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banished to my own forum
Has OP emailed you about this at all? Come on now ... Smiley_emoticons_smile

I will believe you if you say no, though.
86 112
jackboots Wrote:i resent that you posted that.
And here we go.......again. 78

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:Yeah, but what about that penis shaped pillow?
::laugh:: Not sure what to say ...
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:Has OP emailed you about this at all? Come on now ... Smiley_emoticons_smile

I will believe you if you say no, though.

once. and i said that i wish he had left me out of it. period.

it's no secret i like OP, but i actually have other things on my mind.

jackboots Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:Has OP emailed you about this at all? Come on now ... Smiley_emoticons_smile

I will believe you if you say no, though.
once. and i said that i wish he had left me out of it. period.

it's no secret i like OP, but i actually have other things on my mind.
OK, thanks. Please send him my best and that I hope he falls into a vat of acid.
86 112
Sinister Wrote:
Zenith Wrote:GODDAMN YOU PILLOW BITCH!! :;beat:: This is why no one likes your pillow humpin' ass.

Now look what you done gone and dun
You'll excuse me, Z, but MF did not do anything butenforce his rules. It is Poophole's fault that he could not follow them, so anything that happens from here is Poophole's own choice. I don't think he really will bail out, but if he does, that is his choice. Don't blame MF that Poophole is an idiot and a whiney cuntwho cuts and runs with his tail tucked between his legs when he is made to follow the rules.
Erm... ::lipsealed::

Dear Admin Pillow Bitch and Super-duper Moder-a-tor Mistress,

Please disregard my post as an actual concern and file it under the " trying to make a joke but failed miserably doing so" tab for forum posts. 21

I was NOT actually serious but I didn't know how to show that I was being facetious. I could truly give a squirt of rat piss if the Poophole cunt decides to come back here or not. I have other rpg's to busy myself with. ::hmph::

This whole topic is hysterical. What's even more funny is he thinks this is an extension of 24 like many others and comes here to whine and complain of the injustices he caused himself because he can't do that there.

What makes OP think that because he "contributes" a lot gives him some kind of place of honor in a forum community? Contributing vile hateful comments on a site like 24 (yes, I see what is posted there) is not a good contributing member but it does make him an irksome troll.

Every now and again he's in "mellow mode" like he does here and behaves himself. This is a pattern my ex used to do. Be a dick 90% of the time and then throw in 10% niceness to keep things calm and his sorry ass out of trouble. But being nice or "normal" that short time makes these kinds of narcissists go nuts. They itch and squirm and start the same patterns over again.

So he didn't like getting spanked? Too fucking bad. He continues to throw slander at me and you don't see me whining about it. I simply correct him and he takes a few nice pills again for a time.

Quit crying here. We don't care.
The Antagonist Wrote:::lmao::

This whole topic is hysterical. What's even more funny is he thinks this is an extension of 24 like many others and comes here to whine and complain of the injustices he caused himself because he can't do that there.

What makes OP think that because he "contributes" a lot gives him some kind of place of honor in a forum community? Contributing vile hateful comments on a site like 24 (yes, I see what is posted there) is not a good contributing member but it does make him an irksome troll.

Every now and again he's in "mellow mode" like he does here and behaves himself. This is a pattern my ex used to do. Be a dick 90% of the time and then throw in 10% niceness to keep things calm and his sorry ass out of trouble. But being nice or "normal" that short time makes these kinds of narcissists go nuts. They itch and squirm and start the same patterns over again.

So he didn't like getting spanked? Too fucking bad. He continues to throw slander at me and you don't see me whining about it. I simply correct him and he takes a few nice pills again for a time.

Quit crying here. We don't care.
It is all excellent, especially the part I bolded. That says it all. ::thumbs::