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. . . . When I saw it on FB!
Carsman: Loves Living Large
Home is where you're treated the best, but complain the most!
Life is short, make the most of it, get outta here!
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Uncle Joe.
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I was a bit scared when Obama took him on as V.P. and thought " The Prez better have really good security"
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Good old Creepy Uncle Joe. Can't grope these days. Always used to be okay.
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The world is sure turning into a big sucking sound, it's getting so bad a man can't even hold the door open for a lady or even wink at them. I don't care I'm still gonna do it. Biden is just a touchy feely guy, they're everywhere and it's something many people do. I don't so much but it's innocent. My warty old Aunt that smelled like moth balls and had whiskers did it all the time. I just wiped off the lipstick with my shirt sleeve.
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
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So Joe is out of running, Beto with the bullshit surrounding him, will not go the distance, Elizabeth "I am 1/1000th Native American" Warren is unlikely to make it across the line, Kamala "My grandfather owned slaves" Harris the ex prosecutor will not raise her popularity, Amy "Eats her salad with a comb" Klobechar is going nowhere, Neither is Gillibrand who's family are in a sex cult.
Bernie? Does he still have standing? What about Hillary? Third times a charm?
Edit - I meant comb. Good pick up Big Mark
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I am sure I heard stories of women who were complaining because they were winked at and some guy held the door open for them. Let me go find them.
I am sure there are no stories of women calling out bad behavior by men.
Groping someone for sexual pleasure and holding a door open for someone out of respect are two different things.
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Also I am sure quite a few candidates are going to go through this process of finding everything bad about them. I liked Biden, but maybe someone else would be better. I hate saying that.
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I am the eye in the sky
looking at you
I can read your mind............The definition of the internet social media out there today.
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(04-06-2019, 05:43 PM)MirahM Wrote: Also I am sure quite a few candidates are going to go through this process of finding everything bad about them.
I saw it referred to as the purity test and it was said Democrats are doomed to fail if they go that route.
There is no perfect candidate. I’d be happy with one who is a genuinely decent individual, someone who respects all citizens and puts America’s needs before their own. Country over party. They don’t have to be a Mensa member but being able to read a book and comprehend what they’ve read would be great.
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But the problem is that the Democrats with their PC culture and outrage culture position themselves at the top of an imagined Progressive Stack and moral and intellectual heap.
They NEED to pass a purity test BECAUSE of their own claimed standards that they use to go after everyone else and promote within their party.
Joe Biden - Gropey old white guy in #MeToo movement who is against sexual abuse and for women' empowerment.
Bet O'Rourke - Not only is he a rich white guy but he is an Irishman trying to play at being a Spanish guy. Beto has been part of a hacking group cal;led "Cult of the Dead Cow", has written murder fantasies of running kids over, has been arrested for burglary and fleeing a car crash whilst over the limit
Bernie Sanders - Old, Old white guy who has already been beaten once and will be turning 79 by Primaries. Fights for poor and got a nice juicy kickback of a car and a house for bending the knee and kissing Hillary's.....ring?
Hillary Clinton - Lost twice already, cheated during her primaries (interview questions), Colluded with Russians and Ukrainians to steal the election and still lost, walls closing around her.
Kamala Harris - Wants to support black people and be seen as one of them but in fact is not African American, lied about smoking pot in college, was a prosecutor who did not do anything for black people but put them away and her grandparents were slave owners in Jamaica and part of the moneyed elite.
Elizabeth Warren - After having played of being Native American all her life, it is found that she was only one 1000th Native American refuting any conceivable claim to that race AND her collective family histories don't mean shot to anyone because she is white and always was. Her family is white and she has to go back generations to find someone with Native American ancestry much like most Americans. Oh and her social media outreach "I'm gonna get me a beer" is terrible.
Cory Booker - I am Spartacus. This loser pretended to be putting himself at risk for "leaking" publicly available information. He is not a dark horse, he is a paper tiger. He is dating my celebrity crush Rosario Dawson and I think it is a cover because he is gay.
Amy Kloebachar - She treats her staff abhorrently and eats food with a comb.
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Can Bill Clinton run again? He looks like death warmed over though.
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(04-08-2019, 09:03 AM)Fry Guy Wrote: