Oh... well that's good to know. Never mind the fact that consuming others is a fucked up, moral atrocity... but these motherfuckers have the audacity to say I taste 'salty' just because I'm white? I somehow doubt that because I try my hardest to minimize sodium intake. ::rollseyes::
Not even going to lie... that was one of the first pictures I saw this morning when I was eating breakfast...
After quickly losing my appetite and running to bow down to the porcelain god... I decided to research that to see if it was phony too... but I couldn't find anything conclusive. It 'may' have originated on http://www.evil-net.com which I don't read German very well.
I have no idea if that one is a shopped job or not. It's starting to freak me right the fuck out TBH.
It's just... too weird that they'd sepia-tone that shit. Maybe they were hiding the fake parts that would only show up if it were in full color?