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Hey, you motorcycle freaks! Hey you!
Quote:fun little doodad on ebay<--click me
Iwince responding to this thread as it lumps me in as a motorcycle "freak", which is damn near as unpalatable as calling MC's "gangs". Bikers deal with enough stereotyping without having our "criminal, stupid, retarded" image exacerbated by those who just don't understand us.

As for the item; I wouldn't own one other than as a conversation/display piece. Thegrip renders the blade nearly useless for anything, being very difficult to handle compared to the grip of a regular knife.
Typical motorcycle freak reaction - denial. Sinister will come out of the closet on the next ebay item - a combination motorcycle coffee maker/ashtray.
86 112
What a cute little letter opener / lighter combo! I wouldn't want such a thing especially once it's labeled 'cute'!
Middle Finger Wrote:Typical motorcycle freak reaction - denial. Sinister will come out of the closet on the next ebay item - a combination motorcycle coffee maker/ashtray.
"Come out of the closet"????? ::wait:: If this type of item were for sale, I absolutely would buy it as long as the ashtray is detachable. What the fuck would I want to lug my fucking coffee maker around my house to wherever I'm smoking for? Dipshit. 85
Sinister Wrote:Iwince responding to this thread as it lumps me in as a motorcycle "freak", which is damn near as unpalatable as calling MC's "gangs". Bikers deal with enough stereotyping without having our "criminal, stupid, retarded" image exacerbated by those who just don't understand us.

As for the item; I wouldn't own one other than as a conversation/display piece. Thegrip renders the blade nearly useless for anything, being very difficult to handle compared to the grip of a regular knife.

I really hope you're being ironic/satirical in this reply, otherwise you'd be a pompous ass without one spark of humor. And that constant harping about 'those who just don't understand us' is played out, flat and really fucking tedious.

Seriously, getting offended by the use of the word 'freak' really indicates you're posting in the wrong forum. However, it wasn't meant as an insult, it was meant to indicate an 'enthusiast.' But god forbid your rigidity on the subject would allow you to see that.

Jesus Christ. ::rollseyes::

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:However, it wasn't meant as an insult, it was meant to indicate an 'enthusiast.'
So you couldn't have actually said "enthusiast"? I see that you are, in fact, capable of typing the word, as shown by the quoted portion of your post.

Frankly I am sick and fucking tired of anyone who lumps those of us who ride into one lump of any sort and if you don't like the fact that I voiced my displeasure, you can go fuck yourself, too. I really don't give a shit that you don't like it. And I'd post the same in this forum or any fucking other.

Your use of the word shows that you are among the many stupid who have their opinion without any knowledge.

2 things annoy me; shit on my country, or poke fun - however stupid - at my lifestyle. I got fed up with the stupid fucks who assume when it comes to Bikers or bikers or riders about 2 days after I got into the life. ::finger::
