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My stupid Fucking cat.
When I found this dumb stupid smelly cat it was about 2-3 days old and the Mother cat was squished in the dumpster. So I thought WTH I will feed the fucker and nurse it so it could grow up. Well the thing would not drink from a bowl so me being the dumb ass that I am I went out and bought a stupid baby bottle and some smell like shit cat white baby milk. The Fucker still would not drink it!
Anyways... I got this bright idea that I would take this dumb baby cow doll that was black and white and stick the damn baby bottle through the cow leg and maybe the thing would eat. It worked!
That was about 14 yrs ago. so last night I am getting ready for bed and the stupid fucker is whinning and meowing I thought the fucker was stuck in a dishwasher or something. Nope the dumb ass was walking around with this stupid cow doll, dropping it, and whinning, nudging it with his nose and shit. I have no idea where he got it, maybe one of the brats found it in a box or something I don't fucking know. Anyhow I took the stupid thing and put it up on the fridge so the fucker would shut-up and I could get some sleep.
This morning when I got up the bastard had found it and was sleeping on the couch all curled up.

What a stupid Fucking cat!
He ain't heavy, he's my brother.
Ah, he sounds like a sweet boy. You god damn ingrate.
That's a cute goddamn story about that stupid fucking cat.
(01-22-2010, 09:25 AM)Maggot Wrote: When I found this dumb stupid smelly cat it was about 2-3 days old and the Mother cat was squished in the dumpster. So I thought WTH I will feed the fucker and nurse it so it could grow up. Well the thing would not drink from a bowl so me being the dumb ass that I am I went out and bought a stupid baby bottle and some smell like shit cat white baby milk. The Fucker still would not drink it!
Anyways... I got this bright idea that I would take this dumb baby cow doll that was black and white and stick the damn baby bottle through the cow leg and maybe the thing would eat. It worked!
That was about 14 yrs ago. so last night I am getting ready for bed and the stupid fucker is whinning and meowing I thought the fucker was stuck in a dishwasher or something. Nope the dumb ass was walking around with this stupid cow doll, dropping it, and whinning, nudging it with his nose and shit. I have no idea where he got it, maybe one of the brats found it in a box or something I don't fucking know. Anyhow I took the stupid thing and put it up on the fridge so the fucker would shut-up and I could get some sleep.
This morning when I got up the bastard had found it and was sleeping on the couch all curled up.

What a stupid Fucking cat!

Awwww it found its mommy. 75
Aww thats so sweet.

Aww, Maggot...You dear, sweet man...Whatta doll you are...Smiley_emoticons_bussi
[Image: Zy3rKpW.png]