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You know what I like about this site?
Choad Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Choad Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:News flash, genius. It's a forum where people are encouraged to be smartasses.

And you shouldn't repeat yourself. You used the word moron twice in that last post, go for a little variety occasionally and use 'cretin' or 'imbecile'. I'm sure you're familiar with those words, you probably hear them on a daily basis.
yeah you are right..every time I read one of your useless points miss"invisible"
your a fucking freak of nature that should've been euthanized at birth
Hey, where's your little buddy Antagonist? Did he get the Hershey squirts from nerves and decide to go hide in his mommy's closet? Good thing you're here to fight his battles for him. You come across more manly than all the guys combined in here. ::thumbs::
What in the fuck are you talking about????
KEEP on running that cocksucker because you are proving just how stupid you truly are.
Now see? I don't have a clue who any of you assholes are, I'm not from 24Hour, and I seriously doubt you know who the fuck I am. I thought Ant was a guy, obviously, since the name doesn't offer any clues nor does the avatar. So shove that cocksucker remark into one of your gaping orifices where it might do some good, you skanky ass pile of subhuman refuse.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:What fucking difference does it make if someone's 'invisible' or not so long as they reply in a timely manner?

Too confusing? It's really not that difficult... even for subnormal IQs.
But why. Have to hide out, see if some one is going to talk about you behind your back. Hell that is what this forum is about. I want people to know I am here. You want to talk about me, here I am, bring it on. I bet you were one of those kids in school that stood on the toilet to listen if other kids talked about you. Scared that you would not be liked.

Oh and I need to leave now. So when log off I am gone. Feel free to rip on me. Or better yet wait till I come back and face me.
Holy shit, this is much worse than I thought! You think that if someone posts something about or toyou while you're logged off, that's talking about you behind your back? Have you considered the possibility that you're severely brain damaged? The post is in plain sight for you and the rest of the world to read. Let me repeat that.

THE POST IS IN PLAIN SIGHT. <--- You can see that, right?

Being 'invisible' ultimately makes no difference to the flow or meaning of the discussion. And since it obviously bothers those with questionable reading skills and NO communication skills, I plan on staying invisible.

LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Choad Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:News flash, genius. It's a forum where people are encouraged to be smartasses.

And you shouldn't repeat yourself. You used the word moron twice in that last post, go for a little variety occasionally and use 'cretin' or 'imbecile'. I'm sure you're familiar with those words, you probably hear them on a daily basis.
yeah you are right..every time I read one of your useless points miss"invisible"
your a fucking freak of nature that should've been euthanized at birth
Hey, where's your little buddy Antagonist? Did he get the Hershey squirts from nerves and decide to go hide in his mommy's closet? Good thing you're here to fight his battles for him. You come across more manly than all the guys combined in here. ::thumbs::

I am here you stupid little twat.

What makes you think I am buddies with Choad? Hmmmm?

You are nothing but a dumb cunt that has nothing better to do than sit with your shit filled trousers living your life on the internet begging for a mental smack-down.

Did I go and hide out of fear from YOU? Pfft I think NOT [Image: bgrasshole.gif] ! It may surprise you that I actually have a life and I'm busy filling my week living it! I come in here for the sheer amusement of reading the inanity that you spew as it reinforces just how insignificant you truly are.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I'm not from 24Hour
Nobodys perfect.

Except me.


We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I'm not from 24Hour
And we can add LIAR to her resume.
The Antagonist Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Choad Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:News flash, genius. It's a forum where people are encouraged to be smartasses.

And you shouldn't repeat yourself. You used the word moron twice in that last post, go for a little variety occasionally and use 'cretin' or 'imbecile'. I'm sure you're familiar with those words, you probably hear them on a daily basis.
yeah you are right..every time I read one of your useless points miss"invisible"
your a fucking freak of nature that should've been euthanized at birth
Hey, where's your little buddy Antagonist? Did he get the Hershey squirts from nerves and decide to go hide in his mommy's closet? Good thing you're here to fight his battles for him. You come across more manly than all the guys combined in here. ::thumbs::

I am here you stupid little twat.

What makes you think I am buddies with Choad? Hmmmm?

You are nothing but a dumb cunt that has nothing better to do than sit with your shit filled trousers living your life on the internet begging for a mental smack-down.

Did I go and hide out of fear from YOU? Pfft I think NOT [Image: bgrasshole.gif] ! It may surprise you that I actually have a life and I'm busy filling my week living it! I come in here for the sheer amusement of reading the inanity that you spew as it reinforces just how insignificant you truly are.

Here's another news flash. I don't really shit anywhere but into a toilet bowl, so if you continue trying to goad me with that less than impressive taunt, you're wasting your time. And we all know how valuable your time is since you made a point of explaining how busy you are.Uh huh. :Yawn:

If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?

The Antagonist Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I'm not from 24Hour
And we can add LIAR to her resume.
Who do you think I am, anyway? ::dunno::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:I'm not from 24Hour
And we can add LIAR to her resume.
Who do you think I am, anyway? ::dunno::


We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.
[Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif]

[Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif]

[Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif][Image: bug.gif]Number 8?
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Quote:If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?
Oh right. And you're the queen of short names? Newsflash doofus - it's only 6 letters shorter than your stupid suggestion. Aren't we clever.
The Antagonist Wrote:
Quote:If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?
Oh right. And you're the queen of short names? Newsflash doofus - it's only 6 letters shorter than your stupid suggestion. Aren't we clever.
You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:
Quote:If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?
Oh right. And you're the queen of short names? Newsflash doofus - it's only 6 letters shorter than your stupid suggestion. Aren't we clever.
You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::
Yes and it got you to do the same just to make sure I'm right! [Image: tongue.gif]
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:
Quote:If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?
Oh right. And you're the queen of short names? Newsflash doofus - it's only 6 letters shorter than your stupid suggestion. Aren't we clever.
You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::
Normal people good at math can count it in about a tenth of the time it took you to write "You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::"

Just sayin ...
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
The Antagonist Wrote:
Quote:If we actually had to have nicknames that were realistic identifiers, you'd be Ohmygodtheboringtwatisback, which is unfortunately a little long. How about BoringTwat?
Oh right. And you're the queen of short names? Newsflash doofus - it's only 6 letters shorter than your stupid suggestion. Aren't we clever.
You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::
Normal people good at math can count it in about a tenth of the time it took you to write "You actually sat there and counted it? ::laugh::"

Just sayin ...
So you'll be busy till tomorrow or the next day. ::aww::
We've reached the point where my avatar does the talking for me.
86 112
Middle Finger Wrote:We've reached the point where my avatar does the talking for me.
yeah it does lol

this is for the smart ass asshole shit pants
theres ya some CUNTRY bitch::vio::
Choad Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:We've reached the point where my avatar does the talking for me.
yeah it does lol

this is for the smart ass asshole shit pants
theres ya some CUNTRY bitch::vio::

So, did you get any other gigs after your national exposure on Cops?
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:
Choad Wrote:
Middle Finger Wrote:We've reached the point where my avatar does the talking for me.
yeah it does lol

this is for the smart ass asshole shit pants
theres ya some CUNTRY bitch::vio::

So, did you get any other gigs after your national exposure on Cops?
I am truly in awe of your intelligence and wit..haha
Go back to sucking your brother TV DINNER'S cock and let me know when you can come up with something better you skank::nuts::::lmao::
You've got the gall to denegrate my brilliant contribution to this thread after that piece of shit you posted? Christ, at least mine was semi-original and hadn't been sent to everyone's email box a thousand times. You're one of those sad little bints that forwards all those crappy emails aren't you. I can tell just by your mildly brain dead-like posting style here.

Who's TV DINNER? I don't want your sloppy seconds, skag.
LittleMissPoopyPants Wrote:You've got the gall to denegrate my brilliant contribution to this thread
Now there is an oxy moron, my and brilliant, from you in the same sentence. That is something that could never happen. Just the thought of you saying something brilliant is laughable. ::rotfl::