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Parliaments of the United Kingdom
Oh and may I ask when the right to bear arms became a "gun culture"? It's in no way, shape or form a "culture"! That is an expression made up by those who have been brainwashed into fearing what they do not understand.
I can see that no amount of talking to you halfwitted bastards is going to make any difference whatsoever.

So, this will be my last post on this subject.

Fact: The US does have a gun culture and a massive gun crime problem.

Fact: Whenever someone questions the sense of gun ownership, you always start yapping and ranting on about freedom.

Fact: A lot of Americans are totally obsessed with guns and that's why they are often found talking about them.

Fact: The US does have a disproportionate number of gun related deaths that can be directly attributed to your gun owning culture.

Fact: You think that having the freedom to bear arms is more important that all the misery the same causes.

Fact: The school shootings etc that happen far more frequently in the US, is due to gun ownership and the wider availability of guns. You can't run around a school and kill nearly as many innocent people with a fucking knife.

Fact: You think the above though tragic, is acceptable, rather than admit that guns need taking out of the public domain.

To sum up let me say this.

Some Americans are so blind they cannot see further than the end of their fucking noses.

There seems to be a total denial of the facts and statistics that guns are fucking dangerous. Guns were invented to kill and for no other fucking reasons.

It may come as a surprise to you fuckers, but there is a very large world out side your boarders.

The attitude of some Americans, particularly your governments foreign policies over years and years, is the whole fucking reason why so many Muslims, Arabs and other nations hate the US. That is the main, if not the only reason why the US and it's citizens and allies are targeted by extremists and terrorists.
The Antagonist Wrote:Very well put MF.

Howard, where exactly did I explain what I think constitutes freedom? I reread my post and I certainly can't find it!

I also never said my views were against the UK solely. I said it's hard to explain what freedom means to people who've never had it. And I hold firm on that.

I also never said we are free from stupid laws but the beauty here vs anyone else is that we can and often do get stupid laws repealed. The people have a voice. A loud one should they choose.

I have personally been involved in getting laws enacted where I live and trust me, this is no easy task because I live in one of the most liberal states in our union. Trust me, I regret every minute I live here and the first chance I get where I can sell my house and leave I'm outta here. I will do my homework on the next place I live.

Regardless, your gun control cannot work here. Criminals will get guns no matter how illegal they are. It's indesputible. But the right to every American to have a gun should never be taken away from us.

We are many small countries united as one. Each with it's own constitution and one governing all. The people have the say. We have the right to challenge our leaders. We have the right to impeach the ones we think are not working for us. That is why we are made "Of the People, For the People and By the People".
Another vote-worthy post. Extremely well said, Ant. ::thumbs::
Don't preach to me about Arabs Howie.... I am half Arab and my family came here to be free from persecution by their own people.

It's a pity you gave up..... but I'm kind of glad. You'll never understand what freedom means - I didn't bring guns into this you did. I merely expounded on your blind view of America and Americans.

I've been outside my borders. I like it here all the more for it.
The Antagonist Wrote:Don't preach to me about Arabs Howie.... I am half Arab and my family came here to be free from persecution by their own people.
So many times I have said; you never, ever really know who you're fuckin' with.

[user=20]The Antagonist[/user] wrote:
Quote:It's a pity you gave up..... but I'm kind of glad. You'll never understand what freedom means - I didn't bring guns into this you did. I merely expounded on your blind view of America and Americans.

I've been outside my borders. I like it here all the more for it.

Ten to one says that was not the last reply we'll be seeing from Howie in this thread.
Howard, Hitler wasn't that long ago. A Hitler would have 100 times more difficulty doing his thing to 80+ million armed citizens that have an attitude about protecting their freedom. You simply refuse to learn from and respect history, the nature and cost of freedom, WHAT IT TAKES to protect it long-term, and the nature of Government. You need to go study the history of Governments.

Our Founders were revolutionary radicals because they took a look at things and said to themselves "OK, what would it really take to best protect freedom?" So they pissed off a lot of clergy and put organized religion in the back seat because they saw that religion in bed with Government was a good recipe for destroying freedom. They saw that the people should be armed and the balance of power be with the people, the list goes on to include things like taxation, voting, and juries.
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