still have a Queen to remind you of it.
Your precious country has caused more tyranny, death and destruction by poking its fat fucking nose into other countries affairs in the last 50 years than Britain has caused in the last 100.
You currently stand astride the globe as the worlds unelected police force causing death and destruction in whichever country you invade, whether it be Vietnam. Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada, Nicaragua etc, etc, etc.
Septic hypocrisy is so rank!
Your new national anthem should be the sound of screaming Iraqi children.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
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Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Your precious country has caused more tyranny, death and destruction by poking its fat fucking nose into other countries affairs in the last 50 years than Britain has caused in the last 100.
You currently stand astride the globe as the worlds unelected police force causing death and destruction in whichever country you invade, whether it be Vietnam. Cambodia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Grenada, Nicaragua etc, etc, etc.
Septic hypocrisy is so rank!
Your new national anthem should be the sound of screaming Iraqi children.
Nice attempt to distract. Assessments of the current situation, wrong or right, do not negate the validity of the past and the history or long-term principles that are in play here. So your last set of comments I quoted above do not properly address or negate the truth in mine, which were:
You got your ass kicked twice for one chief reason - armed citizens willing to take responsibility for their own freedom and defend it, saying fuck you to tyranny.
Please, at least first get rid of your medieval Queen before you say any more. You are embarrassing yourself tremendously. Your Country is born out of a tyrannical desire to own the world and screw freedom. America was born out of the opposite - the balance of power being with the People, and armed with the tools to be responsible for that freedom, to help protect long-term freedom.
Duchess Wrote:Why don't the naysayers ever offer their opinion on what they are going to be doing in a time of crisis ?...I've given a lot of thought to this topic the past couple of days...Where I grew up it would have taken the police a good 40 minutes to get there, it's probably half that where I reside now...Surely you know what can happen in that amount of time...Please enlighten me on how you would control the situation, I ask this sincerely.
I live in an apartment and I hope to god that if one of my neighbors ever decides they need to defend themselves, they're using a shotgun. Anything else would go right through the wall/floor/ceiling and probably injure or kill someone else completely.
Gun ownership and use requires mature responsibility which we all know is in short supply in the world lately.
pbfloyd Wrote:Lock the doors and call the police.
<sarcasm> Absolutely. Cuz remember; when seconds count, the police can be there in minutes. </sarcasm>
As for the comment about the first thing to be stolen in a burglary; if my home is burglarized while I'm not in it, they won't get my guns. Ever hear of a gun safe, dipshit? If someone tries to rob me while I'm in my home, they won't be leaving alive.
My gun safe, by the way. Which is where every single gun in this house goes when I leave.
jackboots Wrote:my gun a tool of my trade. i'm no gun nut. but i did discover in many instances that a gun was a penis substitute. You inserted your sidearm into your vagina? ::blink::::blink::
Ordinary Peephole Wrote:Your precious country has caused more tyranny, death and destruction by poking its fat fucking nose into other countries affairs in the last 50 years than Britain has caused in the last 100. Are you really that fucking stupid?
So General Ashby didn't march Great Britain into Africa and take over the Middle East? Pulling out of the Middle East didn't cause the wars of 1948, 1967, 1973, and 1991 over there? You fucking tool.
So Great Britain didn'tconquer Persia and pull out in order to cause the massacre of tens of million ofHindus when Persia split into India and Pakistan? You fucking morons cause the most death and destruction of any country since the evolution of man.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I live in an apartment and I hope to god that if one of my neighbors ever decides they need to defend themselves, they're using a shotgun. Anything else would go right through the wall/floor/ceiling and probably injure or kill someone else completely.
Gun ownership and use requires mature responsibility which we all know is in short supply in the world lately.
Knock door to door and ask them to purchase Glaser Safety Slugs for their sidearms.
AnonyMoose Wrote:LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I live in an apartment and I hope to god that if one of my neighbors ever decides they need to defend themselves, they're using a shotgun. Anything else would go right through the wall/floor/ceiling and probably injure or kill someone else completely.
Gun ownership and use requires mature responsibility which we all know is in short supply in the world lately.
Knock door to door and ask them to purchase Glaser Safety Slugs for their sidearms. Yeah, that'd go over real well. ::rollseyes::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:Knock door to door and ask them to purchase Glaser Safety Slugs for their sidearms. Yeah, that'd go over real well. ::rollseyes:: It's better than letting your kid take a bullet to the head while sleeping in their bedroom. Glasers do NOT go through walls and yet are extremely successful at recording one-shot drops.
Sinister Wrote:My gun safe, by the way. Which is where every single gun in this house goes when I leave. Impressive. What did that set you back - $45?
AnonyMoose Wrote:LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:AnonyMoose Wrote:Knock door to door and ask them to purchase Glaser Safety Slugs for their sidearms. Yeah, that'd go over real well. ::rollseyes:: It's better than letting your kid take a bullet to the head while sleeping in their bedroom. Glasers do NOT go through walls and yet are extremely successful at recording one-shot drops. Fuck somebody's kid getting killed, one of my cats could get hurt!
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Hahahaha....Freakin' poopy.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Fuck somebody's kid getting killed, one of my cats could get hurt!  ::blink:: ::lmao::