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Be nice to me

I am a new member here. Please be nice to me. Can I get some love from this forum?
...No love whatsoever...You are being presumptious coming in here asking for niceties...Grovel, bitch...
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]
Oh brother :Yawn:
86 112
I think you clicked on the wrong forum.
Overlord is going to go and get a few blowjobs. He's so nice he's going to come back and give one to you!
ESADMF Wrote:Overlord is going to go and get a few blowjobs. He's so nice he's going to come back and give one to you!

Well, your sister does do a pretty good job.

yet again.

you're on a roll.

Get a fucking avatar retard!
I don't need one unless it would help our forum dullard more easily recognize who's bitch he's going to be from now on.
ESADMF Wrote:I don't need one unless it would help our forum dullard more easily recognize who's bitch he's going to be from now on.
You definitely have that backwards son.
um, okay.

whatever dullard.
ESADMF Wrote:Overlord is going to go and get a few blowjobs. He's so nice he's going to come back and give one to you!
86 112
brotherZ Wrote:Hello,

I am a new member here. Please be nice to me. Can I get some love from this forum?
Have you had a CAT scan lately??? Wow......
brotherZ Wrote:Hello,

I am a new member here. Please be nice to me. Can I get some love from this forum?

You are a troll who has posted links to spam as their signature.

All things considered you shouldgo away and never darken this place again.

You are the embodiment of the negative side of the internet.

You are the ruiner of everything good about forums.

Fuck off.
We need to punish the French, ignore the Germans and forgive the Russians - Condoleezza Rice.