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Over 140,000 people need to be rescued in Texas...What part of "Get out or die" did they not understand ?...If someone I cared about was a first responder down there I'd have a real problem with them risking their life to save someone who was too stupid to leave...Moronic, shit for brains Texans.
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Pretty harsh, but true?
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Yes MF, you're right, that is a little harsh but, I had just got done listening to a woman cry, "But, I didn't know it was going to be so bad"...All of Texas knew it was going to be devastating...I'm working on having more patience with the dumber than dumb, I still have a ways to go as you have witnessed.
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I agree with Duchess 100%. If you choose to stay, when you are ordered or told to leave, you are on your own. sure all efforts will be made to help you if possible, but you are responsible for anything that might happen to you with no complaints dumbasses.
I also agree with Dutch. Not only are these people too stupid to live, the ones who have to be rescued from their own stupidity using helicoptors and boats and whatever else they need to get these morons out, they need to pay for the rescue efforts out of their own pockets.
And people this stupid;
Quote:[i]"But, I didn't know it was going to be so bad".
Need to pay twice as much.
Mr. Incivility
[user=29]Duchess[/user] wrote:
Quote:Over 140,000 people need to be rescued in Texas...What part of "Get out or die" did they not understand ?...If someone I cared about was a first responder down there I'd have a real problem with them risking their life to save someone who was too stupid to leave...Moronic, shit for brains Texans.
Easy to say something like that.
What if the situaion was the exact opposite, one of your loved ones were stuck there on Galveston Island, wouldn't you want a first responder, willing to give his or her life for your own loved one, to be there? Wouldn't you thank him or her for his or her service?
We all live in areas with some sort of threat. Be it natural disaster, or even perhaps threat from terrorism. But we all choose to stay in our homes.
That's what makes America so great, poor choices, lack of intelligence, or just being a retard like O.P., other Americans are always there to help us pick our shit back up and get on with our lives!
Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, not one single American, stupid decisions or not, deserves to be left behind!
Anyone who disagrees can go fuck themselves.
The Antagonist
New name for Explosion Bitch....
Sympathy Bitch.
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The Antagonist Wrote:New name for Explosion Bitch....
Sympathy Bitch. ::lmao::
Mr. Incivility Wrote:Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, not one single American, stupid decisions or not, deserves to be left behind! I understand where this opinion comes from. Mr I is military and this is ingraned in him through his training. It makes sense to me from that viewpoint.
However. Another of the biggest problems in America is that people are not held accountable for their own actions. Mistakes made by people are excused, explained away, or diagnosed as some sort of illness and "helped" by handing out some pill for the "disease"some idiot has, according to some other idiot. Being held accountable for your actions is a thing of the past. In this PC, feel-good, everyone is allowed 800 mistakes world we live in, it's shit like these people too stupid the leave when they had the warning and the time that exacerbates that view.
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I'm not some heartless bitch that only cares about my own ass &maybe the title is a littleover the topbut, I'm allowed that here...These people did not use 1 oz. of common sense, their extreme stupidity is awe inspiring...They all damn near had front row seats to Katrina, they observed what happened then and still they choose to stay...I had no sympathy for that sobbing nitwit, I kept hearing Sin in the back of my mind saying, " Boo-Fuckin-Hoo...
The Antagonist
I tossed in the best idea in the redunant topic started by Liquid.
Frank, maybe you can merge these two? They're the same subject.
Mr. Incivility
You know what? Up until hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans a few years ago, nobody paid any attention to the warnings to get out. When a storm hit a coastal region, we all felt bad and did what we could to help out.
With the knowledge and tracking technology we have nowadays, I agree, there are not many reasons to stay around when ordered to evacuate.
Call me Sympathy Bitch if you want, but I still do care and feel for those who decided for whatever reason to ride the storm out. And I would expect any and all abled bodies to help them regardless of their poor decision.
I feel like I'm having a case of deja vu. Why do I feel like I'm repeating myself?
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sorry, my bad by creating the similar topic. was not thinking clearly this morning, especially after I replied in this thread also, lol. Frank you can just close my thread and keep this one open.
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Mr. Incivility Wrote:Easy to say something like that.
What if the situaion was the exact opposite, one of your loved ones were stuck there on Galveston Island, wouldn't you want a first responder, willing to give his or her life for your own loved one, to be there? Wouldn't you thank him or her for his or her service?
We all live in areas with some sort of threat. Be it natural disaster, or even perhaps threat from terrorism. But we all choose to stay in our homes.
That's what makes America so great, poor choices, lack of intelligence, or just being a retard like O.P., other Americans are always there to help us pick our shit back up and get on with our lives!
Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, not one single American, stupid decisions or not, deserves to be left behind!
Anyone who disagrees can go fuck themselves.
I must say, I have to agree with EB on this one. I love the lovely Bitch and the Demon Bitch too, but EB has a very strong point. I live in an area where dumb retards make decisions all day long that do nothing more than corrupt the communities further. They don't realize that their decisions effect someone else. I am sure this is the case with the Texans who didn't leave when told. They didn't think that another person would have to risk his/her life to save theirs.
style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #aaaaaa"...just sayin' ::irk::::nuts::::wait::
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In Ike's wake, holdouts complicate rescues.
By Patrik Jonsson Mon Sep 15, 4:00 AM ET
HACKBERRY, La. - A convoy of National Guard trucks
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